中考考点归纳与链接 重点词汇(二)


中学生英语·中考指导版 2018年4期

1. shine

(1) shine作名词

n. 光泽;光亮;光彩


If the plate loses its shine, you can rub it up a little and itll look like new. (如果盘子失去光泽,你可以稍为擦试一下,它看起来就像新的。)

(2) shine作动词

① vi. 发光;发亮;反射光;照耀


The sun is shining brightly in the sky. (太阳在天空明亮地照耀着。)

His eyes shone brightly when he finally received the magazines he wanted. (当他终于收到他想要的杂志的时候,他的眼睛闪亮。)

Her face shines with happiness, and its really nice with pink color on her cheeks. (她脸上洋溢着笑容,双颊上的红晕让她看起来非常漂亮。)

② vt. 用(手电筒等的)光向某方向照射


The police shone a searchlight on the house. (警察用探照灯照射这所房子。)

Shine your torch into the drawer. (你用手电筒照一下抽屉里面。)

③ vt. 擦亮某物


He shone his shoes carefully before he went out. (在出门之前,他仔细地擦亮了鞋子。)

④ vi. 干得出色;出类拔萃,变得杰出


He shines out among the crowd. (在众人中他显得很出色。)

As we let our own light shine, we uncon-sciously (不知不觉) give other people permission to do the same. (当我们释放出精彩,我们身边的人自然而然地也会效仿。)

(3) 相关短语:

lose its shine 失去光泽

rain or shine 风雨无阻

take a shine to sb./sth. 突然喜欢上某人(事)


His watch gradually lost its shine after so many years. (经过这么多年,他的手表渐渐失去了光泽。)

I think that dog has taken a shine to me; it follows me everywhere. (我想这狗已经喜欢上我了,我走到哪它跟到哪儿。)

He goes to school every day, rain or shine. (他每天上学,风雨无阻。)


( )1. —Its raining. I dont think its fine to hang out with you.

—The rain will stop and the sun will be _______.

A. falling B. shining

C. burning D. missing

( )2. —How did Mary like our plan?

—Her face _______ with happiness when she heard about it.

A. turned B. appeared

C. hid D. shone

( )3. —It is a bright day, and the sun is _______ through the open windows.

—Oh, yes, its perfect for a picnic.

A. shining B. rising

C. flying D. arriving

( )4. —What do you know about Tim?

—Hes a pretty good student, and sports are where he really _______.

A. excites B. depends

C. shines D. develops

( )5. —The sky became dark.

—Look!The dark clouds had spread and nearly _______ the whole sky.

A. shone B. hung

C. covered D. polluted

【Keys: 1~5 BDACC】

2. shame

(1) shame作名詞

① n. 羞愧,羞耻


He felt shame at having told a lie. (他因说谎而感到羞耻。)

He had expressed shame for a past event of his life. (他对过去那件事表示了羞愧。)

If you did right, you neednt feel shame. (如果你做得对,你就不必感到惭愧。)

② n. 羞愧感


She had no shame and never felt guilty. (他毫无羞耻之心,而且从不觉得内疚。)

She was full of shame at her bad behavior. (她对自己的不良行为感到羞耻。)

③ n. 憾事,带来耻辱的人或事物


What a shame you didnt win. (你没有赢,真是遗憾!)

How can we make people forget the familys shame? (我们怎么能让人忘记这一家庭耻辱呢?)

Its a great shame to treat him like that. (这样对他太不像话了。)

④ Its a shame.


