

农业工程学报 2018年17期

孟 亮,李 雄,黄永俊,万 强,李明震,李善军,张衍林


孟 亮,李 雄,黄永俊,万 强,李明震,李善军,张衍林※

(华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070)

为了提高柑橘枝粉碎机锤片的摩擦性能,该文主要通过多面激光淬火及激光熔覆技术强化65Mn钢锤片表面。采用金相显微镜、显微硬度计、摩擦磨损试验机等探究激光处理后65Mn钢组织对其显微硬度及摩擦性能的影响。试验结果表明:经激光淬火处理后65Mn钢主要由完全淬火区、不完全淬火区、热影响区及基体组成,经激光熔覆处理后65Mn钢主要由熔覆区、完全淬火区、不完全淬火区、热影响区及基体组成;65Mn钢经激光淬火处理后,其显微硬度最高可达619.8 HV0.1;65Mn钢经激光熔覆处理后,其显微硬度最高可达1 038.4 HV0.1;65Mn钢经水淬-中温回火处理后,其平均显微硬度为585.6 HV0.1;激光淬火处理后65Mn钢表面出现磨粒磨损机制,平均摩擦系数为0.40;65Mn钢经激光熔覆Ni60+35%WC后熔覆层表面出现磨粒磨损机制,平均摩擦系数为0.36;水淬-中温回火热处理后65Mn钢表面出现粘着磨损机制,平均摩擦系数为0.41;由此可见,65Mn钢锤片经激光熔覆处理后摩擦性能较好。该研究可为锤片耐磨性提升提供参考。


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1 试验材料及方法

1.1 试验材料

激光淬火、激光熔覆及普通热处理试验所采取的基材均为65Mn钢锤片,试验前对试样表面除锈除油并清洗洁净,试样尺寸为90 mm×60 mm×12 mm,其组织成分如表1所示。激光熔覆涂层材料为WC/Ni60(碳化钨与镍60)合金粉末,其中WC(碳化钨)的质量分数为35%。

表1 65Mn钢基体成分组成(质量分数)

1.2 试验方法

本试验采用设备为GS-HL-5000型激光器(武汉高斯激光设备有限公司,功率5 kW,波长10.6m)及SX2-5-12型电炉(武汉亚华电炉有限公司,额度功率5 kW,额定电压220 V,额定温度1 000 ℃)。试验方法采用多面激光淬火和激光熔覆处理。激光淬火时采用功率为2.5 kW,扫描速度为300 mm/min。激光熔覆时采用功率为3.2 kW,扫描速度为350 mm/min,送粉速度为15~20 g/min。普通热处理采用水淬-中温回火工艺,其试验参数为:淬火温度为790 ℃,时间20 min;中温回火温度为350 ℃,时间25 min。试样经激光淬火及激光熔覆后,沿垂直于扫描速度方向截取一部分制作金相样品,使用体积分数为10%的硝酸酒精溶液对金相样品进行腐蚀。试样经普通热处理后,在试样任意部位截取部分制作金相样品,并利用10%的硝酸酒精溶液对金相样品进行腐蚀。通过MJ30型金相显微镜(广州市明美光电技术有限公司,像素2000万)分析金相试样的显微组织结构,利用HV-1000B型数字显微硬度计(烟台华银试验仪器有限公司,最小检测单位0.25m)测量金相试样各部分显微硬度,加载压力为0.981 N,压力保持时间为15 s。将表面改性后的试样制作成15 mm×15 mm×4 mm标准试样块,在MS-T-3001型摩擦磨损试验机(兰州华汇仪器科技有限公司,加载精度0.1 g)进行磨损试验,磨头材料为Si3N4,试验时间20 min,载荷500 g,旋转速度50 r/min,摩擦温度0 ℃。锤片实际运行工况下磨损主要集中于4个顶角相邻端面,因此为提升锤片摩擦性能,本文对锤片4个顶角相邻5个端面全部进行激光淬火及激光熔覆,如图1所示,热处理范围尺寸为60 mm×15 mm、12 mm× 15 mm、60 mm×12 mm。

