【摘 要】近些年,我国地铁建设规模飞速增长,常用的地铁修建方法主要是明挖法、浅埋暗挖法和盾构法,与其前二种方法相比,盾构法由于其机械化程度高、土层适用广、施工进度快、施工安全、不影响地面交通与设施且其施工不受天气影响等优势而被广泛使用,但盾构施工却有地下工程、周边环境复杂、自身风险大的特点,施工中易出现地面沉降和变形的事故,因此,通过分析盾构施工中引起软土土层扰动及地表沉降机理、地表沉降的规律原因, 提出控制地表沉降的措施和保护周围环境的处理方法。
【Abstract】Rapid growth in recent years, the scale of the subway construction in China, the commonly used method of subway construction is mainly excavation method, shallow tunnel excavation method and shield tunneling method, compared with the former two methods, shield method applied widely due to its high degree of mechanization, soil, fast construction progress and construction safety, does not affect the ground traffic and facilities and its construction is not affected by the weather and other advantages and is widely used, but have underground engineering of shield construction, the characteristics of the complex peripheral environment and their own risk, construction accident of ground subsidence and deformation, which were liable to occur as a result, through the analysis of shield construction in soft soil and soil disturbance caused by the surface subsidence mechanism, the rule of surface subsidence reasons, proposes measures to control the surface subsidence and protect the surrounding environment.
【Key words】Method of subway construction,Shield construction,Soft soil layer,Surface subsidence,Control measures
【CLC number】U455.4
【Document code】A
盾構法在城市地铁施工中,引起的地层变形不可避免 ,其主要表现施工过程地层发生位移,即地层损失、地层原始应力状态的改变、土体的固结及土体的蠕变效应、衬砌结构的变形等。隧道开挖造成地层原始应力状态的改变,从而引起地层位移,因建筑物空隙以及超、欠挖或其他土层流失;盾构的推进,引起的土体孔隙水压力变化,或因降水引起地下水位下降,引起土体的股结沉降;管片结构变形及土体的次固结和流变。这些都会严重影响地面交通和隧道安全,缩短隧道的使用寿命,因此盾构施工所引起地表沉降的危害是相当严重的。
1. 地表沉降的原因分析
1.1 地层原始应力的变化。
1.2 地下水位的变化。
1.3 盾尾空隙充填压浆不足。
1.4 衬砌变形。