

重庆与世界 2018年11期

世界旅游及旅游业理事会发布报告 全球旅游增长最快10个城市重庆居首

游客慕名游览重庆李子坝轻轨站。 摄影/唐安冰












中国欧盟商会秘书长Adam Dunnett、西南分会副主席Dominik Widmer、各欧盟主要成员国驻西南地区总领事馆官员、西南地区外资企业中高层,以及商业、文化、教育等领域的代表出席发布会,共同分享《建议书》的内容,并进行了热烈讨论。今年的《建议书》研究了阻碍欧洲在华企业为消费者提供产品和服务的限制因素等问题。

首入东盟市场 第一批庆铃产重型车出口菲律宾








In the report released by the World Travel and Tourism Council, Chongqing ranks the top among the 10 cities growing the fastest regarding global tourism

On October 28th, the Municipal Culture and Tourism Development Committee has forwarded the news of Travel Daily that the World Travel and Tourism Council has recently released the report Travel &Tourism: City Travel & Tourism Impact 2018, in which the tourism economy of 72 cities around the world has been analyzed. In terms of the direct contribution of tourism revenue to GDP, Chongqing is the fastest growing city in terms of global tourism, and the following nine cities are Chengdu, Shanghai, Lagos(Nigeria), Guangzhou, Tehran (Iran), Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), Istanbul (Turkey), Ho Chi Minh City(Vietnam), Mumbai (India).

China Railway Express (Chongqing) “Germany Mannheim Port - Chongqing Guoyuan Port” train has successfully opened

According to the news of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, China Railway Express (Chongqing) “Germany Mannheim Port-Chongqing Guoyuan Port” class has officially opened at the local time of 10 am on October 25. The trains mainly carries auto parts and components, and will pass through Poland, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan,enter our country via Horgos, and finally arrive at Guoyuan Port in Chongqing. The whole journey is about 11,000 kilometers and is expected to cost 12 days. During the journey, some of the goods will also be transferred to Beijing, showing the role of Chongqing in international logistics transfer.

Beibuwan Port (Fangchenggang City) - Chongqing Special Train of Cold Chain has started

On Oc tober 26th, the new continentocean channel of China-Singapore (Chongqing)Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity -Chongqing Special Train of Cold Chain has started.It is packed with 25 refrigerated cabinets filled with seafood, fruits and frozen meat from ASEAN countries. Along the “point to point” path, it runs from Fangchenggang city and arrives at Tuanjie Village in Chongqing with a total length of 1,400 kilometers and a running time of about 60 hours. According to the plan, there is only one special train of cold chain every month in the preliminary stage, which will run in both directions. Later, the trains will be gradually increased to further enrich the multimodal transport services and promote the north-south convection of agricultural products in western China and seafood products in ASEAN.

Seven more national pavilions will enter Chongqing International Exhibition & Trading Center during the year

According to the news of Chongqing International Exhibition & Trading Center on October 24th, seven more national pavilions will enter the featured national pavilion area with a total construction area of over 6,000 square meters during the year. The total number of theme national pavilions will reach 15 and there will be more products from all over the world to be presented in Chongqing. Among the newly coming 7 national pavilions, the US Pavilion,the New Zealand Pavilion, the German-French-Spanish Comprehensive Pavilion and the renewed Australian Pavilion have officially signed contracts with Chongqing;the Swiss Pavilion and the Kazakhstan Pavilion have signed the agreement on intention cooperation; Kenya Pavilion,Southeast Asia Fresh Food Pavilion and the Polish Pavilion are in negotiation.

“2018 Family Affection of China • Chongqing Culture Week” walked into Milan

From October 25th to 30th of the local time, “2018 Family Affection of China · Chongqing Culture Week” jointly sponsored by Chongqing Municipal Culture and Tourism Development Committee and Chongqing Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese has been held in Milan in Italy,Szentes, Szeged and Budapest in Hungary. Variety shows,intangible culture shows, photography exhibitions and other activities have exposed the local audiences to the unique charm of Bayu culture. In the first stop event held in Milan,the folk music played by the Chongqing National Orchestra,the modern dance “the Landscape of Chongqing” brought by the Chongqing Ballet Ensemble, and the rapid changes of facial expressions in Sichuan Opera by the Chongqing Troupe of Ballad Singers have attracted the audience to pick up the splendid scenes with mobile phones.

The conference of “European Business in China Position Paper” was held in Chongqing

On October 18th, the conference of “European Business in China Position Paper” (referred to as “Paper”)was held in Chongqing. The guests have presented a number of constructive suggestions on how to improve the Chinese market and operating environment. Adam Dunnett, Secretary General of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, Dominik Widmer, Vice Chairman of the Southwest Branch, officials of the Consulate General of the major EU member states in the Southwest, middle and senior leadership in foreign-funded enterprises in the Southwest, and representatives from the fields of business,culture and education have attended the conference, shared and explosively discussed the content of the “Paper”. The“Paper” in this year examines the constraints that hinder European companies’ offering products and services to consumers in China.

The first batch of Qingling heavy-duty trucks have been firstly exported to the Philippines, which is their fi rst debut in the ASEAN market.

On October 17, 50 Isuzu VC61 heavy-duty commercial vehicles have left the Qingling Automobile production base to start the ASEAN tour. The first batch of heavy-duty vehicles will be exported to the Philippines, while ASEAN countries such as Myanmar and Laos are also listed as overseas markets to be expanded for this vehicles. VC61 is a heavy-duty commercial vehicle improved and only produced by Qingling Motor and Isuzu based on GIGA in Japan and combined with the needs of the Chinese market. More than 1,400 vehicles have been sold since Its appearance in the market last year. According to reports, the China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement, which is implemented this year, has created a good opportunity for Chinese auto exports to the ASEAN countries such as the Philippines.

Chongqing has opened three international routes to Chicago, Toronto and Kathmandu

According to the news of Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport, Chongqing Airport has opened two international routes: Chongqing-Beijing-Chicago,Chongqing-Beijing-Toronto on October 16 and 17. This is the first time the middle and western regions have opened flights to Chicago and Toronto.

On October 19th, the Himalayan Airlines Chongqing-Kathmandu direct flight route has officially debuted. This route is the second direct passenger route from Chongqing to countries in South Asia.

Chongqing Base Project of Japan FANUC Robot has been put into construction

According to the news of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area on October 3, Chongqing Base Project of Japan FANUC Robot has been put into construction in Liangjiang New Area, and is expected to be completed in the first half of 2019. So far, among the four global leading companies that are known as the “Four Great Families” of industrial robots, three companies including Swiss ABB, German KUKA and Japan FANUC have settled in Liangjiang New Area. Japan FANUC Corporation accounts for approximately 70% of the global numerical control system market share.The Chongqing Base Project of FANUC Robots plans to invest 100 million yuan to build Chongqing Technology Center of FANUC Robots, which will be mainly engaged in the production, sales and technical services of robot systems.

Editor/ Xiong Yi Translator/Li Hui


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