图1 65Mn钢锤片激光处理部位示意图

2 试验结果与分析

2.1 激光淬火处理后65Mn组织分析


图2 激光淬火处理后样品显微组织


2.2 激光熔覆处理后65Mn组织分析



图3 激光熔覆处理后样品显微组织结构

2.3 水淬-中温回火处理后65Mn组织分析

图4为65Mn钢经水淬-中温回火处理后显微组织结构。如图4所示,65Mn钢经水淬-中温回火处理后显微组织为针状马氏体。在水淬-中温回火处理中,65Mn钢经790 ℃高温加热后致使组织转变为奥氏体,在快速冷却的条件下组织转变为针状马氏体。

图4 水淬-中温回火处理后样品显微组织结构

2.4 显微硬度

图5为不同工艺处理后65Mn钢横截面显微硬度分布。由图5可知,经激光淬火处理后65Mn钢截面硬度随着距表面距离的增加,显微硬度总体呈现缓慢下降、急剧下降、缓慢下降、稳定的趋势。经激光熔覆处理后65Mn钢截面硬度随着距表面距离的增加,显微硬度总体呈现缓慢上升、缓慢下降、急剧下降、缓慢下降、稳定的趋势。根据显微硬度变化趋势,可将界面硬度区域划分为高显微硬度区、急剧下降过渡区、缓降过渡区及低显微硬度区,与此对应硬化区、不完全淬火区、热影响区及基体。对于激光淬火而言,硬化区为完全淬火区,而激光熔覆硬化区则包含熔覆区及完全淬火区。对于激光淬火而言:其硬化区深度大约为0.8 mm;不完全淬火区深度较窄,大约为0.2 mm;热影响区深度大约为1.2 mm。对于激光熔覆而言:其硬化区深度大约为1.2 mm;不完全淬火区深度较窄,大约为0.2 mm;热影响区深度大约为1.0 mm。


由图5可知,硬化区经激光淬火处理后65Mn钢组织的显微硬度最高可达619.8 HV0.1,主要是因为在急热、急冷的情况下会导致碳原子来不及扩散致使珠光体转变为含碳量较高的奥氏体,冷却后得到高碳马氏体,硬度略高于水淬-中温回火热处理后65Mn钢组织的平均显微硬度585.6 HV0.1。

由图5可以看出经激光熔覆处理后试样显微硬度先呈现增长的趋势后呈现下降的趋势,出现这种情况是因为在进行激光熔覆时,由于激光能量较高导致熔覆区表层合金元素烧损以至于熔覆区表面处硬度稍低于亚表层,随着距表层距离增加,显微硬度会逐渐降至65Mn钢基体硬度,冶金结合(白亮带)区域硬度稍低于熔覆区硬度而高于基体,是由于熔池中存在对流作用,基体中的Fe等元素会扩散进入熔池进而稀释熔覆区使得显微硬度降低,同时熔覆区中的合金元素向基体扩散,由于固溶强化作用使得冶金结合区域显微硬度高于基体。对于经激光熔覆处理后的65Mn钢而言,在高硬度的硬化区中,其显微硬度可达到1 038.4 HV0.1,显微硬度相对于经水淬-中温回火热处理后65Mn钢平均显微硬度提高了近1.77倍。从图5还可以看出,激光熔覆处理后硬化区的显微硬度远高于激光淬火处理后硬化区的显微硬度,一方面是复合合金粉末中WC的含量较高,另一方面是由于激光能量密度较高以及扫描速度较低使得WC颗粒较大程度的熔解,进而使快速凝固后析出的碳化物强化相数量也得到相应的提高,激光熔覆过程中熔池的凝固速率极快,进而细化组织,从而起到强化表面的作用[20-27]。

3 材料的摩擦性能


图6 摩擦系数与时间关系


图7 摩擦磨损高倍形貌


4 结 论


2)经激光淬火处理后65Mn钢显微硬度最高可达619.8 HV0.1,经激光熔覆处理后65Mn钢显微硬度最高可达1 038.4 HV0.1,经水淬-中温回火处理后65Mn钢平均显微硬度为585.6 HV0.1。在高硬度的硬化区中,65Mn钢锤片经激光熔覆处理后显微硬度最高。



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Improvement on wear resistance of citrus twig grinding hammer of 65Mn steel by laser quenching and laser cladding

