

世界建筑导报 2018年6期

photo: Kohn Pedersen Fox

KPF(Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates)成立于1976年,目标是将建筑艺术和商业结合起来。在成立的第一个十年里,其在纽约的实践已经成为美国办公楼设计的杰出典范,以及少数几家旨在恢复城市在二战后的郊区化进程中逐渐丧失的魅力的美国设计公司的领军者。随着实践的深入,其工程在建筑类型和地域方面得到了拓展。委托的业务发展到包括城市、文化、机构、酒店、住宅、交通和各种规模的基础设施项目中。这种多产的、跨行业的专业知识推动了KPF目前在多功能建筑领域的领导地位,尤其是它在建筑和社区尺度上的设计倾向。



KPF was founded in 1976 with the objective of marrying art and commerce in architecture. Within a decade, the New York City practice had emerged as the pre-eminent author of office buildings in the United States, a leader among a handful of American firms that were revitalizing cities with the charisma that suburbs had drained after World War II. As the practice progressed, its work expanded in typology and geography. Commissions grew to include civic, cultural, institutional,hotel, residential, transportation, and infrastructure projects of varied sizes. This prolific, cross-sector expertise propelled KPF’s current leadership in mixed-use architecture, and in particular, its penchant for designing at the scale of both building and neighborhood.

Today, 30 principals lead 650 staff members in nine, interconnected, international offices, designing in more than 45 countries. Despite its formidable size, KPF maintains the spirit of a smaller practice,in which the process of design and fabrication is developed through the open exchange of ideas and collaboration. Speaking more than 40 languages, the staff collaborates globally, sharing responsibilities from conceptual design through construction administration. Even with its wide reach, the firm’s singular approach promotes a collective goal—finding the smartest solution for each project—achieved through its comparative design process.

The firm’s portfolio illustrates this architectural pursuit. Talented individuals bring a wealth of knowledge, talent, and artisanship to their work, having contributed to buildings of all types and scales and in all geographic regions, including many of the world’s tallest towers, most varied programs, and inventive forms. With a focus on process, this issue of World Architecture Review highlights the firm’s achievement in craft, from the supertall skyscraper to the low-rise neighborhood. Nearly thirty projects represent diverse typologies, stressing the integration of local cultures and landscapes. Case studies chronicle the intimate yet complex practice of choosing, manufacturing, and applying materials. They emphasize the role of the fabricator or the future of computational architecture. The intended result is a thoughtful demonstration of the studio’s prowess in the design of high quality and contextually sensitive buildings. It celebrates the architect as collaborator, investigator, problem-solver, and maker.


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