

重庆与世界 2018年8期

□ 文 图/本刊记者 唐安冰




“The former Arsenal of Chongqing Anti-Japanese War” and“Chongqing Jianchuan Museum” are located in Jiulongpo District.From the Egongyan Overpass in Jiulongpo District, you can see the towering statues of anti-Japanese warriors afar and the museums are situated in the Egongyan Park below the overpass. This museum cluster built by the cave producing weapons during the Anti-Japanese War is composed of eight themed museums, including the first factory of The Bureau of Ordnance, the Museum of the Anti-Japanese War Relics, the Museum of Armoury Development History, the Museum of Tickets, the Museum of Chinese Medical Culture, the Museum of Chongqing Stories, the Museum of Chinese Wedding Culture and the Museum of Folk Prayer Culture. The exhibition contains more than tens of thousands of cultural relics counting 60 pieces of national-level ones in, including modern historical materials and articles about the Anti-Japanese War, weapons, folklore and red time.

Please now follow the lens of the journalist and appreciate such five folk museums as the Museum of Tickets, the Museum of Chinese Medical Culture, the Museum of Chongqing Stories, the Museum of Chinese Wedding Culture and the Museum of Folk Prayer Culture.We can understand the changes in Chinese marriage customs and etiquette as well as the scientific and cultural knowledge popularized to the public from the articles of daily use and the historical accounts about life details displayed in the museum.

票证生活博物馆 The Museum of Tickets


Through the exhibition of the articles of daily use and life details in the ticket age, supplemented by various tickets, we can clearly realize the social customs and life customs of Chinese ordinary people, forming a picture of the generations seeking survival and happiness.

① 票证生活博物馆。

② 票证生活博物馆百姓凭票购买猪肉场景。

③ 搪瓷碗。

④ 中医药文化博物馆。

⑤ 华佗为关羽刮骨疗毒场景。

⑥ 中医药文化采集制作场景。

中医药文化博物馆 The Museum of Chinese Medical Culture


Through the display of the basic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicines,the mystery of traditional Chinese medicine is revealed and the knowledge of Chinese medicine is popularized. The aim is to promote people's attention to traditional Chinese medicine and the health awareness using traditional Chinese medicine, drive the improvement of medical care and facilitate the healthy development of people's mind and body.

⑦ 重庆故事博物馆入口。

⑧ 还原的老重庆裁缝铺。

⑨ 历史名人展厅。

重庆故事博物馆 The Museum of Chongqing Stories


From the perspective of folk memory, the exhibition systematically displays the Chongqing folk culture represented by the work songs of boat trackers, the dock food and the dock dialect as well as shows the development and progress of all aspects of Chongqing society by selecting historical fragments, important figures and regional cultures.




中国囍文化博物馆 The Museum of Chinese Wedding Culture


Focusing on the wedding culture of marriage customs and etiquette, marriage license and wedding supplies, the museum displays the changes in Chinese marriage customs and etiquette and conveys the joy from the perspective of folklore, bringing out the positive energy of “ forever love”.




民间祈福文化博物馆 The Museum of Folk Prayer Culture


The museum restores the historical process of people pinning their faith and the wish of praying good fortunes and removing ill ones on the gods due to the constraints of productivity and technology for thousands of years. Through the exhibition, the people have a preliminary understanding about the traditional customs of folk blessing and disaster removal and at the same time more scientific and cultural knowledge are promoted and spreaded to the public.