Its a shame...之后还可接不定式或由that引导的从句。


Its a shame that I have no time to visit you. (真遗憾,我没有时间去拜访你。)

⑤ in shame “羞耻地”


He hung his head in shame. (他羞愧得低下了头。 )

(2) shame作动词

① vt. 使(某人)感到羞愧


He was shamed by how much more work the others had done. (别人做的多得多,他感到很难为情。)

It shames me to say it, but I really told a lie. (說出来很难为情,但我确实说了谎。)

Her art achievements shamed her brothers. (她的艺术成就使她的兄弟们相形见绌。)

② vt. 给(某人)带来耻辱;使丢脸


He shamed his family by being sent to prison. (他进监狱使他一家蒙羞。)

③ shame sb. into/out of doing sth. “使某人感到惭愧而做(不做)某事”


She shamed him into making amends. (她迫使他惭愧得作了道歉。)

That event shamed him out of his bad habit. (那件事使他感到羞愧而改掉了坏习惯。)

(3) 注意:ashamed是形容词,意为“羞愧的,感到难为情的”。


She was ashamed of having failed in the examination. (她因考试不及格而感到羞愧。)


( )1. —Oh, no!Its raining. We cant go skating on the square.


A. What a shame B. Well done

C. What a surprise

D. How wonderful

( )2. —Jane feels great _______ at having failed the math exam.

—Lets talk to her. She can make it next time.

A. progress B. peace

C. shame D. success

( )3. —I think it a _______ I didnt know you very well years ago.

—I am also happy to know you.

A. shame B. chance

C. fun D. reason

【Keys: 1~3 ACA】

3. lead

(1) vt. 给某人指路;领路


This road will lead you to the parking lot. (沿这条路走就会到停车场。)

A local poor peasant led the soldiers through the forest. (一位当地贫农领着战士们穿过森林。)

(2) vt. 引导某人;影响某人的言行;怂恿某人做什么


What led you to this conclusion? (你是怎样得出这个结论的?)

The news leads me to believe that they will come. (这消息使我相信他们会来的。)

Im not going to allow anyone to lead me by the nose. (我不允许任何人牵着鼻子走。)

(3) vt. 過……的生活


He leads a very simple life. (他过着十分简朴的生活。)

She led a rather hard life. (她过着相当艰苦的生活。)

The expression, to lead a dogs life, describes a person who has an unhappy existence. (过着狗一般的生活,描述的是某人的生活痛苦不堪。)

(4) vi. 通;达


All roads lead to Rome. (条条道路通罗马/殊途同归。)

This door leads into the garden. (此门通往花园。)

(5) lead to sth. “导致某种结果”


I dont think it will lead to a good result. (我认为这事不会有什么好结果。)

An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever. (一场普通的感冒很快引起高烧。)


( )1. —Where does this road _______?

—To the church by the river.

A. follow B. end

C. lead D. cut

( )2. —What _______ you to think so?

—Peters strange acts did.

A. reminded B. invited

C. followed D. led

( )3. He took Dick by the hand to _______ him into the house.

A. carry B. lead

C. take D. show

( )4. —How is Henry now?

—He _______ a peaceful life on the farm with his children.

A. leads B. changes

C. returns D. hopes

( )5. —A healthy diet will help you _______ heart disease.

—I agree with you.

A. accept B. reach

C. lead D. avoid

( )6. —Sandy failed in almost all his subjects.

—Its laziness (懒惰) that _______ failure in almost everything.

A. brings out B. fits in

C. leads to D. comes from

【Keys: 1~6 CDBADC】

4. sweet

(1) sweet作形容词

① adj. 甜的;含糖的


Dont eat so much sweet food. (别吃那么多甜食。)

② adj. 芬芳;芳香的


The rain had cleared the air, and the grass smelt fresh and sweet. (雨水净化了空气,青草闻起来清新芳香。)

③ adj. 悦耳的;旋律优美的


How sweet the music sounds!(这音乐多悦耳!)

