History of Hip-hop: 5 Surprising Facts You Might Not Know
文/戴维·尼克松 译/何丹丹 审订/钱多秀
The history of hip hop is worth studying. The roots of the hip hop culture can be traced back to1be traced back to 追溯到(某个时间)。1970s South Bronx, New York. Though it has nowadays become one of the most popular music genres around, generating millions of dollars in sales each year, there are still many unknown things about it.With this in mind, we have compiled a list of 5 facts you may not know about hip hop, in a fashion2fashion方式。similar to our list of the top one hit wonders3one hit wonder昙花一现;本处指一曲成名后销声匿迹。of all-time. Read on to find out more about this fascinating subculture and its intriguing history.
No. 5: DOB: August 11, 1973
On August 11, 1973, a young boy by the name of Clive Campbell, also known as Hercules4〈希腊、罗马神话〉大力神(主神宙斯之子,力大无比的英雄)。坎贝尔上高中时体育很棒,得此绰号。, threw a back-to-school party,where he showcased his skills on the turntables5turnable唱机的转盘,唱盘。. Nowadays, this date is widely regarded as the birth date of the hip hop genre. Its beginnings may have been humble, but hip hop has surely come a long way since then. Hercules is also the one who coined the term “break dancing”6break dance霹雳舞,起源于美国,创始人是美国东海岸黑人歌星詹姆斯·布朗(James Brown)。动感和节奏感强烈,动作贴近地面,以头、肩、背、膝为重心,迅速旋转和翻滚。.
No. 4: The origins of the term “hip hop”
Throughout its early years, the genre we now call hip hop, pretty much evolved without having a name. The term hip hop came along when Keith Wiggins, one of the first MCs7MC即emcee〈美口〉司仪,电台节目主持人;(夜总会或聚会的)说唱歌手。of the genre, was teasing a friend of his who had just joined the army, and it was the phrase he used to imitate the sounds made by a marching soldier’s cadence8cadence(行军时的)步度。. Some way or another,the phrase made its way to the stage and it slowly grew until it was eventually used to describe the subculture as a whole.
No. 3: Initially, the DJs were the stars
In the early stages of hip hop, the MCs or the rappers were not the center of attention. As a matter of fact, rapping didn’t become common until the late 1970s. In the beginning, it was the DJ who took the spotlight for his mixing abilities and who gained the applause of the crowd. The second biggest attraction? The break dancers.
嘻哈在早期演变的过程中并没有一个正式名称。该词来源于基思·威金斯,他也是第一批嘻哈说唱歌手之一,当时他拿一位刚刚参军的朋友开玩笑,并用hip hop来模仿战士行军时的步伐声。后来这个词被正式启用,慢慢发展并最终成为描述这种亚文化的专用词。
No. 2: The first records used live bands,as opposed to sampling9 sampling采样技术。采样伴奏就是把喜欢的作品中精彩的部分提取出来,通过重组、编排等方式融进自己的音乐中。
When the first bands and artists started recording their songs, sampling technology was too expensive for anyone without endorsement from a top label10label唱片公司。.Because of this, artists employed the services of small bands that could come up with the right sounds. The first rapper to start using the sampling technique was Kurtis Blow, in the early 1980s.
No. 1: The New York City Blackout of 197711 1977年7月13-14日,纽约停电期间,犯罪分子点燃了马里昂大道上的一些建筑,制造了大约1000起火灾,抢劫者和暴徒也趁机大肆劫掠,洗劫了1600多家商店。这次停电影响了900万人口。—The main catalyst for the hip hop culture
In the scorching summer of ’77, New York City was left in the dark for almost 24 hours, during the most infamous blackout in its history. Assaults, arsons,and lootings all soon followed. However,despite the havoc unleashed in New York, for the hip hop culture, the blackout provided the breakthrough needed by numerous aspiring DJs. Poor kids who otherwise would not have been able to afford the necessary equipment, now had access to only high-end merchandise.Prior to the blackout, there were only 5 known DJs in the entire city. After it,there was one on every single block. ■
1977年炙热的夏天,纽约停电将近一整天,这就是纽约停电史上最臭名昭著的一天。袭击、纵火、抢劫随之发生。虽然说停电造成了纽约大混乱,但是对于嘻哈文化来说,停电为渴望创作的众多DJ提供了他们所需的突破口。平时连基本设备都无法负担的穷孩子们,现在拿到手的尽是高端设备。停电之前,整个纽约城只有5位知名DJ。而停电之后,每一个街区都有了自己的DJ。 □