A Project Report on the Interpreting for JESIE English Summer Camp Teaching Activity


校园英语·下旬 2018年7期



【Abstract】The reform and opening-up in China has the history of nearly 40 years, during which, alongside Chinas continuous achievements in economic globalization, Chinas education has become more and more internationalized. Especially in some first and second tiered cities, an increasing number of English summer camps taught by foreign teachers are held, with the aim to raise childrens bilingual level and broaden their horizon. Most children at the age of 5 or 6 barely know English, thus, caring and obligated interpreters are needed to help interpret what the foreign teachers said in class to children. Besides, those interpreters sometimes are required to participate in seminars held by the leaders of summer camp and do the interpretation work for both sides.Citing a project of interpretation for 2017 JESIE English summer camp teaching activity as the starting point, the reporter selects interpreting cases in the two-week-long summer camp held by JESIE in July, 2017. The reporter worked as the teaching assistant in the project with the main duty of interpreting the teaching and seminar contents for foreign teachers. In the following report, the reporter analyzes the obstacles in those cases, seeks methods to improve and gets some tentative conclusions. To be specific, the content of what foreign teachers taught covers a variety of issues, like counting, reading, phonics and natural disasters, and are always presented in a very flexible way. And the target people of interpreting vary from preschool children to summer camp leaders who are in their mid 50s. This great gap between their ages requires the interpreter to use different modes of target language. Whats more, the number of preschool children accounts for 2/3 of the summer camp students and are always lack of discipline, compared with others. Thus, it is imperative for the interpreter to help foreign teachers to maintain classroom order. This report talks about the difficulties mentioned above and gives corresponding solutions, which need the interpreter to get familiar with the content to be taught in advance, to be acquainted with the expression modes for people with big age gap, and to understand the difference between class interpreting and seminar interpreting.

【Key words】JESIE; teaching interpreting; corresponding solutions; project report

【作者簡介】孙晔(1994- ),女,汉族,江苏南京人,硕士研究生,南京师范大学外国语学院,英语口译。

1.1 Basic Information of the Project

China has always been the great country which put much effort in education since ancient times. During the Spring and Autumn Period, Chinese master of education, Confucius, has already emphasized the significance of teaching, especially for the young generation. In recent years, Chinas social and economic status has increased a lot, due to its economic policies and trade cooperation with other countries, which attracts an increasing number of foreigners to study and work in China. This process of communication with the world has been filling Chinese progress with great power. More and more Chinese people are aware of the significance of learning English. In Chinese first and second tiered cities, local governments would hold some English summer or winter camps for children from 5 to 8 years old to make them familiar with English teaching environment and build their awareness of learning things under English contexts. The majority of those children barely understand English, so they need some professional and caring interpreters to interpret for them and let them engage in teaching process in a better way.

On July, 2017, the reporter worked as the teaching assistant in the English summer camp organized by JESIE for two weeks, with the major duty of interpreting the contents taught by foreign teachers to children and the seminar discussion between foreign teachers and Chinese summer camp leaders. The whole project started on 6th July, 2017 and ended on 21st July, 2017. Eight professional foreign teachers from the US, Britain, Australia, South Africa, and Canada were invited by leaders from Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education to teach in JESIE English summer camp. Students in this summer camp were at the age of 5 to 8, with around 2/3 preschool children, and few of them understood English. The reporter was mainly in charge of the class for preschool children. It was the first time for the reporter to get in touch with education theme, especially kindergarten education. The reporter encountered many challenges during the project, which required her to get familiar with related theories in interpreting and communicate with foreign teachers and experienced Chinese leaders to come up with solutions.

2.1 Lack of Domain Knowledge about Particular Teaching Contents

This English summer camp was held by Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education with the aim to help children from 5-8 years old develop a good habit of learning knowledge through English as well as build a bilingual environment for them. As for foreign teachers, they tend to teach in a more flexible way and barely refer to the materials the summer camp teachers offer. During the first week, the reporter encountered some obstacles in class interpreting because of that.

