Mother, My Dry Wood Bundle
By Zhu Chengyu
When I was working out of town, Mother told me in one of her letters, “All the plums I planted for you are already ripe, falling to the ground one by one. The last one has fallen to the ground and yet you haven’t returned.”
I suddenly envisioned her laboring under the plum tree picking up every last plum in sorrow. How lonely she must have felt at that moment!
I also envisioned her crooked figure, as if the dry wood I depended upon for warmth in winter. The day-to-day labor in the fields has made Mother a little hunchbacked, which makes her look a bit like my aged grandmother, who was so hunched over that it was almost like she could kiss her own shoe at any moment, as if a sad little semicircle.
Now, my mother is also on the way to being a “sad little semicircle.” How many disappointments has she endured in her life, and how much hope does she have leaning there tottering against the doorframe and watching us as we make our way home!
Why couldn’t I have gotten home earlier?
When I was a kid, each autumn Mother would often take me to the outskirts of the forest to cut down the brush for firewood. At that time, she was still strong and had no hunchback, so she always hoisted a big bundle of choppings onto her sturdy back with the greatest of ease. She could even play with me without thinking twice. But now years later, it is the word “dry firewood” that I use to best describe my mother.
Mother carried the burden of the whole family on her back, and kindled warmth for us. Even if the burden was so heavy that she could not bear to switch the load to the other shoulder, she plodded forward anyway, all for the sake of love. Mother was resilient and reticent for her whole life, just for the sake of building a fire in the hearth for the family.
In Mother’s thin and frail physique my eyes see only beauty and strength. I would often give her pillow for her back and sit with her daydreaming and whiling away morning after morning. No matter how I saw myself running away fast and free in my dreams,I couldn’t escape from the sorrow in her gaz.
We had no toys to speak of, so Mother would make them for us.Sewing the little bean sack, tying the shuttlecocks together with feathers, and drawing poker cards with cardboards, she filled our childhood with joy. Poverty might have slimmed down our belly,but it didn’t douse the fire in our heart. To light up a lantern in the wind, Mother had to run out of“matches” all her life.
She was such a romantic woman that, whenever my father’s work handed out free movie tickets, come rain or shine she would hold my hand and walk me to the cinema. I couldn’t remember what the movies were, but I could remember my mother’s arms. The warmth made me cling to her, I would fall asleep before the movie was over. On the way home, Mother couldn’t wake me up, she had to carry me the whole way. Afraid that I would catch a cold, she covered my head with her coat and trod headfirst into the wind in nothing but her thin blouse. Even if the buttons were loose, she had no time to fasten them up again. They stayed open like a Bible held open to the page of an important scripture recited over and over again by a congregation in a darkened chapel.
I was so playful that I wouldn’t go home when the night fell.Mother went out to look for me calling my name once and again.Far away I could hear her. The lantern Mother carried emanated a sea of light whose waves lapped at my body.
Mother, my dry wood bundle,just keeps getting lighter and lighter. It’s as if time and tide is a juicer squeezing out every last drop of juice from her.
She eventually got old. When she was sick, I carried her on the operating table. She got so light that her bones seemed to be hollow and weightless.It reminded me of the lowest valley in life, and my mother said tearfully, “If anyone would pay even a small price for me, I would gladly exchange myself for a few meals for you to eat!”
But Mother—my dry wood bundle—would never sell at a good price. Such a light and thin bundle that no one would be willing to even have a look at.
Once I got home, I insisted on sleeping right next to her,just like I did in my childhood,snuggling up next to her to feel her penetrating warmth keeping my soul at peace. My child asked curiously, “Dad, you are so old.Why do you let Grandma hug you?” I replied, “Dad has grown up, but in your grandma’s eyes,I’m always her little baby.”
Though Mother may get smaller in stature by the day, her arms will always be as vast as the plains and the sea.
That night, I was being warmed in a dream about my mother.Suffering from habitual insomnia,which lonely corner would her dream drift to?
I n m y d r e a m, s h e w a s stumbling and plodding along,but I did not know why I couldn’t catch up with her.
(Translation: Qing Run)