Dao Jinping, born in 1966, graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Northwest Normal University, and further studied at China Art Research Institute. Good at calligraphy and flower-and-bird paintings, Dao Jinping is a member of National Architecture Institute of China, calligrapher and painter of State Ethnic Academy of Painting, and painter of Chinese National Tropic Rain Forest Academy of Arts.
Mr. Dao has been engaged in education and the conservation and research on intangible cultural heritage for many years. He has edited and published a series of painting albums, and his artistic works have been published on many magazines.
道金平,1966年出生。畢业于西北师范大学美术系中国画专业,研修于中国艺术研究院郭怡孮花鸟艺术工作室。擅长书法、花鸟。中国民族建筑研究会书画艺术专业委员会理事、国家民族画院书画家、中国热带雨林艺术研究院画家,荣获国画师资质。多年从事教育和非物质文化遗产保护与研究工作,参与编辑出版了《环县道情皮影志》《环县道情皮影》等著作。代表作品《沙漠之春》《绿水光中古木清》《汉殿凝香》等入编《中外文化交流艺术大使》《中华文化大使》《人民艺术家·中国梦》系列画册。 2016年受邀参加“书画界新闻人物献礼全国两会”活动,并被授予“书画界新闻人物”荣誉铜牌;2017年参加“盛世闪耀著名书画家献礼全国两会”活动;同年10月31日,参加在中国文联文艺家之家举办的“庆祝十九大不忘初心跟党走,企业优秀书画作品展”;2018年3月,作品在《美中时报》《世界知识画报·艺术视界》刊登,5月作品《黄沙百战穿金甲》及解析文章在《祖国》杂志刊登。