2.1.1 A Wide Range of Themes Taught in Class

This was the first major obstacle that the reporter encountered. Before the summer camp classes began, the reporter received a copy of curriculum schedule, and thought the foreign teacher would teach according to the schedule. During the first two days, everything went on well as scheduled. But on the afternoon of the third day, the foreign teacher changed the original reading class into teaching preschool children how to survive natural disasters without informing her at first. And the first disaster that they were about to learn was earthquake. Upon hearing this information, the author felt a little bit worried as the foreign teacher tended to show slides about how earthquake and other natural disasters inform on children, and several slides contained some strange terminology. As the author was not a geography major student, it was hard for her to interpret on site without making preparation. In that class, the reporter interpreted not very well and could not paraphrase what those terminology meant in Chinese to children who knew little about earthquake and other natural disasters.

Here are several sentences the reporter found difficult to handle.

Example One

Seismic waves are waves of energy that travel through the Earths layers, and are a result of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, magma movement, large landslides and large man-made explosions that give out low-frequency acoustic energy.

In this sentence, the difficult terminologies were “seismic waves”, “magma movement” and “low-frequency acoustic energy”. Fortunately, there were corresponding pictures under each terminology, so the reporter could guess what those terminologies meant in Chinese. The reporter interpreted them into “引發地震的波”、“岩浆活动”and“低频率声能”respectively, and explained what waves, magma and acoustic energy were to children in Chinese. However, because of lacking professional knowledge, the reporter could only make a rough explanation, of which most children could not get a good understanding.

Example Two

A volcano is a rupture in the crust of a planetary-mass object, such as Earth, that allows hot lava, volcanic ash, and gases to escape from a magma chamber below the surface.

This sentence introduced some basic knowledge about volcano to children. Its eruption would be another kind of natural disaster. However, due to the fact that the eruption of volcano is a very rare scene in China, without enough pre-class preparation, it was indeed a little bit difficult for the author to explain the whole process of eruption to those children in Chinese. In this sentence, terminologies like “planetary-mass object”, “hot lava” and “magma chamber” were difficult to interpret. With the help of pictures on slides and her shallow understanding about volcano, the reporter interpreted those into “大規模星际对象”、“灼热火山熔浆”and “岩浆储存室”. Even though the reporter interpreted them into Chinese, she found it not easy to explain to children, who were not able to understand that complicated Chinese.

2.1.2 Over-flexibility in Foreign Teachers Teaching Style

As to the difference between eastern and western learning modes, foreign teachers prefer to teach students more pragmatic knowledge and their ways of teaching can be diverse, combining audio and visual methods. Taking the natural disasters class as an example, after showing tens of slides about one particular natural disaster to children, the foreign teacher at first displayed an English animation about that disasters survival manual, and then attracted the childrens attention back to slides to learn the following natural disaster. Apart from the preparation of professional background information about each theme to be taught, the coherence of each flexible switching was required to be added in the reporters interpreting in order to have children understand the information better. But due to the lack of background information, the reporter found the coherence was not that easy to make.

Example Three

Slide: Earthquakes can range in size from those that are so weak that they cannot be felt to those violent enough to toss people around and destroy whole cities.

Animation: The surface of the earth is like a jigsaw puzzle. Yes, its not a single piece of land, but approximately 20 pieces of puzzles that constantly move.

The sentence in the slide explained the magnitude of earthquake, while in the animation, it denoted that the surface of the earth is like a jigsaw puzzle. Literally speaking, the two sentences hardly have any connection, so the reporter interpreted them into “地震按级别来分,可以微弱到人类察觉不到,也可以强大到将人类摔倒,毁坏整座城市。”and “地球表面就像七巧板,不是一整块的,而是不断在移动的大约20块拼图。”respectively. As an interpreter, the reporter completed the mission, interpreting source sentences into target sentences. But those children who were too young to know anything about the relationship between the surface of the earth and the jigsaw puzzle could not connect the meaning of the two Chinese sentences together. For instance, they might ask why the surface of the earth is like the jigsaw puzzle.

