Joyful Moments in Oxford


Special Focus 2018年8期

By Xia Mo

In Oxford, England, Yang Jiang encountered twists and turns in her life, yet she stayed optimistic, saying that even when life was tough, one should learn to console oneself.

An Unexpected Fall in Oxford

When they were in Oxford, the couple, Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu shared an apartment with two single medical experts at the Old Jin’s home. The apartment manager would help clean up the room and provided three meals and an afternoon tea.They didn’t need to worry about trivial things and had plenty of time to enjoy classics of all kinds.

While living there, Qian Zhongshu had a bad fall and smashed one of his front teeth.When he came back home covering his mouth with a big handkerchief, Yang Jiang was shocked. “Blood was all over the handkerchief and in his mouth,”she said.“When I opened the handkerchief, half of the broken tooth fell out. Fortunately, our roommates were both doctors,who told us to look for a dentist as soon as possible, so that he could have the broken tooth removed and get a false one put in its place.”

This bloody incident ended up with a false tooth in Qian Zhongshu’s mouth and a hardwon lesson.

The bedroom was very small,which made life inconvenient.On the other hand, sharing a bathroom and toilet with others could also be an awkward experience sometimes. To make things worse, the food provided by the landlord was also getting worse and worse, which made it very uncomfortable for Qian Zhongshu, who had a picky stomach.

Since he couldn’t appreciate the taste of cheese and Western food,Yang Jiang saved her own foods for him, but he was always still hungry. The sight of her husband withering away made Yang Jiang feel uneasy, and she started looking for a new place, planning to move out.
















钱钟书与杨绛 Qian Zhongshu (1910-1998, Chinese scholar and writer) and his wife Yang Jiang (1911-2016, playwright, author, and translator)

Baffling Cooking

Yang Jiang had a look at sev eral houses to no avail, since those places were either too remote or too expensive, neither of which was satisfactory. Then she remembered that she had once seen a “for rent” notice on a three-story building near Oxford University, and she decided to go and try her luck.

She got there only to find the notice gone. Taking a deep breath,she knocked, and a woman opened the door. The hostess eyed her carefully before letting her in.Yang Jiang looked at the second floor and felt herself pining for what she saw in the bedroom,living room, kitchen, toilet, and balcony. Additionally, the suite was separated from other rooms and could be accessed directly from the garden gate, which meant complete independence and privacy for them.

The environment was tranquil and the rent was within their budget. Most importantly, it neighbored the campus and library, which she believed Qian Zhongshu would appreciate the most.

Sure enough, when Qian Zhongshu came to the house, he was overjoyed. They moved into the new home and finally had their own private space.

After moving into their new home, the young couple who had never done any cooking in their life began worrying about their meals. Once, Qian Zhongshu wanted to eat braised pork. Yang Jiang bought meat, cut it into cubes with scissors, threw it into the pot, and boiled it. When the soup was boiled dry, she added more water and continued the boiling process. But this pot of“stubborn meat” just wouldn’t get soft. Her first effort with braised pork ended in failure.

Afterwards, Yang Jiang remembered when her mother made orange peel jam, she just let it simmer. So, the second time when she tried, Yang Jiang had the meat simmer gently on a small fire. She even got a bottle of sherry to use as yellow wine, which she’d seen used for cooking back home.This time she had success with braised pork and Qian Zhongshu had his feast.

Yang Jiang was enthusiastic about life and always maintained her optimism. Later, she applied the same simmering method to chicken and lamb, which all turned out not bad, even when simmered in plain water.

From Amateur to Gourmet Chef

At the very beginning, the couple just boiled their vegetables. Once,Yang Jiang recalled the way her mother used to stir fry vegetables,she tried replicating that from memory. The taste ended up quite well, or at least better than boiling, so she began to stir fry vegetables.

One day, the grocery store delivered lentils, which neither of them recognized. They peeled and complained about their small size seeds and thick shells. Later,they figured maybe the shells were also edible. Yang Jiang tried to simmer them, and the result was delicious.

On another day, they bought live shrimp. Yang Jiang said confidently, “We need to cut off their tentacles and feet.” She then picked up scissors and began to cut. The live shrimp twitched in her hands, frightening her into throwing the shrimp across the room, running out of the kitchen,and yelling, “The shrimp is hurting too much.”

Her words amused Qian Zhongshu a lot.

The couple responded to their daily problems in their own way.Their cooking skills got better and better, which Yang Jiang jokingly reflected was like walking from the wilds into civilized society.










Yang Jiang also encountered many funny accidents. One morning in early spring, she walked Qian Zhongshu out to campus. When she returned to her house, a gust of wind slammed the door shut, while her key was still left inside. She wanted to find a locksmith, but she didn’t have any money on her, so she did the next best thing: squeezing in through the window.

The couple always went for a walk, hand in hand, before breakfast or after dinner. No matter where the path led,or what kind of scenery was in front of them, they always enjoyed whatever they saw.With a joyful attitude towards life, they forgot the strangeness and unpleasantness they had encountered living in the foreign land. The only thing left was happiness.

(FromBorn to Elegance and Excellence: Be a Woman like Yang Jiang,China Overseas Press.Translation: Lu Qiongyao)

