關键词: 大数据; ERP系统; 企业管理; 绩效单元; 预算方案; 模块化性能
中图分类号: TN919?34; TP311 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2018)24?0094?04
Design of intelligent ERP system based on big data
(Guangdong Ocean University Cunjin College, Zhanjiang 524094, China)
Abstract: In allusion to the problems of low modularity coefficient, poor security and long response delay of the current intelligent enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, an intelligent ERP system based on big data is proposed and designed. The whole framework of the system is composed of the functional unit of the enterprise core layer, functional unit of each layer, and public functional unit. In each unit, modules of the demand unit, purchase unit, performance unit and financial unit are mainly included. The performance unit includes three modules of target management unit, budget management unit and business combination unit. The target management unit is used to plan the enterprise objective. The budget management unit is used to implement the formulation, account regulation, query and control functions of the enterprise budget scheme. The business combination unit is used to realize enterprise business summary of account balances, general ledger accounts and internal transactions, and the retrieval of each subsidiary ledger account. The purchase management unit mainly includes modules of the purchase application, inventory query and purchase parameter check. The functions of the purchase management unit are realized according to the purchasing process and actual demands of an enterprise. The enterprise financial management unit is extended to modules of the inventory management unit, account payable and receivable unit, and report management unit, taking the general ledger management of an enterprise as the core. The operational capital management unit of the ERP system is divided into modules of the account receivable unit, cash management and inventory management according to the capital demand of financial management. The experimental results show that the average security coefficient and average response time of the system are respectively 0.982 and 3.6 ?s, and the system has a better modularity performance in comparison with the current system.
Keywords: big data; ERP system; enterprise management; performance unit; budget scheme; modularity performance
1 基于大数据的智能ERP系统
1.1 基于大数据的智能ERP系统整体框架
1.2 ERP系统中绩效单元设计
1.3 ERP系统中采购管理单元
1.4 ERP系统中财务管理单元
2 实验结果与分析
实验过程中,以验证基于大数据的智能ERP系统整体性能为目的,将实验平台搭建在Matlab 2017a上,实验数据来源于某上市公司,将设计的智能ERP系统在该公司内部进行小规模模拟运行。实验指标为:系统模块化;系统运行安全性;系统反应时长。实验中,将文献[4]设计的系统设定为系统1,文献[5]设计的系统设定为系统2,文献[6]设计的系统设定为系统3。
表2中,系统3平均反应时长为10.4 ?s,基于大数据的智能ERP系统平均反应时长为3.6 ?s。可见,所提系统运行效率更高,更符合企业ERP系统设计需求。
3 结 论
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