2.2 Great Difference between Target People in Interpreting

In this English summer camp, the reporters main duty was to interpret in classes and teaching seminars. The class interpreting basically required the reporter to interpret what foreign teachers taught to children, while in the teaching seminars, the reporter needed to interpret for both foreign teachers and Chinese summer camp leaders. Making vertical comparison, the reporter found the target Chinese people, 5-8 years old preschool children and summer camp leaders who were around 50 years old, had great gap between their ages. While making horizontal comparison, the reporter discovered that the target people, summer camp leaders and foreign teachers who attended teaching seminars, had eastern and western cultural difference. During the two-week long summer camp, great gap between their ages as well as eastern and western cultural difference were the second kind of obstacles for the reporter.

2.2.1 Target People with Great Gap between Their Ages

What is language? Language is a system that consists of the development, acquisition, maintenance and use of complex systems of communication, particularly the human ability to do so (Qi 2011). Here, complex is the key word, which denotes the nature of human language. The language acquisition for children is different from that for adults. Children first learn “word”, the basic symbol unit of sound and meaning, then assemble them into bigger units according to the real world to express more sophisticated things (Qi 2011). So, the way of interpreting for children should differ from that for adults. However, during the first week of interpreting, the reporter did not notice this theory and encountered some obstacles.

Example Four

At the least, make sure you have a properly installed and working smoke detector in your home/apartment.

This sentence was from the survival manual of natural disasters. It was not complex for adults to understand. So, upon hearing it from the foreign teacher, the reporter immediately interpreted it into “至少,要保证你家里正确装有一台在使用中的烟雾探测器。” But the reporter found most of the children feel confused after hearing what she said, and one of them directly asked what was a smoke detector. In Piagets theory of cognitive development, those children were in the pre-operational stage, and during that stage of cognitive development. Piaget (1972) noted that children do not yet understand concrete logic and cannot mentally manipulate information. Then, the reporter realized their Chinese vocabulary storage was not as large as adults. They still lacked some particular image of complex words like the “烟雾探测器”. They may know “煙雾”and “探测器”, but the two combined together exceeded their present cognition.

Example Five

Hold onto a solid object or get to the floor so that you do not fall. Try to hide under a piece of furniture.

This sentence also came from that survival manual that was taught in classes. The reporter interpreted it into “抓紧一件固体东西,或趴在地板上,这样就不会摔倒了。也可以试着躲在一件家具底下。”However, those children could not understand the abstract word “固体东西” very well. At their age, they knew some concrete words like “桌子”、“柜子” and“凳子”, although those objects were all solid, unlike adults, they hardly could connect this abstract word “固体”with them.

2.2.2 Target people with Cultural Difference between the East and the West

Studying from the perspective of horizontal comparison, foreign teachers and Chinese summer camp leaders are the target people with cultural difference between the east and the west. In the development of translation studies, there once emerged a theory: there are three major characteristics in translation activity, one of which is that translation is the intercultural communication activity. In teaching seminars during two weeks, foreign teachers and Chinese summer camp leaders first reviewed the teaching process in the whole week to find out whether there was anything needed to be improved. Foreign teachers reported what they taught and how those children behaved in classes, and summer camp leaders pointed out where the foreign teachers should pay special attention to. But cultural difference between the two sides caused some obstacles for the author to interpret.

Example Six

You mean the kids shouldnt play ball games, shouldnt run after each other, shouldnt lie on the ground, then why you set up the PE lesson? What is the meaning of PE lesson?

This sentence came from one foreign teacher from the US. He was an outgoing and talkative man who liked to talk straight out what he thought. Before he said this sentence, the summer camp leader who took charge of children security mentioned what children should not do when they were having the PE lesson. The reporter interpreted this sentence into “您是說孩子们不能玩球类运动,不能追逐奔跑,不能躺在地上,那您为什么要设置体育课?这样的体育课意义何在呢?”After the reporter said the last word, she found the leader was not satisfied about that question although she already used the word “您”to show respect and express in an euphemistic way.