Her voice was as soft and sweet as a young girls. (她的声音如少女般柔美悦耳。)

④ adj. 令人高兴的;讨人喜欢的;可爱的


How sweet of you to remember my birthday. (你记得我的生日,真令人高兴啊。)

Your little boy looks very sweet in his new coat. (你们的小男孩穿上新外套,样子真可爱。)

⑤ adj. 和蔼的;温柔的


She was a sweet woman, with a warm smile and a twinkle in her eyes. (她是一个和蔼的妇人,面带微笑,神采奕奕。)

My grandparents were very sweet to me. (我的祖父母对我很好。)

(2) sweet作名词

① n. 糖果(常做复数)


Sweets are bad for your teeth. (糖果对你的牙齿有害。)

The little boys face shone when I gave him the sweets. (我把糖果给那个小男孩时,他脸上露出了高兴的神色。)

② n. 甜食


Ice■cream is my favorite sweet. (冰淇淋是我最喜愛的甜点。)

(3) 相关短语:

sweet talk 甜言蜜语,花言巧语

sweet music 悦耳的音乐

sweet smell of flowers 花儿芳香的气味

sweet smile 讨人喜欢的笑容

sweet temper 温顺的脾气

sweet voice 悦耳的声音

sweet words 亲切的言语

sweet memories 甜蜜的记忆

have a sweet tooth 喜爱甜食

the sweets of... ……的快乐,乐趣


He tasted the sweets of success. (他尝到了成功的快乐。)

We should enjoy the sweets of life while one is young. (我们应该趁年轻时享受人生的欢乐。)


( )1. —Have you heard the song Stay Here Forever?

—Yes. It sounds _______. (2014山东济宁)

A. well B. loudly

C. sweet D. beautifully

( )2. —What an interesting story she told us! —Yes, and her voice sounded _______. (2017湖北鄂州)

A. sweet B. small C. clearly D. sadly

( )3. —I wore sports shoes to the ball yesterday evening by mistake!

—Oh, dear, you must be very _______ at the dancing party.

A. embarrassed B. satisfied

C. sweet D. surprised

( )4. —Do you like your tea _______?

—No, thanks. I prefer milk to sugar in it.

A. hot B. sweet

C. fresh D. tasty

( )5. —Tara is so lovely and polite.

—Right, shes a _______ girl. Everyone around here likes her.

A. wild B. poor

C. healthy D. sweet

【Keys: 1~5 CAABD】

5. remain

(1) remain作为不及物动词,有两种意思,但都不能用进行时态,也没有被动语态。

① vi. 剩下;余下;遗留


Only a few leaves remained on the tree. (树上只剩下几片叶子了。)

② vi. 留下;停留,逗留



The Smiths remained there all through the year. (史密斯一家人在那里呆了一整年。)

He had to remain in hospital until he was better. (他不得不一直住院直到身体好些。)

(2) remain作为系动词,表示“保持,仍然是,依旧是”,后接形容词、名词、部分副词、不定式、过去分词、介词短语或从句作表语,指某人或某事物仍保持某种状态。


He remained silent. (他保持沉默。)

The shop remains open until 11 at night. (这个商店一直营业到晚上十一点。)

It remained a secret. (这仍然是个秘密。)

Peter became a manager but John re-mained a worker. (彼得当上了经理,但约翰仍然是一个工人。)


( )1. The plane _______ on the ground for two more hours because of the bad weather.

A. ran B. moved

C. shook D. remained

( )2. It was already past midnight and only three young men _______ in the tea house.

A. remained B. left

C. lost D. forgot

( )3. Though he has taken a lot of medicine, his health _______ poor.

A. sounds B. remains

C. continues D. feels

( )4. —Mr. Johnson, would you like some more ice■cream?

—No, thanks. Its very good, but I have to _______ my weight, you know.

A. remain B. watch

C. notice D. care

( )5. —I am afraid that you will forget me when you move to America.

—Dont worry. We will _______ good friends forever.

