以感受、文化、艺术为内在动力,以生态、文明、境界为外化表达,在经历了文化大断层、全球化的副作用、全民生活水平接近小康之后,拥有久远而丰厚的传统积淀,在经历着现代转型而又面对新时代发展更大机遇和挑战的今天,中国当代风景园林的大发展,变得越发关键而刻不容缓了。首先应从感受、文化、艺术着眼,从生态、文明、境界着手。实现 “看得见山,望得见水,记得住乡愁”,需要中国生态环境感受的传承与发展,研究总结传统空间意识与空间美,进而前瞻未来的感受需求十分必要,这是由基于数十万至数千年生命进化的人类环境感知的稳定性所决定的;发展现代文明与山水文化,需要中国山水文化的传承与发展,在中国风景园林的延长线上砥砺前行;复兴伟大的中国园林艺术,需要中国古典园林艺术的传承与超越,需要重拾中国城市规划的风景营造传统。
中国风景园林的传承,不仅仅是把过去的遗产继承下来,传承是在掌握以往所有的同时,寻找解释那些永恒的至今仍然具有生命力甚至发挥着关键作用的东西,是在所有中寻找发展的线索、理清延续的脉络、发现发展的规律。就像前辈冯纪忠先生那样,借助诗词、绘画的佐证,对2000多年来中国风景园林感受发展的脉络予以梳理,发现了 “形”“情”“理”“神”“意”的中国风景园林感受演进规律及其精华,进而展开了全球化时代中国风景园林超越传统的思考;创新的原动力来自 “现在”和 “未来”的需求,讲求的是优于传统的超越,而非标新立异。创新不能脱离传统,“研今必习古,无古不成今”,不能“前无古人,后无来者,不能旁若无人,旁若无物,弃旧图新”,应当倡导文脉延续的发展思路,摒弃那种一反前人、一反常态的作法。要像孟兆祯先生学习,在传承《园冶》的基础之上,基于现代的实践,撰写《园衍》,提出 “借景理法”原理,创造 “假山”设计新方法新技术,实现了对中国传统园林设计营造的超越。
中国风景园林的发展必须兼顾 “过去”“现在”“未来”的三元一体,需要对于 “过去”的传承、对于 “现在”的超越以及对于 “未来”的 “前瞻”。风景园林师必须具备 “三重眼界”,在传承与超越的同时,更需要面向未来的前瞻。从历史的长河思考新时代中国风景园林的未来发展,生态保护与美丽中国建设的宏图伟任为积淀久远、蓄势待发的中国现代风景园林事业带来了空前的机遇。较之历史上的发展,今天中国风景园林发展的成败与否,决定着未来的百年大计、千年宏愿。今天中国风景园林的发展应当是全学科领域、多专业角度、普及而深层的,在发展定位、目标、观念意识、认识论、方法论、实践论、国际化、现代性、中国性、地方性、教育、人才培养、科研、产业等多方面展开系统的传统传承与超越创新。首要的是思想的活跃、意识的多元,需要不断地尝试,经历成败;为此,需要一个从理论学界到实践业界、从本学科专业到相关学科专业的全民总参与,无论是前辈长者,还是后辈新生,都应付诸行动而责无旁贷。
Inheritance and development is the eternal theme of the progress of human thought, civilization, and life, and also the historical law of the development and progress of Chinese landscape architecture for thousands of years. The experience of life is the source of thought, the national culture is the lead of civilization, and the spiritual art is the highest pursuit of life. Experience, culture and art are not only the source impetus for the development of human thought, civilization and life, but also the bearer of the basic goal of human existence and development. Experience, culture and art originated from the nature and life wisdom have three characteristics of continuity, diversity and innovation.The continuity of inheritance ensures the steady and continuous evolution of the three,the maintenance of diversity ensures the existence of the three, and the innovative transcendence of traditions guarantees the improvement and optimization.
With experience, culture and art as the internal motivation, with ecology, civilization and realm as its external expression, after experiencing the serious side effect of cultural big faults and globalization, and living standard of the people close to the well-to-do society, with long and profound accumulation of tradition, after experiencing the modern transformation and facing more opportunities and challenges in the new era, the grand development of Chinese contemporary landscape architecture have become even more crucial and urgent. Firstly, we should at least start from the perspectives of experience,culture and art, and proceed from ecology, civilization and realm. The realization of "seeing the mountains, seeing the water, and remembering the nostalgia" requires the inheritance and development of Chinese ecological environment, and the study and summary of traditional space consciousness and space beauty, as well as further prospecting the experience needs of the future, is necessary, which is determined by the stability of human environment perception based on the evolution of life over thousands of years;the development of modern civilization and landscape culture requires the inheritance and development of Chinese landscape culture, and forging ahead along the extension of Chinese landscape architecture; and the revival of the great Chinese garden art requires the inheritance and transcendence of Chinese traditional garden art, and regaining the traditions of landscape creation in urban planning of China.
The inheritance of Chinese landscape architecture should not only inherit the legacy of the past, but also seek to explain what is still eternal, full of life, and even vital, while grasping all the past, and find the clues for development, clarify the context continuation, and find the law of development. Like the predecessor Mr. Feng Jizhong, with the support of poetry and painting, he cleared up the context of the development of Chinese landscape architecture for over two thousand years, found the evolution law and its essence of Chinese landscape architecture experience of "form", "emotion", "reason" and "spirit" and "meaning", and then embarks on the thinking of transcendence of Chinese landscape architecture traditions in the era of globalization. The motive power of innovation comes from the needs of the"present" and "future", which emphasizes on the transcendence over traditions rather than unconventionality, and innovation cannot be divorced from traditions. We must advocate the continuation of the development train of thought and abandon the concept of antipredecessor and unnatural practice. We should learn from Mr. Meng Zhaozhen. Based on inheriting Yuan Ye and modern practices, he wrote Yuan Yan, put forward the principle of"scenery borrowing method", created the new method and technology of "rockery" design,and realized the transcendence of Chinese traditional landscape design and creation.
The development of Chinese landscape architecture must take into account the ternary unity of the "past", "present" and "future", namely the inheritance of the "past", the transcendence of the “present”, and the “prospect” for the “future”. Landscape architect must have "triple vision", in the heritage and beyond, but also need to look forward to the future. Thinking about the future development of Chinese landscape architecture in the new era from a historical perspective, the grand plan and task of ecological protection and the Beautiful China construction has brought unprecedented opportunities for the long accumulated and prosperous modern landscape architecture of China. Compared with the historical development, the success or failure of the development of Chinese landscape architecture today determines the great aspiration for the future century and millennium. The present development of Chinese landscape architecture should be multidisciplinary, multiple perspectives, popular and deep, and the systematic tradition inheritance and transcendence and innovation should be in the development orientation, goals, concepts and awareness,epistemology, methodology, practice theory, internationalization, modernity, Chinese characteristic, localism, education, talent cultivation, scientific research, industry and other aspects. The foremost is the active thinking and the diversity of consciousness, and we need to constantly try and experience the success or failure. For this reason, we need the participation of all the people from the theoretical community to the practical industry and from the discipline to the relevant subjects, and all, the seniors and the younger generations,should act responsibly.