2.3 Obstacles in Switching between Class Interpreting and Seminar Interpreting

During this two-week-long English summer camp, interpreting for the foreign teacher in classes as well as for Chinese summer camp leaders and foreign teachers in teaching seminars were the two major duties for the author. So, she needed to adapt to both kinds of interpreting and switch well between them. However, those two kinds of interpreting were different due to some details, which caused some obstacles for the author during the missions. The specific obstacles and reasons would be elaborated on by the author in this section.

2.3.1 Interference with Interpreting Due to Poor Classroom Discipline

This was the obstacle that the author encountered in class interpreting. The children in the class that the author took charge of were all preschool children at the age around 6. Normally, children at that age are very naughty with the foreign teacher acting not like Chinese teachers who demanded them to sit right behind desks and scold them, they totally released their nature. Boys liked to play toys in classes and sometimes even fought with each other, which often disturbed the class order. When the foreign teacher rebuked them, they could not understand what he said, and needed the reporter to interpret that for them, interfering the interpreting process of the class content.

Example Seven

Stop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle. Avoid stopping near, or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility wires…They can fall onto your vehicle.

This sentence was about how to survive an earthquake in a vehicle. In that class, the foreign teacher was explaining a group of pictures in the slide about earthquake survival methods in a vehicle. However, when the author interpreted “在安全條件允许的情况下,我们要迅速停车,待在车里不要动。不要停在建筑物、树、天桥、公用电线附近……”, two naughty boys began to quarrel and fight with each other, and interrupted the authors interpreting, because she had to help the foreign teacher stop them quarrel and fight, leading to the broken of interpreting coherence.

2.3.2 Distraction from Note-taking in Seminar Interpreting

Teaching seminars were held once a week on Friday afternoon, to review the teaching process in a week, find ways to improve and discuss next weeks teaching plan. If time permitted, foreign teachers and summer camp leaders would learn some western preschool education theories to improve their teaching skills. In the former class interpreting, the reporter interpreted in the way that liaison interpreters did. But in teaching seminars, foreign teachers and summer camp leaders would talk about professional knowledge, and sometimes, they forgot to pause or paused after they talked for more than two minutes, which required the reporter to take notes when listening. However, in most cases, when they spoke about professional teaching theory, the reporter tended to write down too much information, disturbing herself to listen to next message block.

Example Eight

Our findings indicate that childrens behavior is associated with the type of school attended, and the findings suggest that the classroom environment that is characteristic of the Montessori system may provide children with more than traditional preschools.// Montessori education is fundamentally a model of human development, and an educational approach based on that model. The model has two basic principles. First, children and developing adults engage in psychological self-construction by means of interaction with their environments. Second, children, especially under the age of six, have an innate path of psychological development.// Based on her observations, Montessori believed that children who are at liberty to choose and act freely within an environment prepared according to her model would act spontaneously for optimal development.

This sentence was the introduction to Montessori education theory. In the second teaching seminar, one foreign teacher mentioned this because he thought in the next years summer camp, this theory would help in terms of improving childrens, especially preschool childrens class behavior. But he kept talking for about 3 minutes, and most of what he talked were detailed information about this theory. Here, the reporter divided this sentence into three parts. The second and third parts were related to Montessori education theory, and the reporter paid too much attention to taking notes of the seconded part, disturbing herself to get the third part information. So, she only interpreted the third part into “蒙臺梭利认为可进行自由选择的孩子会为了最好的发展自发表现的很好。”, losing some information points.

