

今日重庆 2018年4期

Article | Hu Ting Pictures | You Yu









A day off before the New Year, Kevin went to an old tavern named “Mellow Sorghum Liquor”,located in the lane of Zaozilanya food market,Yuzhong District.

“Mulberry Wine or Kumquat Wine?” Chen Kaizao the owner, asked Kevin.

“Two liang (100 grams) of Mulberry Wine.”Kevin answered with fluent Chongqing dialect.

“Dine-in or take-out?”

“As usual.”

“Great.” Chen scooped out a small bowl of wine and put it on the stone table.

Kevin sat down, chatting light-heartedly with folks nearby.

In fact, such causal living style was the daily life of this Canadian man.

品尝重庆本真的生活 Enjoying Chongqing’s Native Life






走进枣子岚垭菜市巷子的街道,路边都是上世纪八九十年代的房子,矮矮的。 “站在这条街上,尤其是夏天,透过黄葛树的树枝看重庆的蓝天,非常棒。”





We met Kevin at People’s Square, with half a roast sweet potato in his hand. He was planning to show us how he spends a pleasant day in Chongqing.

Starting from People’s Square, Kevin led us to Xuetianwan Street, and then we walked into a building. Climbing from the first floor to the third floor, then across the suspension bridge, we arrived at Hongqiuba Community in Daxigou.

Around the corner was a pancake stall. “Grandpa Wang is 70 years old. His pancakes have two tastes:sweet and salty. I prefer sweet ones, and the freshouts are the best.”

Grandpa Wang was quite familiar with Kevin. He chatted leisurely with him while kneading the dough.

Kevin bought two fresh-out pancakes with sweat flavor and then rushed to buy wine.

We came to the Zaozilanya Food Market. The short buildings along the roadside were built during the 1980s or 1990s. “Standing on this street, especially in summer, you can embrace Chongqing’s clear blue sky through the branches of Ficusvirens.

Five years ago when Kevin went to Zaozilanya for the first time, he fell in love with these old lanes,local folks and delicious food. “I see what real life is like at this place.” From then on, hanging in these lanes and savoring delicious food became an indispensable part of his life.

He often spent the whole afternoon leisurely reading books while eating pancakes and savoring wine.

At dinner, Kevin came to a restaurant famous for its pig trotter soup. He ordered trotter and split pea soup and fried pork with salted pepper.

“The mouth-watering trotter soup has attracted many taxi drivers here every day.” Kevin boasted to folks at next tables about the soup here.

最是钟情街头巷陌 Lingering in Streets and Lanes




“社区坝子里,有时会放露天电影。过年了,居民楼阳台上会挂着腊肉……哦,我还看到过最古老的做爆米花的样子。”凯文迫不及待要分享,那年他初到重庆,在街边听到“嘣”的一声 ,第一次看到爆米花从一个罐子里“炸”出来,“不可思议。以后看到有卖这样爆米花的,我都会买。”



After dinner, Kevin walked along Linhua Road to his home in Huayipo.

Although Kevin was a foreigner, he was quite familiar with Chongqing. In 2009,he came to Chongqing for the first time. He was 21 years old working as a teacher in an English training institution, then. “I lived in No.1 Bridge, then Huayipo, Kaixuan Road,Shibati. Over the years, his Chongqing dialect sounded like locals.

“In Chongqing, I always lived in old houses. These stairs and streets formed a map in my mind. My favorite route was to go along the Shibati, then Mati Street, until I arrived at Piper's Hill.” The lifestyle of old Chongqing has left a great impression on him as he has visited those places for over hundred times.

"Sometimes, outdoor movies were available in this community. When New Year came, the balcony of every household was hung with bacon." He was eager to share the time when he saw the popcorn was popped out from a pressure vessel heated over a fire, with a boom sound. What he saw was so unbelievable that he would definitely buy some whenever he runs into it.

When Kevin was new here, he once bought a map book that tells the distances between places in Sichuan and Chongqing, the cover of which was worn away, and the pages were faded.

“At first, I would go to Caiyuanba Railway Station and start my journey with the map on vacation.”Kevin was so proud that he has been to over 30 places and each place he visited was marked on the map.

他有一条漂流船 Owning a Drifting Boat





He also explored his journey by his drifting boat. Although he gave it up after several trials, the incidents happened during that time have etched in his mind.

The other day, when he and his friends rowed the boat along the Jialing River, they got lost on the way to Shuangbei. "It was so dark in the evening that we couldn’t see any buildings. Fortunately, we met a warm-hearted restaurant owner, and he drove us to the Huanghuayuan, where we found our way home."

We thought Kevin might be “crazy” in some ways. But to him, the city's development and renewal speed are literally “crazy”. “For example,if I go to Guanyinqiao every other month, I will find that many shops would have been replaced by new ones.” Or, in 2015, he passed by Lijia Garden Tunnel. Merely one year later, he has found the tunnel was changed into an overpass bridge.

"It is so incredible." Kevin thought up his motherland. "You know, in my hometown Winnipeg,it may take twenty years to see only two new buildings come out. While, in Jiangbeizui, you see the financial street and tall buildings spring up from the land, which reminds me of some parts of Canada."


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