政务 外侨之窗


重庆与世界 2018年6期

● 吴康明会见菲律宾新任驻重庆总领事睿克山




● 2018全市因公出访工作首场培训会召开



● 2018年“侨爱工程—送温暖医疗队”奉节行义诊活动圆满结束


● 柬埔寨驻重庆总领事馆举行乔迁庆典




● “葡语国家食品展示中心—内地展示点”重庆站揭牌



● 韩国釜山莲一中学师生一行来渝访问



● 重庆市友城印度尼西亚西爪哇省地区秘书长一行访渝




● 泰国曼谷市政府第32届专业培训项目代表团来渝访问



Wu Kangming met with the new consul-general Rui Keshan of the Philippines in Chongqing

On May 14, Wu Kangming, director of the Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing, met with the newly appointed consul-general Rui Keshan of the Philippines in Chongqing.

Wu Kangming said that under the leadership of the former consul-generals, the consulate general of the Philippines in Chongqing has actively promoted exchanges and cooperation between Chongqing and the Philippines in various fields,playing an important role as a bridge. The Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing will continue to actively support the work of the Philippine consulate general in Chongqing and further promote the practical cooperation between Chongqing and the Philippines in high-level visits,sister-city relationships, education, economy, trade, tourism,finance, agriculture and so on. Wu also invited the Philippine consulate general in Chongqing to participate in a series of important international exchange activities such as Chongqing Investment Trade Forum for Cooperation Between East &West China, Hi-tech Fair and Intelligent City Technology and Application Products Fair.

Rui Keshan said that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Philippine consulate general in Chongqing,so he regarded it as an opportunity to hold some celebrations and exchanges. During his tenure, he will fully support and coordinate with the Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing and drive the exchanges and cooperation between Chongqing and the Philippines in various fields,especially in trade, humanity, education and so forth, in the framework of “One Belt, One Road”.

The First Training Meeting for Public Visits of 2018 Was Held in Chongqing

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the first meeting of the Central Foreign Affairs Committee and sum up the work of the city’s public visits last year, Chongqing’s fi rst training meeting for public visits of 2018 was held on May 30 at the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government. As the deputy director of the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, the person in charge of the Overseas Management Office and the full-time staff in charge of examination and approval, passport and visa, Wang Wen introduced the basic situation of public visits of 2017 to nearly 200 persons who are in charge of the relevant departments of the municipal departments and foreign affairs administrators, made arrangements for the deployment of this year's work and carried out exchanges of experience.

Wang Wen introduced that the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing People’s Government is constantly trying various ways to make people convenient and benefit, simplifying procedures and improving service efficiency. Besides, there will be four training meetings for public visit. Focusing on the different concerns of districts, counties, colleges and companies, the training meeting will embrace various sections, fields and topics so that the training will be more targeted and effective.

In 2018, the warm medical team of the project aiming to send love to the overseas Chinese ended successfully the gratuitous treatment in Fengjie County, Chongqing

During May 21 to 23, the warm medical team of the project aiming to send love to the overseas Chinese was well organized by the Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs of Chongqing and constituted by 13 overseas medical experts of Chongqing Medical University and its affiliated hospitals. The team further conducted plenty of diagnosis and treatment projects in orthopaedics, otolaryngology head and neck surgery,cardiothoracic surgery, infectious disease, pediatrics,traditional Chinese medicine and rehabilitation medicine in Fengjie County, with more than 900 patients treated free and above 10,000 yuan of free medicine handed out. At the same time, the law about overseas Chinese was publicized and more than 200 copies of The Service Manual for Overseas Chinese have been given out. It was warmly welcomed and praised by the local government as well as the public and achieved satisfactory social effects.

The Cambodian consulate general in Chongqing held a relocation ceremony

On May 8, the Cambodian consulate general in Chongqing moved into the WFC of Liberation Monument, Yuzhong District and held a relocation ceremony at the Intercontinental Hotel.Many guests attended the activity, such as deputy director Tang Wen of the Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing, vice chairman Wang Jin of the Chongqing Association of Industry and Commerce, deputy head of district Deng Guanghuai of Yuzhong District, the relevant municipallevel departments, enterprises and various representatives of consulate general in Chongqing and Cambodian guests.