A. lose B. make

C. remain D. meet

【Keys: 1~5 DABBC】

6. suggest

(1) vt. 建議;提议;提出……供考虑

① 接名词作宾语


We suggested a visit to the museum the next day. (我们建议明天去参观博物馆。)

He suggested a different plan to his boss. (他向老板提出了一个不同的计划。)

Xiao Wang suggested a way to solve the problem. (小王提出了一个解决这个问题的办法。)

② 可接动名词作宾语


I suggested putting off the sports meeting. (我建议将运动会延期。)

They suggested waiting until the proper time. (他们建议等到恰当的时机才行动。)

③ 可接that宾语从句,that从句用should+动词原形,should可以省略。


She suggested that the class meeting (should) not be held on Saturday. (她建议班会不要在星期六举行。)

We suggested that he (should) go and make an apology to his teacher. (我们建议他去向老师道歉。)

(2) vt. 暗示;表明;意味着


① 接名词或动名词作宾语


The simple house suggested a modest income. (这座简朴的房子表明(房主的)收入并不高。)

Her pale face suggested bad health. (她脸色苍白,看来身体不好。)

The thought of summer suggests swimming. (一想到夏天人们就联想到游泳。)

② 接宾语从句


The decision suggested that he might bring his family. (这个决定表明他可能把家属带来。)

The expression on his face suggested that he was very angry. (他脸上的表情表明他很生气。)

(3) 在主语从句It is suggested that...及名词suggestion后面表示具体建议的表语从句、同位语从句都应用should+动词原形,should可以省略。


It was suggested that we (should) give a performance at the party. (人们建议我们在晚会上表演节目。)

The doctors made a suggestion that the new hospital (should) not be set up on the hill. (医生们建议不要把新医院建在山上。)


( )1. —How do you know Mr. Fang was pleased with the result?

—The expression on his face _______ that.

A. found B. encouraged

C. suggested D. allowed

( )2. —Paul _______ we set out for the mountains on a sunny day.

—Hes right. The day after tomorrow is a fine day.

A. suggested B. warned

C. discovered D. doubted

( )3. —Shall we leave today?

—I _______ staying here another day since theres much to see.

A. mind B. suggest

C. start D. decide

( )4. —Where shall we meet?

—Tim _______ the playground for our meeting.

A. pointed B. brought

C. practiced D. suggested

【Keys: 1~4 CABD】

7. interview

(1) 作名词

n. 接见;访问;面谈;面试


Millie is telling Sandy about her interview with Mr. Chen. (米莉正跟桑迪讲关于她对陈先生的采访的事情。)

I need to look smart for my job interview. (為了工作面试,我需要看起来精神一点。)

(2) 作动词

vt. 对……进行面试或面谈,(记者等)采访,访问


Our teacher asked us to interview people about their jobs. (我们老师让我们采访人们说说他们的工作。)

(3) 相关短语:

interview sb. for sth. 为了某事采访某人

interview sb. about sth. 就某事采访某人

a job interview 求职面试

give sb. an interview 接受某人采访


( )1. —Why are there so many people today?

—Oh, they are waiting here to be _______ for the job.

A. introduced B. interviewed

C. invited D. included

( )2. —Mr. Li, I cant understand everything in class.

—Dont worry! Ill _______ the main points at the end.

A. record B. review

C. require D. interview

( )3. —What are the reporters doing over there?

—Theyre _______ the scientist about the recent development of his invention.

A. telling B. explaining

C. searching D. interviewing

【Keys: 1~3 BBD】

8. experience

(1) 作名词

① n. 经验(不可数)


Mr. Cai is a teacher for math with much experience. (蔡老师是一位经验丰富的数学老师。)

② n. 经历,体验(可数)


Shell never forget the terrible experience in the earthquake last year. (她永远不会忘记去年地震的可怕经历。)

(2) 作动词

vt. 亲身参与;亲身经历;感受;发现


Did you experience an earthquake? (你经历过地震吗?)

(3) 相关短语:

add to the experience 增长经验

improve ones experience 改善某人的体验

learn from experience 从经验中学到

a common experience 共同的经历

direct experience 直接经验

a personal experience 亲身经历

a pleasant experience 愉快的经历

rich experience 丰富的经验

valuable experience 有价值的经验

work experience 工作经验


( )1. —Mrs. Wang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year.

