每次老妈试图让曼尼单独跟别的孩子相处时,都会出事。 And whenever Mom tries to get Manny to play with other kids on his own, it backrires.
我们的教会有项新安排,就是在做礼拜的时候,大家都把孩子送到地下室去做游戏和填色。不过老妈第一次把曼尼留在地下室的时候,儿童区里只有一个孩子,而那个孩子跟曼尼说自己是吸血鬼。At our chyurch they have this new thing where they send all the little kids down to the basement during the service so they can play and color. But the first time Mom dropped Manny off downstairs, there was only one other kid in the play area, and he told Manny he was a vampire.
我有点为曼尼难过,因为我在他那个年纪的时候也遇到过一个爱吓人的小孩。我上托儿所的时候,有个叫布莱德利的男孩一有机会就吓我。I felt a little bad for Manny because I had to deal with a scary kid when I was his age, too. I was stuck in preschool with this boy named Bradley who terrorized me every chance he got.
我每天放学回家都跟老妈讲布莱德利,还说我再也不要上学了。不过那年夏天布莱德利全家搬走了,所以问题就这么解决了。I told Mom about Bradley every day when I came home, and said I didnt want to go to school anymore. But that summer Bradley and his family moved away, so the problem took care of itself.
布萊德利搬走后,老妈写了《恶童布莱德利》,讲的是一个不懂规矩的小孩。如果说布莱德利在现实中是个坏孩子,那么在老妈的版本里,他简直就是邪恶的化身。After Bradley moved, Mom wrote a story called “Bad Bradley”, about a kid who always misbehaves. Bradley was a bad kid in real life, but in Moms version he was pretty much the devil.
老妈好像打算去投稿,不过第二年春天,布莱德利一家又搬回来了,所以老妈只好作罢。I think Mom was actually gonna try and get her story published, but Bradley and his family moved back into our neighborhood the next spring, so she had to scrap it.