Why Are Small Towns More Livable
By Ma Xiaodan
When I was conducting interviews concerning the most livable cities in the United States, John Smith, a local resident from Arlington,Virginia, asked, “I hear that half of the Korean population lives in the capital city and a huge amount of Thai people live in Bangkok,while the number of people living in big cities like Tokyo is even more staggering. Is it true? ” I replied, “I have not been to these cities, but in China, there are many metropolitan cities with a population of millions, and even tens of millions.”
“Why are most big cities in Asia?” John asked continually.
His question is quite typical,yet acceptable. New York, with a population of more than 7 million,is an international metropolis in every aspect, but it is by no means a livable city in most American people’s minds. On the list of “the most livable cities” in the United States, New York falls at the bottom.
Almost all livable cities ranking high on the list are small towns.Americans today are increasingly inclined to a lifestyle different from that in a metropolis. They prefer to live in small towns.
Small towns that are especially favorable with Americans are mostly hubs of higher education.Charlottesville, Virginia, is rated as the most livable place in the United States, where the famous University of Virginia is located, neighboring the beautiful Shenandoah National Park. Apart from the superior natural environment, the town also provides ample employment opportunities and boasts a healthy economic environment.
Two other university towns,Ann Arbor, Michigan and Corvallis, Oregon are also listed among the top ten livable cities in the United States.
美国华盛顿州的双桥岛市Bainbridge Island, Washington, USA
Bainbridge Island, Washington also enjoys a good landscape.44-year-old Casey said: “Life here is like on holiday every day.” She and her husband were sightseeing in Seattle 10 years ago and were immediately attracted to the beautiful small town. Its towering trees and diverse sea views attracted them to settle there.
A city’s livability is largely owed to its human-friendly atmosphere,manifested by the local residents’satisfaction and loyalty.
美国弗吉尼亚州的夏洛茨维尔市Charlottesville, Virginia, USA