—She said she would never forget some pleasant _______ while working there.

A. experiments B. expressions C. experiences D. emotions

( )2. In April, the weather in some places in Shanxi was really changeable. People still remember they have _______ four seasons in a week.

A. organized B. experienced C. described D. tasted

( )3. —How could Jane become a popular actor in such a short time?

—I know from her friends that she has _______ and overcome a lot of difficulties before she became famous.

A. managed B. reached

C. crossed D. experienced

( )4. —Shall we invite Henry to be our guide?

—I dont think he has enough _______ for the job.

A. experience B. weight

C. style D. space

( )5. —A happy home life needs the _______ from both sides of the couple.

—Thats true. I have a happy family because my parents get on well with each other.

A. effort B. experience

C. purpose D. choice

( )6. —Ken wrote the book from his own _______.

—Thats to say we can read some true stories about him.

A. education B. results

C. experiences D. spirit

【Keys: 1~6 CBDAAC】

9. power

(1) n. 力,力量;動力;电力


The little town is short of power, so the streets are usually dark in the evening. (小镇电力不足,晚上的街道经常漆黑一片。)

(2) n. 能力


She lost her power of speech. (她失去了说话的能力。)

(3) n. 权力;势力


He has the power to punish this thief. (他有权惩罚这个小偷。)

(4) n. 大国;有权力的人


Six world powers and Iran are meeting in Turkey. (世界六大国将与伊朗在土耳其举行会晤。)

(5) n. 机能;体力;精力


As they are growing older, their power and energy began to disappear. (随着他们逐渐变老,他们的力量和精力都不复存在了。)

(6) 相关短语:

lose power 失去权力(能力、动力)

cut off power 切断电源

turn off power 关上开关;关上电源

turn on power 启动开关;打开电源

power failure 停电;断电;电源故障

power station 发电站

creative power 创造力

brain power 脑力;智能

water power 水力

wind power 风力

in ones power 在能力(权力)之内;尽某人力量

out of ones power 超越某人的能力;无能为力;丧失权利的

(7) 辨析:energy,force,power和strength



( )1. —Is it true that some colors can make us feel relaxed?

—Yes. Colors do have the _______ to change our feelings and moods.

A. secret B. power

C. idea D. experience

( )2. —Our _______ today is to find out what the pandas favorite food is.

—OK. But can we find pandas here?

A. method B. notice

C. power D. task

( )3. —In ancient times, how did people sail on the ocean?

—They learned to use the _______ of the wind, so they could sail for a long time.

A. ability B. value

C. power D. speed

( )4. —According to me, _______ and wealth are not the only symbols (象征) of success.

—I agree. Fame (名声) is more important to a successful person.

A. power B. habit

C. weight D. confidence

( )5. —To organize such an activity is not an easy job for us.

—We must do everything in our _______ to make sure itll go on well.

A. support B. power

C. cause D. luck

【Keys: 1~5 BDCAB】

10. prefer

(1) prefer+n./doing “宁愿,更喜欢……”


He comes from Shanghai, so he prefers rice. (他是上海人,因此更喜欢吃米饭。)

Do you prefer cooking for yourself or eating in a restaurant? (你是喜欢自己做饭还是喜欢下馆子?)