Mawana, the Cambodian consul-general in Chongqing,remarked that since the opening of the Cambodian consulate general in Chongqing in 2004, the bilateral relation between Cambodia and Chongqing has been increasingly close and more cooperation was achieved in politics, economy, trade,culture, tourism, education and etc. In the future, they will also deepen the cooperation between Cambodian enterprises and Chongqing enterprises in various fi elds.

Tang Wen said, “we hope to strengthen communication and cooperation with the Cambodian consulate general in Chongqing, expand cooperation within the framework of “One Belt, One Road” and facilitate substantive cooperation between Chongqing and Cambodia to a higher level in various fields through the channel construction southward of Chongqing.”

"The display point in Chinese mainland belonging to the food exhibition center of Portuguese speaking countries" was inaugurated in Chongqing

On May 25, the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Bureau held a opening ceremony of "the display point in Chinese mainland belonging to the food exhibition center of Portuguese-speaking countries in Chongqing and taken Rongheng Times Square in Jiangbei District as the display place of Chongqing. Zhang Yaqian, deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Chongqing, attended the event.

Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Bureau has established in 2016 the food exhibition center of Portuguesespeaking countries and set up lots of sub-stations in Fuzhou and other places for strengthening the construction of the food distribution center of Portuguese-speaking countries through online and offline linkage. We hoped that this extension of display center will provide a window for Chongqing to realize the Portuguese-speaking countries’ food, promote the business and trade between the enterprises of Macao and Portuguese-speaking countries as well as Chongqing and further propel the exchanges and cooperation.

A group of teachers and students from Busan Lianyi Middle School in South Korea visited Chongqing

From May 9 to 13, Kim Hyun-yong, minister of International Cooperation Department of International Exchange Consortium in Busan, South Korea, led a group of 23 teachers and students from Busan Lianyi Middle school to visit Chongqing.Wang Guangcheng, vice president of Chongqing Friendship Association, had a friendly exchange with Korean students and teachers on the evening of May 10.

In the thoughtful arrangement of Chongqing Friendship Association, the students from South Korean and Jihua Middle School carried out the cultural exchange meeting, introduced their own countries' diet, education, holidays, national costumes and also learned to make Chinese knot, above inspiring the interest of South Korean students to Chinese culture. When students of the delegation moved into the student families of Jihua Middle School, they had a deeper understanding of Chinese etiquette, culture and local customs, which strengthened their friendship. In addition, the delegation visited such places as the Chongqing Planning Exhibition Hall, the former site of the South Korea interim government, Hongya Cave and etc.

The delegation leading by the secretary-general from the sistercity West Java of Indonesia visited Chongqing

From May 5 to 7, the secretary-general from the sister city of West Java, Indonesia led a delegation of 8 people to visit Chongqing. On May 5, Ma Yong, deputy inspector of the Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing, met with the delegation leading by Iva Kaniwa in Chongqing Foreign Affairs Building.

Ma Yong welcomed the delegation’s visit to Chongqing and briefly introduced the situation of Chongqing economic and social development. He expressed the hope to maintain close personnel exchanges with the West Java related departments, expedite pragmatic cooperation and enrich the cooperation connotation of two friendship cities.

Iva Kaniwa said that he attached great importance to exchanges and cooperation with Chongqing and would like to work together to actively promote friendly exchanges and cooperation between the two cities. During the talks, the two sides had thorough discussions on stimulating exchanges and practical cooperation in personnel exchanges, education, tourism, environmental protection, transportation construction and coffee trade.

A delegation from the 32nd professional training program of Bangkok government of Thailand visited Chongqing

In order to strengthen the exchanges and cooperation between Thailand and Chongqing in the fi elds of commerce, trade, logistics and manufacturing,a delegation of 71 members from the 32nd professional training program of Bangkok government of Thailand visited Chongqing on May 16. Bangkok and Chongqing are “old friends”. As early as 2011, Chongqing and Bangkok officially established as friendship cities.

During the visit to Chongqing, Tang Wen held a work discussion with the delegation, introduced the situation of Chongqing's economic and social development and the communication with Thailand.What’s more, he welcomed the delegation to attend the fi rst China International Intelligent Industry Exposition in August this year and share experience in the fi elds of shared intelligence and digital development.



为侨服务献真情 十年一剑铸辉煌——“老侨务”叶明才的十年侨务创新路
创新发挥侨务优势 拓展海外统战工作