By Dylan Curran
Its taken a long time, but people have finally discovered how much information companies like Google and Facebook have on them. We cannot keep sacrificing our privacy and dignity to continue using the internet. However, at the same time, new digital innovations that millions love and enjoy require our data. So what are we to do?
The biggest issue with the software industrys data collection is the span of time for which it hoards information.2 The industry simply does not believe in a delete button. For instance, Google has records of all my locations for the last six years, and Facebook has my deleted messages from nearly 10 years ago.
This kind of long-term data storage may seem innocuous3 to some. To others, it may even be useful to know what exactly they were doing on a specific day many years ago, or recover messages from a loved one, or see how much their searching and browsing4 habits have changed over time.
However, as government surveillance is emerging as a growing concern—especially in surveillance states—the long-term data storage enacted by all of the top tech companies is a dream come true for any current or future authoritarian state.5
Even if western governments are not enacting any Nineteen Eighty-Four-style policies of tracking your every word and executing you for any rebellious statements, the knowledge of potential surveillance can lead to selfcensorship.6 You are not a threat and you may not have an FBI agent dedicated to you, but even the knowledge that they may look into you can lead to society operating with a subconscious fear of expressing views on the internet.7
A 2013 study surveying US writers found that after they learned of the NSAs mass surveillance programs, one in six avoided writing on a topic they thought that would subject them to any kind of surveillance, and a further one in six seriously considered avoiding controversial topics.8
This is why we need online privacy: we have the right to be curious or conduct digital actions without constantly being tracked, or fearing future reprisals9. As Edward Snowden has put it: “Ask yourself: at every point in history, who suffers the most from unjustified surveillance?10 It is not the privileged, but the vulnerable. Surveillance is not about safety. It is about power. Its about control.”
There also isnt a strong business case for internet companies storing decades-old data. Old information is virtually worthless to advertisers and therefore not profitable for the companies to store. Why would Google need your location from six years ago, or Facebook to store your messages from 10 years ago, to target advertising? You may not live in the same location; you may not have the same friends, interests, hobbies, career, weight or even income as in that time period. Yet they just keep hoarding it.
Therefore, I propose legislation to allow companies to harvest as much information as they like, but with one caveat: they must delete the information from their servers in quarterly blocks.11 This would allow us to keep using the services we like in the exact fashion12 that we do now.
They can then offer you an option to download all the data they have on you, if you would like to keep your images or statuses or messages or emails. However, this must be an opt-out13 option.
The world is constantly changing. It may be too difficult or even impossible to stop entities like the NSA and CIA from monitoring your internet activity, but we can at least take a first step and put a roadblock in place for any potential or future surveillance.14 They will not have access to your lifes diary at the click of a button, or see everywhere you have been for 10 years, or use searching or browsing history from when you were a teenager to question your character.