(2) prefer to do “愿意做……”


I prefer to go at once. (我愿意马上就走。)

He prefers to spend the weekend at home. (他宁愿在家里度周末。)

(3) prefer sb. to do “愿意某人做……”


I prefer you to go at once. (我倒希望你马上就走。)

Their father prefers them to be home early. (他们的父亲宁愿他们早点回家。)

(4) prefer sth. to sth. “比起……来,更喜欢……”


I prefer tea to milk. (比起牛奶来,我更喜欢喝茶。)

Most people prefer trains to buses. (大多数人愿意坐火车而不愿坐汽车。)

(5) prefer doing sth. to doing sth. “宁愿做……而不做……”


I prefer watching TV to going out. (我宁愿看电视也不出去。)

My brother prefers writing his stories alone to having a party with his friends. (我弟弟宁愿独自写他的故事也不愿参加朋友聚会。)

(6) prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. “宁愿做……而不做……”


I prefer to watch TV rather than go out. (我宁愿呆在家里也不出去。)

All students prefer to take the bus rather than walk. (所有学生都愿意乘车而不愿意步行。)

(7) prefer+that从句 “宁愿……”

从句一般用虚拟语气,通常为(should) do。


I prefer that you should do it. (我宁愿你做这件事。)


prefer 因其本身含有比较之意,而不可再与more或most連用。


I prefer swimming to skating. =I like swimming better than skating. (我喜欢游泳胜过滑冰。)


( )1. Not all the tourists from Japan ________ Western food to Chinese food.

A. like B. prefer

C. enjoy D. love

( )2. I prefer skiing to ________. The snow makes me excited.

A. swimming B. swim

C. swam D. be swum

( )3. Some of my classmates ________ cartoons ________ documentaries (纪录片).

A. prefer; to

B. would rather; than

C. like; better

D. like; less

( )4. She prefers to eat outside rather than ________ at home.

A. cooking B. cook

C. to cook D. cooks

【Keys: 1~4 BAAB】

11. leave

(1) 作动词

① v. 离开,出发

leave for “出发至某处”


His father always leaves at seven in the morning and arrives at his work place at half past seven. (他父亲总是在早上7点出发,7点半到达工作场所。)

② v. 留下,丢下,落下


Youd better leave your address and telephone number. (你最好留下你的地址和电话号码。)

Ive left my gloves on the bus. (我把手套落在车上了。)

③ v. 留给、交给

leave sth. (for sb.) 留下,交代下(某物)

leave sth. to sb. 将……托付/遗赠给……

leave word (with sb.) 给某人留信息


Someone left this note for you. (有人给你留下这张条子。)

He left a number of books to me. (他把好些书都存在我这儿/留给了我。)

We didnt find him and left word with his neighbors. (我们没找到他,于是就托他的邻居留了个条。)

④ 作使役动词


a. 用形容词作宾语补足语


Leave the door open when you go out. (出去时,不要关门。)

His illness left him very weak. (他生病以后,身体很虚弱。)

b. 用不定式作宾语补足语


Leave him to do it himself. (让他自个儿去做。)

What weve done leaves much to be desired. (我们的工作还有很多不足之处。)

c. 用现在分词作宾语补足语


They walked off and left me sitting there alone. (他们走开了,让我一个人坐在那儿。)

He went out, leaving his papers lying open on the desk. (他出去时,把他的文件摊在桌子上。)

d. 用过去分词作宾语补足语


Did you leave the doors and windows properly fastened? (你把门窗关好了吗?)

e. 用名词、介词短语等作宾语补足语


His parents both died last year, leaving him an orphan. (他父母去年双双去世,留下他成了一个孤儿。)

He left his schoolbag on the playground. (他把书包丢在操场上了。)

⑤ left (leave的过去分词)



Ive got two tickets left for tonights film. (今晚的电影票我有多余的两张。)

Is there any water left in the bottle? (瓶子里还有水吗?)

(2) 作名词

n. 休假、假期


I have 3 weeks leave. (我有三個星期休假。)

He asked his teacher for sick leave. (他向老师请病假。)


( )1. —Mary, if anyone asks for me, tell them Im out, and ask them to _______ their names and telephone numbers.


A. copy B. write

C. repeat D. leave

( )2. —There will be more and more robots going into peoples homes.

—I hope so. We might be able to _______ all the chores to them.

A. leave B. offer

