Plastic-eating Bugs? It’s a Great Story—But There’s a Sting in the Tail
Caterpillars1caterpillar毛虫。that can munch up2munch up食用。plastic bags have just been identified, fueling excited speculation3speculation猜测,推测。that this could one day eliminate global pollution from plastic waste.The chance discovery, initially made by a scientist and amateur beekeeper whose plastic bag had been eaten through by the moth caterpillars, was reported by researchers at Cambridge University and the Spanish National Research Council4西班牙高等科学研究理事会,是西班牙最大的多学科科研组织。.
[2]How thoughtful5thoughtful体贴的,关心的。of nature to provide bugs that eat our rubbish.Is this the end oflandfill, turtles with plasticcongested stomachs, and trees adorned with tattered ribbons of shopping bags?
[3]Well, it’s never that simple, is it?Attempts to commandeer6commandeer征用,霸占。nature to do our dirty work never seem to turn out as hoped, whether these take the form of planting trees to soak up7soak up吸收。carbon dioxide, or introducing invasive species for pest control, or using microorganisms to clean up oil spills.Remember the Australian cane toad8toad蟾蜍。debacle9debacle(由于计划无法实现而导致的)惨败;崩溃。? The toads were introduced in the 1930s to control crop pests but instead gorged themselves on other local wildlife and spread across the country.
[4]These creatures, the larvae10larva(昆虫的)幼虫,幼体。of the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella),can devour polyethylene11polyethylene聚乙烯。, which along with the closely related polypropylene12polypropylene聚丙烯。is the main type of plastic found in waste.But you’d need an awful lot of them to make a significant dent13dent减少,耗减。on the plastic waste problem.The UK alone discards almost 2m tons of this stuff every year.At the rate of consumption reported by the researchers—one worm gets through about two milligrams of plastic a day—you’d need billions of caterpillars eating constantly all year round to deal with that.
[5]Quite aside from how and where you’d farm all these bugs, there’s something about them that news reports have failed to mention.Wax moths, which are found throughout the world, are so-called because they eat wax.Spe-cifically, they love to eat the wax from which bees make their honeycombs—and so they can devastate bee colonies14colony群体,群落。.The two common species of wax moth, of which Galleria mellonella is one, are thought to cause more than £4m worth of damage annually in the United States alone.
[6]With bee populations already under severe stress from pesticides,habitat loss and predators, we might want to think twice about breeding one of their common airborne155 airborne空气的;飞行中的。enemies in huge numbers—even if the intention was to somehow keep them in plasticsprocessing centres.The idea that if bees disappear then humankind will follow four years later, popularly misattributed to Albert Einstein16自1994年起,社会上便流传“如果蜜蜂从地球上消失,人类将只能再存活4年。没有蜜蜂,没有授粉,没有植物,没有动物,也就没有人类。”是爱因斯坦说的,但其实没有任何证据表明爱因斯坦曾经说过或写下过这样的言论。人们很早就发现一种蜜蜂神秘死亡的现象,称为“蜂群崩溃混乱症”(Colony Collapse Disorder)。在媒体开始关注蜂群崩溃混乱症之后,爱因斯坦的这段话才开始风传。, might be a touch17touch有点儿。hyperbolic.But without their pollinating18pollinate对……授粉。assistance, crop cultivation would be in deep trouble.
[7]Polyethylene sits around in the environment because its molecules are so hard to break down.Ordinary soil microorganisms don’t have the resources for it.These plastics are built up from the hydrocarbon molecules in oil, and ideally we’d turn them back into oil after we had used them, regenerating a valuable substance rather than sacrificing it as waste.Chemists have been working long and hard to do that, using special catalysts to induce the chemical reactions.But it’s tough, and only very recently have they started to see progress.It’s precisely because wax is chemically similar to polyethylene that the wax moth caterpillars can biodegrade19biodegrade进行生物降解。it.
[8]A far easier and less hazardous solution to the plastic problem could be found in bacteria, however.After all, it seems you can find bacteria that will eat almost anything.Some happily devour toxic chemicals, such as perchlorate(weed killer); others thrive amid radioactive waste.And indeed last year a team of Japanese scientists identified a bacterium existing in the wild that can feed on another common plastic, polyethylene terephthalate20polyethylene terephthalate聚酯合成纤维,聚乙烯对苯二甲酸酯。, which is used to make bottles for soft drinks and water.
[9]It’s possible that bacteria might,in fact, be responsible for the plasticdigesting ability of Galleria mellonella larvae.Another wax-eater, the Indian mealmoth, was found in 2014 to house bacteria in its digestive tract that can break down polyethylene.Galle-ria might prove to have such gut21gut内脏;肠子。bacteria too.
[10]Those bacteria could provide the ideal solution.They could be brewed up22brew up酿造。in fermentation vats that would dissolve plastics without anyone having to contemplate breeding vast wax moth colonies.Alternatively, it might be possible to extract the particular enzymes23enzyme酶。the caterpillars use and put them to work on their own—a kind of concentrate of gastric juices24gastric juice胃液。.
[11]These are the real reasons why the new discovery is promising, and not because we’ll soon be feeding plastic bags to caterpillars.As usual with science, you don’t get the solution on a plate25on a plate现成地;不费力地。, but have to follow clues with patience and care.It doesn’t make for great headlines.But honestly, the bees would thank you for it.
ESports’ Freaks Vocabulary
Nerf:The opposite of a buff, but instead with developers making something weaker.
Rekt:Abbreviation of wrecked.Used when someone losing very badly.
Strat:Short for strategy.