Travel in Shenzhen
Everyone knows that Deng Xiaoping is the pride of Shenzhen.
In Lianhua Hill Park (莲花山公园),a statue(雕像)of Deng Xiaoping is looking at (眺望) the place he loves.
Look! Im taking a photo with Deng Xiaoping!I am so excited!
The scenery (风景) of Lianhua Hill Park is so beautiful.
我们在公园里学习和参观,受益匪浅。Lets look at these sculptures (雕塑).
The Red Army men (红军战士) were fighting with enemies to the end (与敌人战斗到底).
They were not afraid of any difficulties(困难) during Long March (在长征期间).
The night view(夜景)of Shenzhen makes me feel so impressive (印象深刻). I am looking out(眺望)the big city. 只见整座城流光溢彩,美轮美奂。
During this travel, we all feel the charm of this big city.它犹如一个美丽的花园,一年四季,鲜花盛开,绿草成荫。华丽的高厦林立,公路盤旋交错,就连海风都令人沉醉。
真希望深圳能够越来越好!同样,we all wish our motherland thriving and prosperous(愿祖国更加繁荣昌盛).