3.1 Getting Familiar with Teaching Contents in Advance

Knowledge storage is a big difficulty that interpreters cannot cross over for life, and it is also the key to the success or failure of interpreting. It is no exaggeration to say that the level of an interpreter is to a large extent directly proportional to his or her level of education and knowledge (Fang 2001). So, in the two-week long English summer camp, it was imperative for the author to get familiar with teaching contents in advance for the purpose of better interpreting performance. The detailed methods can be listed as follow.

3.1.1 Having Discussion with Foreign Teachers before Class

Sometimes, foreign teachers may not know Chinese children very well. Some basic survival knowledge that foreign children understand would not be the common sense for Chinese children. Thus, having some discussion with the foreign teacher to let him know what would be appropriate to teach them was necessary, and through discussion, the author could know what she was going to teach in advance and look up in the dictionary for some terminologies at the night before class.

Solution to Example One

There were some difficult terminologies in this sentence as “seismic waves”, “magma movement” and “low-frequency acoustic energy”, which those children barely knew. So, the reporter could add some explanation about earthquake to help children understand after checking the professional knowledge on the Internet, and interpreted the whole sentence into “地震波是通过地球各层传播的能量波,是地震,火山喷发,岩浆运动,大型山体滑坡和大型人造爆炸的结果,这些爆炸产生低频声能。而能量波就像动画片里的人物发出的一圈一圈的东西,岩浆就是地底下非常非常热的红颜色的水,低频声能就是振动幅度低的声音产生的能量。”Here, the sentences“动画片里的人物发出的一圈一圈的东西、地底下非常非常热的红颜色的水、振动幅度低的声音产生的能量”are animated explanations to the complex and abstract terminologies in source text.

Solution to Example Two

Compared with the last one, this sentence changed the subject from earthquake to volcano. Here, “planetary-mass object”, “hot lava” and “magma chamber” are difficult terminologies to interpret. Different to the last method, after turning to the foreign teacher for having some background information about volcano, the reporter would adopt the way of drawing pictures about volcanoes on the blackboard to explain those complicated terminologies, and interpreted this sentence into “火山是地球等行星質量物体的地壳中的一个破裂,它允许热的熔岩,火山灰和气体从地表下方的岩浆房中逸出。大家看我画的图,地表就是地面,地壳是地表至下30千米的地带,岩浆房就是储存岩浆的地方。如果地壳有裂缝了,那岩浆在高温的作用下就会沿着裂缝喷出。有点像破了一个口的生鸡蛋,鸡蛋清流出来那样。但不同的是,火山的岩浆是喷出来的。”Here, “大家看我画的图”is an effective method for the reporter to use drawings to explain complex terminologies related to volcano to those children.

3.1.2 Adding Coherence to the Meaning of Sentences under One Theme

As foreign teachers tend to teach children diverse pragmatic knowledge in a flexible way, like playing games with them, reading articles to them or displaying animations to them, it was imperative for the reporter to collect the related materials for each theme to be taught in advance. Besides, the foreign teacher loved to switch between the audio or visual methods, which needed the reporter to pay attention to coherence between each part when interpreted.

Solution to Example Three

This group of sentences provided some basic knowledge of earthquake from both the slide and animation. But the two sentences lacked coherence to some degree. At first, the reporter interpreted them into “地震按级别来分,可以微弱到人类察觉不到,也可以强大到将人类摔倒,毁坏整座城市。”and “地球表面就像七巧板,不是一整块的,而是不断在移动的大约20块拼图。”respectively, but those children could hardly connect the meaning of the two sentences together. If the reporter interpreted in this way “地球表面就像七巧板,不是一整块的,而是不断在移动的大约20块拼图,不断移动就会碰撞,所以会存在地震。地震按级别来分,可以微弱到人类察觉不到,也可以强大到将人类摔倒,毁坏整座城市。”, adding “不断移动就会碰撞,所以会存在地震”as the connection in the context, those children would understand better.

3.2 Adopting Different Modes of Speaking

Due to the fact that there was great gap between preschool childrens and summer camp leaders ages as well as big cultural difference between summer camp leaders and foreign friends who the reporter needed to interpret for, it was necessary for the reporter to adopt different speaking modes in interpreting. The particular methods are elaborated on in the following section.

