April Fools’ Jokes


Special Focus 2018年9期

By Wang Huiyun

Every time April Fools’jokes come up, I can’t help but thinking of the story of the “cowtomato.”

I remember sometime after the reforms and opening-up of the country, the media reported on a scientific discovery that caused quite the sensation: “cowtomatoes.” Apparently a professor at some college in Germany had mixed tomato cells together with cow cells and had successfully grown “cow-tomatoes.” These tomatoes contained ten times the amount of vitamin C that the original tomatoes had and were high in protein, making this incredible combination of meat and vegetable into a brand-new super-food.

This news caused quite the stir in China at the time. Back then, the country had only just opened up its doors, we opened our eyes to take a look and:Wow! Compared with developed countries we were really lagging behind by a large distance. If we wanted to eat beef and tomatoes,we would need to buy tomatoes and some beef, then we would need to stir-fry them together to make a single dish. Other countries, though, had already made a hybrid of the two; you can eat a tomato and chew on it like you’d chew on a piece of soybraised beef. Giving you vitamins and high protein all in one bite. If everyone had this kind of tomato,then they wouldn’t need to tend so many cows anymore.

Apparently, in order to get these tomatoes accessible to the Chinese population as soon as possible, professional technicians made a special trip, over a great distance, to Germany to visit the professor who invented the “cowtomato.” But it was all for nothing.No such outstanding professor ever existed. It was only later that they found out, the whole thing was an April Fools’ joke cookedup by the British magazine New Scientist.

This kind of humor was certainly new for people who had recently experienced medical treatments like injecting chicken blood, drinking cold water, arm swinging therapy and drinking fermented tea. The joke in New Scientist, left Chinese people excited for quite a while.

If we say that “lies” like the“cow-tomato” were able to deceive the Chinese public who were totally unfamiliar with Western culture. Then, can it be said that everyone who lives in the West is immune to April Fools’ jokes? The answer is: no.

Westerners mainly just use April Fools’ Day as a way to have some fun. Very often you will see jokes played on famous people to entertain the public. In recent years, even Microsoft’s CEO,Bill Gates, was pranked on April Fools’ Day.

In 2002, two newsreaders at a French TV Station, in Montreal,Québec, Canada, were bored out of their minds. They came up with the idea to find a famous person who was intelligent and hard to fool, to prank for fun on April Fools’ Day. After some deliberation they settled on Bill Gates. On the day, they called up Microsoft headquarters, claiming to be calling from the office of the Canadian Prime Minister, asking that Mr. Gates pick up the phone to speak with Jean Chrétien.

Gate’s assistant didn’t think anything particular about it, and put them through to the big boss.

Gates, hearing that it was the Prime Minister of Canada calling, hurriedly picked up the receiver laughing nervously.Although Gates is a wealthy and intimidating man, he still wouldn’t dare snub this kind of phone call. As soon as the call began you could tell “Chrétien”wasn’t very good at English, but he was making witty comments one after another. The starting speaking about both countries economic trends and moved to talking about Widows XP. Gates was both dazed and overwhelmed with praise. In the end “Chrétien”even invited Gates to come visit Canada and he gladly accepted the invitation. What a privilege!

When Gates finally settled down after the phone call, he put on the news and saw that while he was supposedly having a chat,Chrétien was in the middle of a meeting with foreign dignitaries.

During the 80’s foreign Chinese students’ cars were all pretty rough. They were all the kind of cars where the horn didn’t make a sound, but everywhere else did. The poor quality of the cars meant that they caused a lot of problems. If someone’s car broke down on the side of the road, their classmates would feel almost duty-bound to go to the scene straight away and help out.

One afternoon, a friend of mine called saying that his car had broken down in Chicago and told me to hurry up and come help. I put down the phone, and without even thinking about it, drove straight there. I went to the place he told me but I didn’t see any sign of cars or people, so I drove around the block to see if I could see anything.

Driving around the area, I felt like something wasn’t right. I triedfiguring out what the day was, and realized that it was April Fools’Day. I suddenly realized what was happening and I didn’t feel good about it. On the way back I hit the afternoon rush hour and being unfamiliar with the roads in the city, I ended up running out of fuel before I had even left the city.

Around dinnertime, my friend tried calling again, to make fun of me. But, on hearing that I still hadn’t come back, that I ran out of gas and was stuck on the side of the road, he panicked. He got in his car and drove towards the city and actually managed to find me before dark. He helped mefill up my tank and took me for dinner in Chinatown, apologizing profusely the whole time.

Just look what this joke turned into!










盖茨一听是加拿大总理打来的,忙不迭地拿起听筒一个劲儿傻笑。虽说盖茨腰缠万贯、财大气粗,这样的电话也不敢怠慢。电话一通,“克雷蒂安”虽然英语说得不地道,但是妙语连珠,从两国经济形势聊到Windows XP,把盖茨侃得晕头转向、受宠若惊。临了,“克雷蒂安”还邀请盖茨有空儿来加拿大玩,盖茨当然是欣然接受。多大的面子呀!








书虫来袭 《了不起的盖茨比》