The Visa Denial Blues


Special Focus 2018年6期

By Luo Bupo (罗布泊) Translation by Chase Coulson


Getting papers to a foreign country is a thing of beauty but having a run-in with that eccentric visa interviewer is a thing of unholy terror, as there are literally a smorgasbord of reasons why this, sometimes cantankerous individual, might deny your visa application.






Exchange Student: “Hello,here is my passport.”

Visa Officer: “Are the last three digits of your passport 911?”

Exchange Student: “Yes, Sir.”

Visa Of ficer: “911 brings back bad memories! DENIED!”


A friend was going to attend graduate school in France but had to attend a half-year preparatory course first. When his visa was denied the reason was that he had such a high level of achievement that there was no reason to attend the preparatory course.



A 2 9-y e a r-o l d f e m a l e from Hangzhou working in the education field was preparing to go to America to have a baby. The visa officer asked her what she was going to do in the country and she replied, “I’m going there for travel, and since I’ll already be there, I might as well have a baby.” Ultimately, she was denied the visa.

T h e r e a s o n g i v e n f o r the denial was that, with her bulging stomach, it would be too dangerous to travel.


A thirty-one-year-old whitecollar worker from Shanghai who was pregnant with her second baby took her first child along with her to the visa office.While at the embassy, the child kept running around wildly and making a lot of noise, so her visa was denied. The reason given was that her child was too noisy running around like a brat.


Thirty-three-year-old Rowen from England went with her husband to get a New Zealand immigrant ID card but was denied. As it turned out, the reason for the denial was due to her rotundity. Rowen weighed 131 kilograms, and the immigration bureau only allowed her to reapply after getting all the excess blubber off.


A friend was planning to go on a pleasure trip to America. At the embassy he was asked what he was planning to do in the country. He laughed but didn’t say anything, instead he made a motion like he was piling up gambling chips and shouted in a loud voice, “Let’s make a bet!” As it turns out his visa was denied.The reason was that they were afraid he would overstay his visa,because, let’s face it, if he lost everything gambling, he wouldn’t be able to come back, and if he made a mint, he would never want to return home.



A middle-aged woman went to get a visa but was denied. As she was leaving the visa of fice she was overcome by a case of sour grapes, “What’s so special about America? I would never want to go to a horrible country like that!”

The interviewing officer heard her mumbling and grumbling and shouted at her to stop, “You don’t know how great a country America is? Well you’re about to find out,” he said reproachfully as he stamped“approved” on her application form.





I was getting ready to go to Japan with a friend, the visa of ficer asked why I wanted to go to Japan.

“I want to see the sakuras and then have some fun in Hokkaido,”I replied.

I could never in my wildest dreams have predicted what the officer would say next, “If you want to see the sakuras, just go to Mount Alishan in Taiwan, and Hakkaido is about the same as Hainan in China.”

Just at that moment the“thwap” of a denied stamp echoed in my ears.

