

中学生英语·中考指导版 2018年6期


I. 听力测试(三部分,共25小题,计25分)



( )1. A. Rose and John. B. Mikes. C. By Linda.

( )2. A. Thats a good idea. B. Thank you. C. My pleasure.

( )3. A. She was friendly. B. She was in primary school. C. She liked singing.

( )4. A. At 5:00 p.m. B. You are so kind. C. Twice a week.



( )5. What made the woman get high score?

A. Reading a lot.

B. Doing lots of homework.

C. Attending each class.

( )6. What do we know about the man?

A. The man offers to drive the woman to the party.

B. The man has no idea what the right thing to do is.

C. The man is going to hold a big party tomorrow.

( )7. Who broke the window?

A. John. B. Tom. C. Tony.

( )8. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. The “Happy Birthday” song.

B. The boys birthday plan.

C. How to celebrate a birthday.

( )9. What will the man probably do next?

A. Take an umbrella with him.

B. Take a raincoat with him.

C. Go out without an umbrella.

( )10. What does the man mean?

A. He doesnt have enough money to buy a computer.

B. He lost the money he saved.

C. Hell buy a computer later this month.

( )11. How much did the mans wife pay for her coat?

A. $240. B. $360. C. $120.

( )12. What time is it in London now?

A. Its 6:00 a.m. B. Its 2:00 p.m. C. Its 10:00 p.m.




( )13. What does the man mean?

A. He thinks his job is interesting.

B. He doesnt like his job.

C. He doesnt think his life is colorful.

( )14. What is the only thing that the man expects so much?

A. Money. B. Change. C. Holiday.

( )15. What did the woman advise the man to do?

A. Have a different job. B. Have a holiday. C. Grow some vegetables.


( )16. How is the man probably going back to the hotel?

A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By subway.

( )17. Where does the man probably come from?

A. America. B. Germany. C. England.

( )18. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The man will meet someone tomorrow.

B. Only few taxis here are black.

C. The speakers are on the road.


( )19. What does the woman think of shopping on the Internet?

A. Its cheaper. B. It can save the time. C. Its more convenient.

( )20. What do we know about the store today?

A. Its closed.

B. The goods are sold out.

C. Its busy.

( )21. What is Tom going to buy?

A. Christmas presents for his family.

B. Some plants for his mother.

C. Something he needs for the party.

( )22. What is Tom going to do on Christmas?

A. See his parents in New York.

B. Stay at home with his family.

C. Have a party in New York.


( )23. How many dollars did Jeremy have when he returned to the store?

A. $30. B. $46. C. $50.

( )24. What did Jeremy want to buy at last?

A. A book. B. A bike. C. A computer.

( )25. What would happen to Jeremy in the following days?

A. He wouldnt do any housework.

B. He would borrow some money.

C. He would save more money.

Ⅱ. 知识运用(两部分,共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)



( )26. —I had a really nice weekend on the beach.


A. Oh, thats very nice of you B. Its a pleasure C. Im glad to hear that

( )27. —What would you do if the light suddenly went out?

—I think I would _______ about in the dark for the candle and match.

A. walk B. touch C. feel

( )28. —Why did you come to discuss the question?

—Because it was a question which was worth _______ consideration.

A. nervous B. serious C. anxious

( )29. —Why did he give up so early?

—Because he did not particularly want to _______ a competitive sport.

A. look up B. turn up C. take up

( )30. —Can I join you?

—Sure, we are discussing _______.

A. why we like the movie B. how can we get there

C. who should we go with

( )31. —Is there anything to drink in the fridge?

—No, there is _______ left.

A. all B. neither C. none

( )32. —May I take this magazine out of the reading room?

—No, you _______. Its against the rule.

A. neednt B. mustnt C. shouldnt

( )33. —Cindy never eats the food that _______ and often pours it away.

—But its really wasteful to do so.

A. stays B. keeps C. remains

( )34. —Here we are. Leave your son to the doctors. _______.

—Thanks a lot.

A. Take your time B. It doesnt matter

C. Take it easy

( )35. —I cant open the window.

—Well, let me have a (an) _______.

A. hand B. open C. go



A 14 year old boy from the USA was described as a hero yesterday after he saved the life of a woman in another country.

Dean Bluey from Dallas, Texas, was a school boy who has much 36 in computer. One day, he 37 an email to a friend on the Internet. Suddenly he received a message saying “Help!Pain!Help!” The message was from Finland, 38 kilometers away from America.

“I didnt know 39 I should do,” Dean said to a reporter afterwards. “It was really difficult to tell if the message was real.” So Dean did nothing at first. 40 the message kept coming.

