Born in 1965, Wang Jianwei was very fond of painting since childhood and studied successively at the Department of Fine Arts, Henan University, the Department of Oil Painting, China Academy of Art and Central Academy of Fine Art. As a national class-A artist, Mr. Wang now serves as Vice President of Hong Kong Literary Federation Artists Association, visiting professor and doctoral supervisor of Oxford Art Academe and is a member of Chinese Artists Association.
His works have been displayed at the national fine arts exhibition and other large-scale national exhibitions, receiving the gold awards and the first prize for many times. His traditional paintings have been collected by Tsinghua University, Great Hall of the People, Chinese Museum and Central Academy of Fine Art.
多年来得惠于名家指点,扎根黄土地,以自然为师,创作了数百幅作品,并在全国大赛中多次获奖。2017年1月,国画作品《千古山河秀》入选全国美展, 4月,作品《幽林峰峦溪悠悠》《层林云壑千古秀》获中国当代水墨年度大展一等奖;5月被评为“美丽中国”当代艺坛30位影响力人物;7月应邀参加中国当代书画名家艺术展,作品《山水》荣获金奖;8月,在中国好品牌HAOBRAND艺术榜大赛中荣获金奖,应邀参加中国画院国展中心“中国一带一路辉煌中国大型书画”邀请展。2018年2月,代表中国代表团参加韩国大型国际中外名家书画作品展“2018平昌冬奥会中国嘉年华艺术作品展”;3月,在中国改革开放功勋艺术家评选中荣获金奖,作品入编《中国美术选集》《共和国专家博览》《世界美术大典》等书籍,并被文化部命名为“中国百杰”画家荣誉称号;5月,国画作品《太行秋韵》被清华大学美术学院收藏,《太行秋居图》被人民大会堂收藏,《幽林峰峦》被中国博物馆收藏,《太行风情》被中央美术学院收藏。