

英语世界 2018年5期


雅思考试大作文有如下几种常见提问方式:(1)To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?(2)Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?(3)Do you think this is a positive or negative development?(4)What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?(5)Discuss both views and give your own opinion.一般来说,我们将前三种提问叫“讨论型”(discussion),也就是题目中仅给出一个观点,然后要求考生对这个观点进行讨论:同意还是不同意,在何种程度上同意/不同意?这个观点的优劣势是什么?这个观点是好还是坏?我们把第(4)类提问称为“报道型”(report),即对一个现象/问题的原因进行分析,然后要求给出解决办法。第(5)类我们称为“争辩型”(argumentation),题目会给出两个或者对立,或者互补的观点,然后让你对两个观点进行讨论,最后给出你自己的观点【即你同意哪个观点,或者都同意,或者都不同意】。


“报道型”题目通常不需要我们对观点进行论证,我们今天暂且不论。在另外两种题型中,我们都需要论证某些观点,并最后明确提出自己支持哪个观点及其理由。而在论证过程中,我们通常有两种做法,分别俗称“一边倒”和“双边讨论”。所谓 “一边倒”,就是在论证中全力支持某一个观点,反对另外一个观点;所谓“双边讨论”,就是在论证中先分别讨论双方的优劣势,然后给出自己的判断。下面我们先来看看“双边讨论”和“一边倒”的经典布局形式。



有些人认为,“争辩型”题目应该双边讨论,“讨论型”题目应该一边倒,但事实并非如此。老雅认为,无论“双边讨论”还是“一边倒”,都只是文章布局形式,因此,“争辩型”和“讨论型”题目都可以用“双边讨论”结构,也可以用“一边倒”结构。同时,雅思作文没有真正的“一边倒”,这是因为在“争辩型”和“讨论型”题目中,都存在对立的观点,都需要加以讨论。比如,在To what extent do you agree or disagree这类题目中,虽然看似只有一个观点,但其实暗含着两个观点:你同意还是不同意,这意味着你需要给出同意的理由和不同意的理由。如果你“一边倒”地仅讨论同意的理由,完全没有讨论不同意的理由,你的作文就是不完整了。再如,在Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages这类题目中,也需要你讨论“优势和劣势”,如果“一边倒”地讨论优势(或劣势),那作文就不完整。





Many people say that cooking and eating at home is better for the individual and the family than eating out in restaurants and canteens. Do you agree or disagree?


Everyone has to eat. The question is, where to eat? You may cook and eat at home, or just eat out in restaurants or canteens. My personal opinion is that eating at home is better for the individual and the family than eating out.

First, it has no doubt that cooking and eating at home can save a lot of money. Generally, the cost of eating in restaurants is much higher than eating at home. By cooking at home, you don’t have to pay the labor fee for the chef,and don’t have to pay tips to the waiter. What you have to do is just a little handoperation and a little time. From supermarkets, you can buy cheap vegetables and meat, which may cost only 10 percent of the same food in a restaurant.Sometimes, you can get cheaper food in discount time. Especially, a big family may enjoy the method, as the monthly cost would be less.

Second, you can freely select your favorite food to cook. A restaurant cannot always provide you with delicious food. The taste of food in restaurants is usually designed for the public, which is not suitable for a particular guest. If you miss the taste of your mum’s soup, it’s not likely to fi nd the same one in a restaurant.In this case, the best choice is to cook by yourself, to reproduce your mum’s food to the best you can.

Finally, it’s obvious that eating at home is more healthy and clean. You don’t know whether it’s dirty in the restaurants, and also you don’t know whether the food is fresh. But by cooking at home, you can know everything about the cooking materials. Moreover, it’s easy to control the usage of fat and oil, unless you don’t care to become too fat.

In brief, I believe that eating at home is healthy and clean. If people want to save money, eating at home is also a good choice. In addition, people can cook what they like as well. So I personally prefer eating at home.


这个文章是典型的“一边倒”格局。作者在第一段就明确提出自己的观点:My personal opinion is that eating at home is better for the individual and the family than eating out.接下来的2—4段提供了3个理由来支持这个观点:First, it has no doubt that cooking and eating at home can save a lot of money.(第2段);Second, you can freely select your favorite food to cook.(第3段);Finally, it’s obvious that eating at home is more healthy and clean.(第 4 段)。看起来,好像每一个点都是一边倒地在谈“在家吃饭”的好处,完全没有涉及在“餐馆吃饭”的情况。但如果我们仔细看,就会发现,作者在每段都将“在家吃饭”与“在餐馆吃饭”进行了比较。比如:

第二段:Generally, the cost of eating in restaurants is much higher than eating at home.... From supermarkets, you can buy cheap vegetables and meat, which may cost only 10 percent of the same food in a restaurant.

第三段:A restaurant cannot always provide you with delicious food. The

〔〕〔〕taste of food in restaurants is usually designed for the public, which is not suitable for a particular guest.

第四段:You don’t know whether it’s dirty in the restaurants, and also you don’t know whether the food is fresh.

这样,整个作文就不是一边倒地谈在家吃饭的好处,而是也紧密联系了题目中“在餐馆吃饭”的这一要求。因此,看似一边倒,其实是双边讨论。在这里,老雅还想澄清一个误区,所谓双边讨论,并非一定要分别讨论双方各自的好处和坏处,我们完全可以在双边讨论中,完全支持一种观点而反对另一种观点【比如本例双边讨论中仅支持在家吃饭的好处,并不讨论在餐馆吃饭的好处】。双边讨论的实质是,一定要在讨论中涉及双方观点或者一个观点的两面,不能完全无视任何一方。 □


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