3.2.1 Understanding Childrens Language Processing Mode

Piaget (1926) deemed that children between 2-7 years old generally do not intend to speak to others or choose and adjust their own language depending on the audience. So, if those children cannot understand the content that the teacher taught, they seldom asked. In order to let those children engage in the class in a better way, the reporter ought to adopt the way of interpreting differing from that for adults.

Solution to Example Four

The difficulty in this sentence was that those children could not link the meaning of “烟雾”and “探测器”together because according to Piagets theory, they cannot mentally manipulate information at their age. After that class, the reporter contemplated that if she had interpreted that sentence into “至少,要保证你家里正确装有一台在使用中的烟雾探测器,而烟雾探测器就是一个圆柱形的东西安放在天花板上。如果家里的烟雾超过一定含量,他就会检测到并报警哦。这样就可以预防火灾了。”,those children would have understood the connotation of that sentence better because the improved version of that contains “一个圆柱形的东西安放在天花板上”, which is so lively that can comply with childrens mode of information processing.

Solution to Example Five

This sentence from the survival manual taught children what they ought to do in an earthquake. The former version of the authors interpreting was too formalized. Especially, the phrase “固体东西”was far beyond those childrens information manipulation ability. If the author cited some examples about “固体东西”when interpreting, such as “桌子”、“柜子” and“凳子”, to explain to those children, then, they might grasp the earthquake survival tips better. And the improved interpreting version could be “抓緊一件固体东西,比如说桌子、柜子、和门框,或趴在地板上,这样就不会摔倒了。也可以试着躲在一件家具底下。”

3.2.2 Knowing the Difference of Cultural Connotation between Chinese and English

Apart from interpreting for preschool children, the author still needed to interpret for foreign teachers and summer camp leaders in teaching seminars held during two weeks. In this part, the major challenge was that sometimes what the foreign teachers said was over-straight which could not be interpreted directly to summer camp leaders who were around 50 years old. And the reporter thought the reason would be that those leaders grew up at the background of traditional Chinese culture and were accustomed to expressing things euphemistically. Interpreting is not a single, mechanical inter-lingual trans-coding, which transforms the source language into the target language without any change. Instead, it translates in a cross-lingual and intercultural communication activity aimed at transmitting information and expressing intents (Xie 2013). Thus, the reporter ought to paraphrase what the foreign teachers said in an euphemistic way.

Solution to Example Six

In this years English summer camp, PE lessons were added for the first time into the curriculum with the aim to exercise childrens physical ability. But the summer camp leader who took charge of the security of children mentioned the matters that need to be noticed and put forward three things that children ought not to do, namely, no playing ball games, no running after each other and no lying on the ground. In western countries, children are encouraged to participate in various physical exercises to release nature, develop team work spirit and strengthen their physique. It was reasonable that the foreign teacher retorted. But for the author, considering Chinese euphemistic way of speaking, she had better interpret that sentence into “您是说孩子们不能玩球类运动,不能追逐奔跑,不能躺在地上。请恕我不太能理解,您能解释一下吗?”Here, “恕”is a typical Chinese word to express esteem and soften the tone of voice.

3.3 Applying Diverse Tactics According to Different Interpreting Environments

Due to the fact that the reporter participated in both class interpreting and conference interpreting, she encountered some obstacles in those two parts. For the reporter, these two kinds of interpreting were not the same in many aspects. For example, class interpreting, especially the one for preschool children, required the reporter to spare some of her attention to concern class discipline while interpreting. In this section, the reporter would put forward two tentative solutions to try to improve interpreting quality.

3.3.1 Achieving Balance between Interpreting and Maintaining Class Discipline

In this English summer camp, the reporter took charge of the class that was filled with preschool children around 6 years old. They were very naughty at that age and most of them felt the foreign teacher was not as strict as their Chinese preschool teachers, so they behaved in a less disciplined way and released their nature in classes. In that case, maintaining class discipline was also necessary for the reporter during the class interpreting process.

