What does travel consist of?


疯狂英语·新读写 2018年2期

By Ray Kroc

What does travel consist of?Answers can be as varied as worrying about your budget,trying new dishesatmeals,climbing mountains and riding on crowded local buses.But to Mishana Khot,a US travel fanatic (狂热者),travel is “more than just a stamp in your passport—it’s a stamp on your soul”.On the travel website,Khot listed some ways that you will change after taking a trip.Take a look.

Travel reveals the big picture

Khot believes we may lose ourselves in our own lives from time to time.Sometimes “we can’t separate our daily existence from the broader perspective(角度)”,she argues.Travel provides a chance to get away from your routine.“It forces you to see your life from the outside,”she writes.

Travel makes you more adaptable

When you are on the way,chances are that you will deal with flight delays,slow buses,bad food,horrible accommodation and much more.As Khot pointed it out,“If there is one constant in a traveler’s life,it is that travel will throw up situations that challenge you.”You may have made the most detailed plan,but the next minute something just goes wrong.You’ll go through anger and frustration,but hopefully,you’ll learn to laugh at it and move on.

Travel makes you more grateful

Whether you travel from a big city to the quiet countryside,or vice versa,there will come a moment when you are grateful for all you have.“When you meet someone with one leg who is hiking up a hill,you will close your eyes for a second and say,‘thank you,’” she said.

Travel forces you to interact with new people

During travel,you’ll be forced to interact with many,many more people than you’re used to.And sometimes you won’t even be able to use your first language.So just throw away your shyness—that won’t guide you to your destination.Go and interact with people.They’re an important part of the experience.