Meng Liang, Li Xiong, Huang Yongjun, Wan Qiang, Li Mingzhen, Li Shanjun, Zhang Yanlin※


In order to improve the wear resistance of the citrus twig grinding hammer, the multiple surfaces of the 65Mn steel hammer are strengthened by laser quenching and laser cladding. The metallographic microscope, microhardness tester and friction tester are used to study the effect of laser treated 65Mn steel on its microhardness and friction property. The main equipment used in this experiment is GS-HL-5000 fiber laser and SX2-5-12 type electric furnace. The power used for laser quenching is 2.5 kW and the scanning speed is 300 mm/min. For laser cladding, the power is 3.2 kW, the scanning speed is 350 mm/min, and the powder feeding speed is 15-20 g/min. Ordinary heat treatment uses water quenching and medium-temperature tempering process, and the test parameters are: With the quenching temperature of 790 °C, the time is 20 min; with the tempering temperature of 350 °C, the time is 25 min. After the laser quenching and laser cladding of the sample, a part of the metallographic sample is cut perpendicular to the scanning speed. The metallographic sample is etched by using 10% solution of nitric acid (volume fraction), and the metallographic sample is analyzed by the metallographic microscope. The loading pressure of digital microhardness tester is set to 0.981 N for 15 s pressure-keeping time. The friction experiment is implemented by MS-T-3001 friction tester with Si3N4grinding head, time of 20 min, 500 g loading, spindle speed of 50 r/min and 0 ℃ testing temperature. The results show that 65Mn steel, processed by laser quenching, is composed of entire quenching zone, part quenching zone, heat affected zone and substrate with its microstructure sequences as acicular martensite + retained austenite, ferrite + tempered troostite, lamellar pearlite + granular pearlite, lamellar pearlite + ferrite from the surface to the center. The 65Mn steel, processed by laser cladding, is composed of cladding zone, entire quenching zone, part quenching zone, heat affected zone and substrate with its microstructure sequences as eutectic structure, acicular martensite + retained austenite, granular pearlite, lamellar pearlite + granular pearlite, lamellar pearlite + ferrite from the surface to the center. The microstructure of 65Mn steel processed by water quenching and medium-temperature tempering is acicular martensite. The maximum microhardness of 65Mn steel processed by laser quenching is 619.8 HV0.1while the average microhardness of 65Mn steel processed by water quenching and medium-temperature tempering is 585.6 HV0.1.The surface microhardness of 65Mn steel processed by laser quenching is slightly higher than that by water quenching and medium-temperature tempering, because the surface of 65Mn steel with laser quenching is prone to form a layer of high carbon martensite. The maximum microhardness of 65Mn steel processed by laser cladding is 1 038.4 HV0.1, far more higher than the other 2 kinds of processing ways, because not only the content of WC (tungsten carbide) in composite alloy powder is high and also the higher laser energy density and the lower scanning speed can melt the WC particles to a large extent, increasing the number of carbide strengthening phase precipitated by rapid solidification. Abrasive wear mechanism appears on the surface of 65Mn steel by laser quenching, and the average friction coefficient is 0.40. Adhesive wear mechanism appears on the surface of 65Mn steel by water quenching and medium-temperature tempering, and the average friction coefficient is 0.41. The mechanism of surface abrasive wear appears on the surface of cladding layer, when the 65Mn steel is treated by laser cladding with Ni60 + 35% WC, and the average friction coefficient is 0.36, and the wear resistance is better. Based on the above results, the surface hardness of the laser-treated 65Mn steel increases substantially and the wear resistance increases significantly. This study provides a reference for extending the service life of the hammer.

agricultural machinery; microstructure; quenching; laser cladding; microhardness; friction property








孟 亮,高级工程师,博士生,研究方向为现代农业装备设计。


孟 亮,李 雄,黄永俊,万 强,李明震,李善军,张衍林. 激光淬火及熔覆技术提高柑橘枝粉碎机65Mn钢锤片耐磨性[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(17):54-60. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.17.008

Meng Liang, Li Xiong, Huang Yongjun, Wan Qiang, Li Mingzhen, Li Shanjun, Zhang Yanlin. Improvement on wear resistance of citrus twig grinding hammer of 65Mn steel by laser quenching and laser cladding[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(17): 54-60. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.17.008

