Back to the Days of Titanic


Special Focus 2018年8期

by Xiang Jiu

Titanic, familiar to global audiences, is a film of world fame which portrays the bittersweet love of Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater that has inspired millions of people.

Recently,Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition, co-hosted by Wuhan Hangu Art Gallery and American Pulier Exhibition Company,has been kicked off. The 4,000-square-meter exhibition hall features over 300 items from Titanic, and for locals, it has given new life to the memory.

Today, these artifacts and remains remind us of the glamour and glory of the legendary Titanic’s maiden voyage, from its departure to its inevitable wreck.

The bronze bell, hung over its conning tower on the foremast,was used for warnings and time keeping. On the night of April 14,1912, the lookout Frederick Fleet rang this bell three times, warning an iceberg straight ahead. And so began the fateful sinking of the Titanic.

Titanic’s grand staircase was one of its most spectacular features. Situated at the forward end of the ship, it was topped by a dome of iron and stained glass, which allowed the light to penetrate the first balcony where an elaborate panel featuring the figures of Honor and Glory Crowning Time was carved. The staircase’s graceful iron balustrades were decorated with bronze flowers with two bronze cherubs greeting the guests at the deck. The staircase was the main corridor linking all five levels, ending itself at the VIP Reception and Dining areas.

当年的船票 Tickets for the Titanic in 1912









14克拉黄金制作的狐狸头金针,工艺精巧Fine 14-karat gold stick pin with a fox head

桅杆挂钟 The crow’s nest bell

Profile:RMS Titanic, an Olympic-class ocean liner, was the world’s largest ship afloat at the time. Deemed “practically unsinkable” by the White Star Line and its builders, RMS Titanic, in its maiden voyage, collided with an iceberg in the North Atlantic at 11:40 pm on the night of April 14, 1912; at 2:20 am on April 15,the ship was split in two and sank into the Atlantic Ocean. There were an estimated 2224 passengers and crew members aboard, and more than 1500 died, making it one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in modern history. (Photos:Zeng Pengling; Hangu Art Gallery)

Titanic departed from England, carrying 6,000 tons of coal which provided power for navigation, electricity generation, heating, and cooking. There were 159 vast boilers on the ship,which consumed up to 850 tons of coal per day. Titanic consumed 1.5 kilograms of coal for every meter travelled. In other words,a 30 kilograms lump could move the ship through the water about 20 meters, or for about 1.5 seconds, at full speed.

As passengers boarded the lifeboats, Titanic’s Chief Purser, Herbert McElroy,mustered the ship’s band on the boat deck, demanding them to play to calm the passengers. As each boat was loaded and launched,the band played many lively tunes. Since the band members were privately contracted, they were neither called upon as crew to man the lifeboat nor could they escape as passengers. After the lifeboats were gone,Wallace Hartley, the band leader, lifted his bow for a final tune: “Nearer, My God,to Thee.” Tragically, none of the Titanic musicians survived.

In addition, a large number of personal belongings, such as exquisite jewelry, dictionaries, scarves,etc., were discovered at the bottom of the sea.

据船体设计,所仿大楼梯 Reproduction of the grand staircase

泰坦尼克号船上乐队的七位成员 Seven musicians on the Titanic

本次展览门票 Tickets to the artifact exhibition of the Titanic in 2018