“By then it was easy to see that someone was in trouble,” Dean explained. He 41 and discovered that the sender was a student called Tarja, who was alone in a university library. She was ill. What was 42 , there was no phone around her. Her only way of communicating with the world was by email. Dean got in touch 43 the police immediately. And they realized that the situation was quite serious. They called the police in Finland. Then an ambulance rushed to the library. 44 , she was still alive and was sent to the hospital quickly.

“Im glad shes OK,” Dean said. “Its hard to believe, but 45 saved her life.”

( )36. A. interest B. interested C. interesting

( )37. A. sent B. sends C. was sending

( )38. A. thousand B. thousand of C. thousands of

( )39. A. how B. what C. where

( )40. A. So B. And C. But

( )41. A. telephoned B. replied C. found

( )42. A. better B. worse C. harder

( )43. A. with B. on C. to

( )44. A. Hardly B. Happily C. Luckily

( )45. A. a boy B. doctors C. email

Ⅲ. 閱读技能(五部分,共25小题,每小题2分,计50分)


I am my mothers third girl. When I was born, the doctor gently explained to my mother that my left arm was missing, below the elbow (肘). Then he gave her some advice, “Dont treat her any differently from the other girls.” And she did!

There were five girls in our family and we all had to help out. Once when I was about seven, I came out of the kitchen, “Mum, I cant peel (削……皮) potatoes. I only have one hand.” “You get back to peel those potatoes, and dont ever use that as an excuse for anything again!”

Of course I could peel potatoes—with my good hand and my other arm. “Jenny, if you try hard enough,” she said, “you can do anything.”

Once in the second grade, our teacher had each of us race across the monkey bar (攀爬架).When it was my turn, I said no. Some kids laughed. I went home crying.

The next afternoon Mum took me back to the school playground. “Now, pull up with your right arm,” she advised. She praised me when I made progress. Ill never forget when I was crossing the bar, the kids were standing there with their mouths open.

It was the way with everything. Mum had the courage to face anything. And she taught me I could, too.

( )46. The writer had two younger sisters .

( )47. The doctors advice means that the mum should treat the writer the same as others.

( )48. The writers mum peeled the potatoes at last.

( )49. Mum didnt take the writer back to the school playground the next day.

( )50. Mum gave the writer the courage to face anything.


The introduction of the iPad, with its touch screen technology, has allowed even every young children to take advantage of a computer. So what if all children in a school were given an iPad to use in class and take home with them?

Anne Laure Bazin works in a school where every child, teacher and teaching assistant is given a free iPad to use in and out of lessons. For her, the main advantage of everyone having an iPad has been the improvement in communication. Documents can be emailed straight over to workmates during a meeting. Children submit their homework by email, or through the schools learning environment. The teachers now take the register (点名) using their iPad, which means that there is a centralised record of which children are in a school, and which classroom they are in.

The use of iPad has encouraged greater sharing of resources among teachers. All communication with parents is now done by email. Working as a group in class is much easier as children can share documents. The whole class can look at one childs work by attaching (连接) the iPad to the white board. If a child has forgotten the textbook, the teacher can take a photograph of the relevant (相关的) page and send it to the student in class.

While the use of iPad in schools has changed the way children are taught, it hasnt completely replaced more traditional methods of teaching. Worksheets are still used in class as some children prefer the contact with paper. The children all have a textbook and exercise books. In Anne Laure Bazins school, parents feared that the iPad would replaced exercise books and children would lose handwriting skills, Anne Laure says, “The teachers are not ready to let go of the traditional style of teaching. We have welcomed the iPads in so much as the help of communication and whole the resources available but we are not to let go of paper yet. The children themselves still value their exercise books and depend on them for review.”

( )51. When everyone uses an iPad in school, teachers can _______.

A. have more time to prepare the lessons.

B. learn more about students activities at home.

C. communicate with their workmates more conveniently.

( )52. The underlined word “submit” in the second paragraph means _______.

A. discuss B. share C. hand in

( )53. What is an advantage of using iPad in the classroom?

A. It saves students bringing the textbooks.

B. It improves the relationship between teachers.

C. It makes it convenient to share information.

( )54. What is parents attitude towards the use of iPad in the classroom?

A. Worried. B. Uncaring. C. Annoyed.

( )55. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. The teachers prefer traditional methods of teaching.

B. The iPads dont take the place of printed meterials.

C. More and more schools are using iPads.


( )56. Shawnee Mountain is a wonderful place for _______.

A. swimming B. skiing C. climbing

( )57. Two parents and a child of 45cm tall will pay _______ for the lifts on weekend.

A. $100 B. $86 C. $50

( )58. If a soldier goes to the mountain, _______ should be shown for a lift ticket.

