薛强 唐丽琴 柳麟翔
[关键词] 标准化;操作流程;前牙;美学修复;临床效果
[中图分类号]R783.4 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)09-0091-03
The Clinical Effects of the Application of Standardized Operating Procedure in Anterior Teeth Aesthetic Restoration
XUE Qiang1,TANG Li-qin1,LIU Lin-xiang2
(1.Department of Prosthodontics;2.Department of Oral Planting,Wuxi Stomatology Hospital,Wuxi 214000,Jiangsu, China)
Abstract: Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of the application of standardized operating procedure in aesthetic restoration. Methods A standardized prothetic operating procedure was applied to 37 patients and 106 fixed restorations in clinic. The satisfaction of the patients and the time that doctors used to cement the restorations were recorded. The clinical effects were evaluated by the improved U.S. Public Health Sevice standards on the day and 6-months,12-months after the operation. Results After the repairing,patients satisfaction achieved (9.7±0.3) points, and the average time for doctors to wear the restorations was (4.7±0.5) minutes. On the day of the operation,3 cases (2.9%) appeared a slight mismatch in color,mainly concentrated on the posterior region,and the patients accepted.12-Months after the operation,1 case (1.1%) turned a cracked porcelain and the restoration was teared down to make a new one,1 case (1.1%) showed a poor rim of the restoration,4 cases (4.4%) appeared mild congestion and swelling in gingiva and a topical treatment was used.The general effects of the restorations are positive and stable. Conclusion The application of standardized operating procedure in fixed restoration can obtain higher satisfaction of patients and positive clinical effects.
Key words: standardized; operating procedure; anterior teeth; aesthetic restoration; clinical effects
1 材料和方法
1.1 一般资料:选择2015年1月-2017年12月于无锡口腔医院修复科就诊的37例患者,共106颗患牙。其中男9例,女28例,年龄19~54岁。所修复的患牙包括釉质发育不良、四环素牙、龋齿、牙体缺损,过小牙,牙间隙,咬合接触不良等。选择病例均无明显颞下关节疾患,基牙无松动,牙周狀况稳定,口腔卫生状况良好。