This Digital Expiry Date offers companies the benefits of getting your data, personalizing results and still making profits, while putting some control in the users hands. You will not have to worry about governments or companies in the future mishandling15 years worth of information—which would limit the damage they could do. A Digital Expiry Date would maintain online innovation and profitability, while helping to prevent any future privacy disasters.
It is not a perfect solution, but it is a start.
1. expiry: 期滿,逾期。
2. span:(两个日期或事件之间的)时距,期间;hoard: 贮藏,囤积。
3. innocuous: 无冒犯之意的,无害的。
4. browse:(在计算机或互联网上)浏览(信息)。
5. surveillance: 监督,监视;enact: 规定,发布;authoritarian: 独裁的,专制的。
6. 虽然西方政府并没有制定“一九八四”式的政策来追踪你的一言一行,并因反叛性的言论将你处决,但如果人们知道自己可能被监视,他们就会注意自己的言论。Nineteen Eighty-Four-style: “一九八四”式,指英国作家乔治·奥威尔在其反乌托邦小说《一九八四》中营造的集权暴政统治之下的恐怖社会氛围:政府无所不在地监视和操控民众,使其失去自由和独立思考的权利,思想受到泯灭人性的钳制;execute: 处决;rebellious: 反叛的,造反的;selfcensorship: 自我审查。
7. FBI: 即Federal Bureau of Investigation,美国联邦调查局,是美国司法部的主要执法及调查单位,也是美国联邦政府最大的反间谍机构;subconscious:下意识的,潜意识的。
8. NSA: 即National Security Agency,美国国家安全局,是美国政府机构中最大的情报部门,负责收集和分析外国及本国通信资料,隶属于美国国防部;mass: 大规模的;subject sb. to: 使经受;controversial: 有争议的。
9. reprisal: 报复。
10. Edward Snowden: 爱德华·斯诺登,美国中央情报局前雇员、美国国家安全局外包技术员,因于2013年6月将美国国家安全局关于棱镜计划监听项目的秘密文档披露给《卫报》和《华盛顿邮报》而遭美国政府通缉,其后又再次曝光英国“颞颥”秘密情报监视项目;unjustified: 不正当的。
11. 因此,我提议拟定相关法律,在一定条件下允许科技公司自由获取大量信息,即他们必须按季度将服务器上的信息删除。caveat: 警告,限制性条款;quarterly: 按季度的。
12. fashion:(做事的)方式,样子。
13. opt-out:(对某项制度或协定的)不参与,退出。
14. entity: 实体;CIA: 即Central Intelligence Agency,美国中央情报局,美国主要的情报机构之一;roadblock: 路障。
15. mishandle: 不当地处理。
∷秋叶 评
显然,这并非耸人听闻,而是已多次实实在在地发生在这个似乎已变得更加自由、民主、尊重人权的世界里。2013年美国中央情报局(CIA)前雇员斯诺登(Edward Snowden)披露了美国政府包括对于其国内人民在内的全球秘密监控计划——棱鏡计划(PRISM)的各种细节,实在是骇人听闻。该计划是一项由美国国家安全局(NSA)自2007年小布什政府时期起开始实施的绝密电子监听计划,可以直接进入美国网络公司的中心服务器里挖掘数据、收集情报,包括微软、雅虎、谷歌、苹果等在内的九家国际网络巨头皆参与其中。受到监控的信息包括电邮、即时消息、视频、照片、存储数据、语音聊天、文件传输、视频会议、登录时间和社交网络资料的细节等。通过棱镜计划,国家安全局甚至可以实时监控一个人正在进行的网络搜索的内容。根据美国《时代周刊》报道,美国政府对公众隐私的监控可能比媒体报道的上述内容更深入。由于世界主要技术公司的总部主要在美国,美国政府在与这些公司的合作下可以接触到全世界的大部分数据,因此我们几乎可以肯定地说世界各国人民的隐私都可能受到其侵犯。对此,当时的美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)辩称:“你不能在拥有100%安全的情况下同时拥有100%隐私和100%便利。”即国家的利益——尤其是阻止恐怖主义——高于保护隐私权,而美国2001年通过的《爱国者法案》(USA PATRIOT Act)给予了美国政府使用这些存储在美国的全球数据的权利。然而,根据联合国于1948年颁布的《世界人权宣言》(Universal Declaration of Human Rights),隐私权(rights to privacy)为人权的重要内容。
就在棱镜计划被披露的次年,即2014年,英国的剑桥分析公司(Cambridge Analytica)开始大量收集脸书的个人信息,并将这些信息擅自出售给政客们,试图对选民意见施加影响并让他们赢得选举。2015年12月,英国《卫报》(The Guardian)报道了美国参议员特德·克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)曾为该公司客户,但并未引起很大关注。2018年3月,更有多家英美媒体根据该公司前雇员克里斯托弗·怀利(Christopher Wylie)的爆料进一步报道了该丑闻的许多鲜为人知的细节。截至丑闻曝光前,至少有8,700万脸书用户的个人数据曾被该公司滥用甚至盗用。据美国合众社报道,由剑桥分析公司前管理层运营的一家公司一直以来都在为美国现任总统特朗普(Donald Trump)2020年竞选连任悄悄运作着。脸书总裁马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)对丑闻给予了相当大的重视,先进行了道歉,认为这是对“信任的触犯”,并决定不仅在欧盟国家还要在所有地区执行欧盟的《通用数据保护条例》(General Data Protection Regulation)。2018年7月,英国宣布将对脸书实施50万英镑的罚款,因其违背法律,未能保护好用户的信息。该丑闻进一步引发了公众对于社交媒体公司、政治咨询组织以及政治家面对用户个人隐私时的伦理道德标准的讨论。以上不管涉及政府还是企业的数据丑闻均颇有些偶然地由涉案机构的前雇员披露,由相对独立性较好的英美大众媒体报道,真相才大白于天下。笔者相信同样的问题也可能大量地存在于其他许多国家,只是由于各种原因,那冰山的一角尚未暴露而已。
2014年以来,英美新闻界、学术界出现了一个新的术语——监控资本主义(surveillance capitalism),专指一种资本主义的新面貌,即通过监控获取可以货币化的数据。据称,谷歌为监控资本主义的始作俑者,随后脸书、推特等加入其中。它将数据获取凌驾于研发生产新产品之上,威胁到了自由、隐私权等当代公民的基本权利。有鉴于此,欧盟于两年前制定了《通用数据保护条例》,并于今年5月予以实施,这将为世界范围内保护个人数据安全树立一个很高的标准。其中的一条就如同原文所建议的那样,明确规定公司对客户数据能保存多长时间。然而,该总则的实施范围仅在欧盟范围之内,而且主要规范的是企业行为,而非政府活动。从上述美英两国爆发的数据丑闻可知,政府部门与政治家们往往通过各种理由说服甚至要挟高科技公司共享数据信息,而大多数公司或出于压力或认为属合法请求而予以满足。就如同当今世界打击恐怖组织不难,而对付国家恐怖主义往往束手无策,这是必须引起我们高度警觉的。