French artist entombing himself in rock to hatch eggs
By Kately Miller
A French artist is preparing to be entombed (埋葬;葬入坟墓)for a week inside a 12-ton rock in a modern art museum in Paris,after which he will appear and attempt to hatch a dozen eggs by sitting on them for weeks on end.
“I think of it as an inner journey to find out what the world is,”said Abraham Poincheval,who lately hollowed out a hole in the rock just big enough for himself to fit inside.He once spent two weeks inside a toy bear.He buried himself under a rock for eight days and navigated (航 行 )France's Rhone river inside a giant bottle.He also played at being a human mole (鼹鼠),and crossed France on foot in a straight line with a friend.
But curator Jean de Loisy,of the Palais de Tokyo museum where Poincheval's “Stone” and “Egg” performances are being held,insisted that his work should not be regarded as stunts(特技表演)but as a series of mystical journeys.Instead they are deep meditations(沉思)on “inner exploration,on modifying(修改;改变)the self and of living in other fields beyond our own,”De Loisy said.The artist said he had spent months mentally and physically preparing himself to smoothly go through the life inside the rock,where he would sit up with his arms outstretched.
Holes have been bored in the rock for air and cables for a heart monitor and emergency telephone line.Poincheval said all he would have to eat during his entombment would be a little dried meat and boxes of soup and other liquids.The only mystery was how he went to the toilet,for which the artist became uncharacteristically evasive(回避的;闪烁其辞的)when pressed on the subject.
Loneliness should not be a problem,he said.When he was buried under a rock outside a gallery in the southern city of Marseille,former prisoners who had been in prison came to keep him company and a young girl talked to him about the violin she had just bought three hours before.
In reality,so many people came to talk to“the stone”that security guards had to be stationed around the rock at night so he could get some sleep.“The real challenge this time might be having to leave the rock after the week”,Poincheval admitted.After previous performances,the end was always what he called“delicate”,marked by a day in the dumps...and a lot of turbulence(骚动;混乱)inside.“It took several weeks to get back to normal”,he said.
His next performance “Egg” will begin in a short period,with Poincheval sitting on a dozen eggs for between three and four weeks until they hatch.He will eat a special diet rich in ginger(姜; 生姜)so he could keep the eggs at a minimum of 37℃,with only a half an hour break every 24 hours to keep him from breaking down.
“The chicks that hatch will go and live with my parents”,Poincheval added.
But his ambitions do not end there.His big dream is to walk on the clouds.“I have been working on it for five years,but it is not quite there yet,”he added.
他的下一场名为“孵蛋”的表演将于近期开始,伯安什瓦尔会坐在一打鸡蛋上,坐上大约三四个星期直到小鸡破壳。 因为他得让鸡蛋保持在至少37摄氏度,所以他到时会摄入一种富含生姜的特殊膳食,而且他每天仅仅只有半小时的自由休息时间。