The 2018 FIFA World Cup*
Words: Adam (The UK)
Art: 院长
2018 FIFA World Cup Russia is the 21st FIFA World Cup. This is the first World Cup held in Europe* since 2006.
The FIFA World Cup* is a big football competition* that happens every four years.
There are many outdoor stadiums* in Russia and the games will be held there.
The official* mascot* of 2018 FIFA World Cup is a handsome* wolf*.Do you think he’s handsome?
FIFA ['fifə] World Cup国际足联世界杯
competition [ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn] 竞赛
Europe ['jʊrəp] 欧洲
stadium ['steɪdɪəm] 体育场
official [ə'fɪʃ(ə)l] 官方的
mascot ['mæskɒt] 吉祥物
handsome ['hæns(ə)m] 英俊的
wolf [wʊlf] 狼
There is a special ball for the World Cup called the Telstar*.
It is black and white with golden lettering*.
The winner of the World Cup wins a huge trophy*! The trophy is made of gold and it’s the highest honor* in the world of football.
The World Cup is very popular and the crowds* there are always big and crazy.
The World Cup can bring people together.Let's just enjoy this party!
th [ ð ]
mother father brother feather
Telstar ['telsta:] 电讯通信卫星
lettering ['let(ə)rɪŋ] 印字
trophy ['trəʊfɪ] 奖杯
honor ['ɒnə] 荣誉
crowd [kraʊd] 观众