意大利皮亚琴察市 & 重庆江北区正式结为友好城市 共育美好未来


重庆与世界 2018年8期

□ 文/本刊记者 刘丁睿





On July 9, a delegation led by the district mayor of Chongqing Jiangbei district Dai Xiaohong visited Piacenza city in Italy in order to promote exchange and cooperation with Italy in machinery,logistics, food, wine as well as innovative application of environmental sustainability. At the same time,representatives of both parties have reached an agreement on friendly relations, marking the official establishment of sister cities between Piacenza city and Chongqing Jiangbei district. Such bilateral strategic cooperative partnership has helped to promote deepened cooperation in economy, science and technology,culture, education, health and sports.

Italy, as the cradle of European culture, gave birth to Roman culture and Etruscan civilization and served as the birthplace of Renaissance in the middle ages. It is a highly developed capitalist country, one of the four largest economies in Europe and the founding member of the European Union (EU) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). What’s more, Italy boasts the largest number of world heritage sites in the world, including 48 world heritage sites listed by United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It also maintains its leadership in artistic and fashion areas in the world.

Piacenza, located in Emilia-Romagna in the north of Italy,acts as the center of regional commerce and industries where there are gas and oil refineries and factories to produce cement,food, plastic, leather goods and agricultural machinery. Besides,with so many delicate architectures during the middle ages and Renaissance, Piacenza is regarded as one of the famous art cities in Italy.

江北新城高楼林立。 摄影/唐安冰




While Chongqing, located in the southwest of China and upper reaches of Yangtze river, enjoys world reputation as a mountainous city which features undulated and three-dimensional landform. It continues to open even wider to the rest of the world and has ushered in more new opportunities for foreign investment with the progress of the Belt and Road initiative. The China-Europe block train ferry (Chongqing)has not only brought Chongqing closer to the world, but also brought it even closer to Europe. Now, at least one train laden with cars,chemicals, food and other goods leaves Chongqing for Europe every day.

Jiangbei district, located in the north bank of the confluence of Jialing river and Yangtze river, is surrounded by mountains on all sides. It serves as not only the informational, financial, cultural and artistic center planned by Chongqing government but also the foreign consulate district and transportation hub. In addition, Jiangbei district is also located in the junction of the new silk road and the Yangtze river economic belt, making it an important fulcrum for logistics service between China-Europe new route.

Recent years have seen even closer relationship between Piacenza city and Jiangbei district. During the Milano Expo in 2015,both parties built contacts for the first time. In 2016, they signed the Letter of Intent for Establishment of Sister Cities in order to enhance cultural, economic and trade exchanges between each other. They have been actively engaged in exchange and cooperation in culture and art, education and health, tourism and leisure, commerce and trade as well as industry and environmental protection. Enterprises exchange and business cooperation between two parties have also been encouraged and facilitated.