A. the college ID B. the phone number C. the active duty ID

( )59. We can know that people can go to Shawnee Mountain _______.

A. with expensive tickets at night

B. for 6 hours on Christmas Day C. from mid December to March

( )60. Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. There are 2 holiday periods during a winter.

B. The prices now are not the same as last year.

C. People over 70 are also welcome to be there.


Raising chickens seems a difficult task for teenagers. Gracie Goodpasture, from Virginia, US, not only raises them, but also tries to feed the perfect chicken. And she even won an award for her love of science.

Gracie started breeding chickens in her third grade at Steward School. At first, she worked on some farms for her school project. But later, the 14 year old started to have some ideas of her own.

“Some have thicker eggshells (蛋壳), and theyre hearty (健壮的) throughout the winter,” said Grade.

Since then, the young science lover started to try to find the healthiest freerange (散养) chickens. And she ended up breeding a type that now bears her name.

The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) gave the 2015 Angela Award to Gracie Goodpasture. Her interests dont end with chickens and eggs. She is also into building robots and testing preservatives (防腐剂) in fast foods. In her words, she wants to go to Virginia Tech for poultry (家禽) sciences in the future.

61. Where is Gracie from?

62. In which grade did Gracie start breeding chickens?

63. What did Gracie find about some chickens eggshells?

64. When did NSTA give the Angela Award to Gracie?

65. Why does Gracie want to go to Virginia Tech in the future?

61. ________________________________________________________________

62. ________________________________________________________________

63. ________________________________________________________________

64. ________________________________________________________________

65. ________________________________________________________________


Looking for a new way to raise money for charity (慈善)? Has your school run out of clever and fun ideas? Dont give up. There are several ways to support your favorite charity.

How about organizing a car wash? Everybody who has a car sooner or later washes it or has it washed. So why dont you and your classmates do the job? The money the car owners pay for having their cars washed will go towards your charity. When we did it, we had an amazing time! At first, some of us were worried about getting wet or dirty and its true. But we also had fun, and at the end of the day it was really worth it!

On the other hand, if you dont feel like getting wet or messy, but have some musical talent, how about organizing a street concert? Street musicians can make a lot of money, and so can you. If youve got the talent and courage it takes to play in front of an audience. You just need to find a suitable place, practice for a few hours with your friends first, and have a try!

I hope the above ideas can help you a bit, and if youve got any other great suggestions, we would love to hear them and practice them, too. Good luck!

Ⅳ. 寫作技能(三部分,共11小题,计25分)



A: We had a class meeting yesterday afternoon.

B: Really? Whats it about?

A: You know there are still many poor people in our country who need help to spend the winter. So we were talking about collecting old warm clothes and quilts for them.

B: 71. ________________________?

A: We decide to put up signs asking the rest of our school to donate warm clothes that they dont need.

B: 72. ________________________! I want to join you, too.

A: Welcome!

B: Well, what can I do to help?

A: 73. ________________________. And you can start this afternoon.

B: But 74. ________________________?

A: It s not a problem. The clothes will be kept in big bags, and the name of the donators will be on the bags. When we have collected enough clothes, I will call Zhengzhou Charity Federation, and they will send workers here to collect the bags with clothes.

B: Sounds great. By the way, did you see Lin Li? She is my best friend. I want to tell her about the activity and Im sure she will help, too.

A: No, I didnt see her this morning. But we are in the same club. I will see her this afternoon in the club.

B: 75. ________________________.

A: I will.

B: OK. See you!

A: See you!



What are middle school students thinking about these days? Yes, thats it, summer, with sunshine, swimming and sports!76. 你可以尝试使这个夏天特别一点。For example, you can join sports team, go to a park, fly a kite, lie in the grass, or just spend some time with friends.

77. Summer is a great time to relax and it can also be a great time to have fun and to learn!If you have planned for a summer trip with your family, 78. it will be exciting to write down the details of your trip along with your photos. And if you prefer to stay indoors, you can learn to make some easy crafts, such as paper cups, brown paper bags, or cool cards. You can make some birthday gifts to give on your friends birthday!

79. 很难说什么是度过夏天的最好方式。80. Just do something new that you havent done before.

76. ___________________________________________________________________________

77. ___________________________________________________________________________

78. ___________________________________________________________________________

79. ___________________________________________________________________________

80. ___________________________________________________________________________




1. 一些学生赞成拥有,因为: (1)方便与家长联系;


2. 一些老师反对拥有,因为: (1)有学生用手机玩游戏;



3. 你的观点。


1. 词数60~80;

2. 不要逐条翻译,内容要连贯;

3. 文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

With the development of economy, mobile phones are more and more widely used in our daily life.


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First All-Female Spacewalk