Solution to Example Seven

This sentence was aimed to teach those preschool students how to survive an earthquake in the vehicle. However, when the reporter was interpreting it, two naughty boys quarreled and even fought with each other because one took the other boys crayon without asking. Of course, the foreign teacher came to stop them and gave both of them the warning, and the reporter had to interpreted that to them. The fluency of the sentence about earthquake survival being interpreted was broken, interrupting knowledge dissemination process. So the reporter needed to use some tactics to draw those childrens attention back to the teaching content. For instance, she could use some words to link between the preceding and following sentences, like “好了,小朋友們,咱们继续上课,刚刚我们讲到了……”, and interpreted the whole sentence into “在安全条件允许的情况下,我们要迅速停车,待在车里不要动。不要停在建筑物、树、天桥、公用电线附近……好了,小朋友们,咱们继续上课了啊,刚刚我们讲到了地震来临时,我们如果在车里的话就不能停在建筑物、树、天桥、公用电线附近,因为它们非常有可能会倒下并砸在我们的车上。”

3.3.2 Strengthening Memory

In teaching seminars that were held once a week on Friday afternoon, foreign teachers and Chinese summer camp leaders would also spare some time to study educational theories especially those targeted for preschool children. And the Montessori education theory was the most frequently mentioned one. There was no doubt that there were many abstract terminologies in it, and in most case sentences that contained those terminologies were formal and long, making it imperative for the author to apply note-taking method. However, too much energy on note-taking might exert an adverse effect on the remembrance of following information blocks needed to be interpreted. Thus, the obstacle such as distraction from note-taking was required to be solved by the reporter.

Solution to Example Eight

This pack of sentences gave foreign teachers and Chinese summer camp leaders the basic information on the Montessori education theory and was very long and formal compared with other sentences studied in teaching seminars. When interpreting it, the reporter paid much attention to note taking, and missed the information message about the latter part of the sentence pack. To solve this obstacle, the reporter could shorten the number and length of the notes that she took, only writes down some key words and uses more lines, capitals and symbols instead of Chinese characters. Meanwhile, she could strength memory by forming a group of images about those sentences, then links them according to the chronological order. In this way, the reporter would recall the information needed to be interpreted more easily and hardly miss information message. Besides, under the guidance of the interpretive theory, the reporter could paraphrase what the sentences meant in mind and reproduce their central information in Chinese to present to summer camp leaders. So, the third sentence in the group of sentences could be interpreted into “蒙臺梭利认为在她的教育模拟环境里可进行自由选择或自由表现的孩子会为了最好的发展自发表现的很好。”

4.1 Conclusion

In the report, the interpretive theory was used to guide interpreting process analysis. With the background of that theory, the reporter firstly listed three main difficulties, namely, the lack of professional knowledge about particular teaching contents, great difference between target people in interpreting and obstacles in switching between class interpreting and conference interpreting. The first difficulty is divided into two aspects, which are a wide range of themes taught in class and over-flexibility in foreign teachers teaching style respectively. In the second difficulty, the reporter subdivided it into target people with large age gap and target people with cultural difference between the East and the West. While in the third difficulty, the reporter analyzed interference with interpreting due to poor classroom discipline and distraction from note-taking in conference interpreting.

Furthermore, the reporter puts forward practical approaches to address these difficulties. In order to conquer the initial obstacle, the reporter puts forward that she could get familiar with teaching contents in advance, which can be divided into having discussion with foreign teachers before class and adding coherence to the meaning of sentences under one theme. Then, the reporter gives the method to solve the second difficulty could be acquiring different modes of speaking, including understanding childrens language processing mode and knowing the difference of cultural connotation between Chinese and English. Finally, the third approach would be applying diverse tactics according to different interpreting environments, which contains achieving the balance between interpreting and maintaining class discipline and strengthening memory.


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