270 Days of Two Balinese Girls


Special Focus 2018年6期

By Ershisan

Night draws its curtain over Dazhi Road in Wuhan.

Lights are lit. In restaurants,steam rises from hot pots and the windows fog. Pedestrians walk fast, echoed by the track sounds of the light rail above their heads.

At 7 pm, Ayu and Minie get ready for their busiest time of the day. It is when customers start to come.

4339 km away, their hometown of Bali, known as the “island of heaven,” is in its rainy season,with an average temperature of 27 degrees C.

They have been in Wuhan now for 9 months. In these 9 months,their 110 sqm Spa located in an apartment building summarizes the life of these two girls’ abroad.

The whole company consists of Ayu and Minie, the two masseuses, a receptionist, and a dog named Diandian. Maybe because the Spa is located inside a building, the boss doesn’t bother to promote the business, and it is running just OK.

Ayu and Minie are typical of the Indonesian ethnicity. Their eyes sink deep and are close to each other, and their skin is yellowish brown. At first glance, Chinese people would immediately know they are from Southeast Asia.

The dark blue uniforms are quite washed but still neat and decent. They wear simple makeup and have warm smiles.

Ayu in Indonesian means beauty. Looking bourgeoisie but bohemian inside, Ayu is 37 years old and single. Minie is 38 years old and has a happy family. Her daughter is in high school. Minie has an air of peaceful joy, as if troubles are always thousands of miles away from her.

Apart from the receptionist they see every day, they don’t really have any other friends and they don’t speak a single Chinese word. Their life far away from home repeats itself nearly every day in Wuhan.

Burning incense and praying are of the utmost importance every morning for them. Bali is inhabited predominantly by Hindus. As pious believers,praying is as important as eating and sleeping. Religion is deeply rooted in their blood.

Ayu (left) and Minie (right)

故乡在4339公里之外,武汉大智路上,两个巴厘岛姑娘和她们的270个日夜 。


















最让Ayu和Minie费解的,莫过于中国客人的“手机依赖症”。哪怕在享受按摩的时候,双手仍然紧攥着手机一刻不闲。在她们的观念里,按摩的时候应该放松,去感受施加在身体上的力道,沉浸在舒缓的音乐和香氛里, 而不是分出一部分自己去沦为手机的奴仆。







After praying, it’s breakfast time. The receptionist will bring them noodles. Balinese usually have rice for breakfast and it didn’t take them too long to get used to eating noodles for a change.

As a routine, they have the room tidy and prepared by 11 am.

Minie will prepare lunch for the two of them, which usually contains a vegetable, two boiled eggs, and rice—just enough for them.

On weekday afternoons, the Spa is often not busy. Ayu and Minie shop online to kill time. At 4 pm, they have their afternoon break. Milk tea is delivered on time and they cherish their moments of rest.

Troubles, of course, happen at work. Occasionally, despicable men will check them out with filthy looks and frivolities.

But what Ayu and Minie can’t understand most is Chinese customers’ addiction to their mobile phones. Even during a massage, they have their phones in their hands and never stop using them. In their view,massage is for relaxation and to feel the pressure on the body while surrounded by soothing music and aromas.

When they are not working,they have an extraordinary way to relax. They watchBoonie Bears,they’re favorite show. Other times, they play with the dog Diandian.

The time Ayu and Minie most look forward to is after 10 pm—family time. They call, text, or video call their families every day. It is the happiest time for them and it is comforting after spending a long day in a foreign country. It’s not easy to hang up,as they have too much to talk about. But when they are finished,they shower, make their beds on the floor, and go to sleep.

Days go by. Life passes through their fingers. They don’t think too far ahead—to them, tomorrow is another day just like today.

On their days off during the week, their favorite activity is going shopping in the city center.They regret that due to the language barrier, in the 270 days they have spent in the large city of Wuhan, they had only walked to Jianghan Road or took a taxi to the Lingjiaohu Wanda Shopping Mall. They haven’t even gone to the river bank, which is only 2.1 km away from them.

Minie told me that on the busy,touristy island of Bali, there is almost no public transportation.Only scooters and taxies are available. 90% of Balinese choose to leave their hometown and find jobs elsewhere.

To get out is the only way to improve their future.

This is also why they paid about RMB 6,000 to study in the most prestigious spa school in Indonesia—Royal Heritage Spa.They learned anatomy and spa skills, earned their certifications,and found jobs overseas.

China wasn’t their first destination. In almost 16 years,they have worked in Turkey,Russia, and many other European and Middle Eastern countries.

Spending a long time in other countries taught them to be moderate. They maintain moderate friendliness and curiosity towards other people.Although far away from home, at least they make a decent living.This offers them more dignity and freedom than ever.

Ayu and Minie ran into this opportunity working in China by chance. Their now-employer was travelling in Indonesia in search of masseuses and happened to meet them. With a curiosity about China, they left their jobs in Eastern Europe, where they’d spent 4 years, and came to Wuhan through an agent.

It was as if switching a channel on the TV to them. Wuhan has a completely different view compared to Bali. It is much busier and more crowded. In the crowds, Ayu and Minie feel like they are invisible. This makes them feel comfortable and safe.

The most unforgettable experience for them was their first hot pot dinner their boss treated them to. The strong and familiar spicy taste brought them straight back to their home 4000 km away.

Ayu said that was the best dinner she has had in Wuhan.

As time goes on towards December, the Spa’s operation is coming to an end. They have a long way to go, but it doesn’t matter for them, as moving around is a part of their lives.

(Translation: Zhang Lei. Photos:Santa and the interviewees)


这也是为什么她们在全印尼最权威的Royal Heritage Spa学校,缴纳大约6000元人民币学习人体解剖学和Spa技巧,考取专业认证后,出国工作的原因。



Ayu和Minie的中国打工之旅,源于岛上的一次偶然碰面。前去旅游的武汉雇主需要spa技师 ,又正好遇到她们。怀抱着对中国的好奇,没再返回工作4年的东欧,Ayu和Minie通过中介,来到武汉。







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