Counting Stars:生活有苟且,也有星和月
很多乐迷认识共和时代乐队(OneRepublic)估计都是从2007年的单曲《道歉》(Apologize)开始。这首歌使这支乐队初出茅庐就得到大家的认可和好评。所谓“成也萧何,败也萧何”,成名太早的副作用就是要超越以往就必须付出加倍的努力,需要更加天才的想象。共和时代等了六年,直到《繁星几许》(Counting Stars)发行,才让乐迷们忘了Apologize的影子,并在这首富有浓浓迪斯科乐风的民谣里再次惊讶于主创Ryan Tedder的音乐才华。
Counting Stars诠释的主题跟时下流行的一句话很像:生活不只眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方。歌词一开始就描述了主角彷徨、无望的苟且画面:人生如风中摇摆的柳藤一样无常而无奈,失眠迷茫时常常追问生活的初心,感叹年华老去却心有不甘,想向天再借五百年却又患得患失,难复当年之勇。听到此处时你是不是有种似曾相识的感觉?原来中年危机在全球都有相似的症候。要么在苟且中沉沦,要么在苟且中爆发。所以歌者向天祈祷,不要数美元,一起数星星。提到钱就伤感情,在文艺作品中尤其如此。无论在歌曲里还是电影里,美元几乎就是世俗、欲望等一切负能量的代名词。而星星则代表了被凡尘俗世包裹、被柴米油盐驱逐因而离我们越来越远的那份诗情画意、闲云野鹤。Tedder或许也是希望通过这首歌提醒我们为什么而活,为什么而存在,提醒我们不要被金钱迷惑了双眼,而忘了还有比金钱更美好的诗和远方。
这首歌更可贵的一点就是它没有仅仅停留在熬制一碗普天皆宜的心灵鸡汤。歌曲当中,作者也抛出了很多富有哲理又充满矛盾的思考,比如:“I feel something so right, by doing the wrong thing. I feel something so wrong, by doing the right thing.”而“Everything that kills me makes me feel alive.”和“Everything that drowns me makes me wanna fly.”两句不仅体现了作者破茧重生的决心,更赋予歌曲强大的爆发力。
从Apologize到Counting Stars,Ryan Tedder在歌曲主题上从爱情拓展到了生活形态更广阔的领域。正如Tedder自己所说:“I felt a responsibility to actually write and sing about things that have a level of human gravity to them... If everybody else sings about sex and love and lust and money, then somebodys gotta be singing about life and faith and hope and things of that nature.”对于一名音乐人所承担的社会责任,Tedder也有自己的想法:“Id rather have a song that peaks at #15 thats meaningful and embedded in the cultural framework we live in than a #1 song that explodes for five seconds, becomes the dance hit of the summer, then goes away.”那么恭喜Tedder,这首Counting Stars做到了。
Counting Stars
Lately Ive been, Ive been losing sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby Ive been, Ive been prayin hard
Said, no more counting dollars
Well be counting stars
Yeah, well be counting stars
I see this life like a swinging vine
Swing my heart across the line
In my face is flashing signs
Seek it out and ye shall find