

时代英语·高二 2018年5期

“Dont be afraid of her,” Captain Jaggery cried. “Look at her. Shes nothing but an unnatural girl, a girl trying to act like a man, trying to be a man. She can only harm you by living. Let her have her punishment.”

I started up the forecastle steps. The men began to back away. Horrified, I paused. I sought out Barlow, Ewing, Grimes, Fisk. Each in turn seemed to shrink from my look. I turned back.

Captain Jaggery fingered the pistol in his hand. “Take her!” he commanded.

But that far they would not go. And the captain who saw this as soon as I now began to advance toward me himself.

I backed away from him until I was atop the forecastle deck. The line of crew had split, some to either side. “Help me!” I appealed to them again. But though they were deaf to Captain Jaggery they were equally deaf to me.

The captain, in careful pursuit, now slowly mounted the steps to the forecastle. I retreated into the bow, past the capstan, on a line with the cathead. He kept coming. Against the moon, he seemed to be a faceless shadow, a shadow broken only by the daggerlike glitter of the pistol that caught the light of the moon. My heart hammered so I could hardly breathe. I looked for a way to escape but found none.

The bow seemed to dance under my feet. Frantically I looked behind me; there was little space now between me and the sea.

Still the captain closed in. I scrambled back high into the forepeak. He stopped, braced his legs wide, extended his arm and pistol. I could see his hand tighten.

The bow plunged. The deck bucked. He fired all the same. The shot went wide and in a rage he flung the pistol at me.

I stumbled backward, tripped. He made a lunge at me, but I, reacting with more panic than reason, scrambled down onto the bowsprit itself, grabbing at the back rope to keep from falling.

Clinging desperately to the rope—for the ship plunged madly again—I kept edging further out on the bowsprit, all the while looking back at Captain Jaggery. In the next moment he scrambled after me.

I pushed past the trembling sails. Below, the sea rose and fell.

Vaguely, I sensed that the crew had rushed forward to watch what was happening.

There was no more back rop to hold to. And the captain continued to inch forward, intent on pushing me off. There were only a few feet between us. With a snarl he lunged at me with both hands.

Even as he did the Seahawk plunged. In that instant Captain Jaggery lost his footing. His arms flew wide. But he was teetering off balance and began to fall. One hand reached desperately out to me. With an instinctive gesture I jumped toward him. For a brief moment our fingers linked and held. Then the ship plunged again and he tumbled into the waves. The ship seemed to rear up. For one brief interval Captain Jaggery rose from the sea, his arm gripped in the foaming beak of the figurehead. Then, as if tossing him off, the Seahawk leaped, and Captain Jaggery dropped into the roaring foam and passed beneath the ship, not to be seen again.

Weak, trembling, soaking wet, I made my way back along the bowsprit until I could climb into the forepeak.

The crew parted before me, no one saying a word. I stopped and turned, “Give me a knife,” I said.

Grimes took one from his pocket.

I hurried across the deck to where Zachariah still stood. Keetch had fled his side. I cut the rope that bound Zachariah and then embraced him as he did me. Finally he walked to the quarterdeck rail. As if summoned, the crew gathered below.

“Shipmates,” Zachariah cried. “Its needful that we have a captain. Not Keetch, for he was an informer and should be in the brig. But Miss Doyle here has done what we could not do. Let her be captain now.”





















艾非·沃提斯(Avi Wortis),1937年12月23日出生于美国纽约,著名儿童文学作家。




纸 船
印度 圣母节