毛雪 董欢 彭哲 何棂瑜
摘 要:图像复原有很多经典的方法,例如逆滤波,维纳滤波,最大熵复原等,然而传统的方法在解决函数逼近问题时存在着缺点,BP神经网络因为其高速的并行计算能力和自适应学习能力在这方面显示出优势。BP网络本质上是一种输入和输出之间的精确的数学表达式,不需要知道两者之间的明确的关系,只需要用已知的模式对其进行训练,网络就具有输入与输出的映射能力,对许多点扩散函数(PSF)的变化难以掌握,所以我们采用神经网络对其进行复原。
Image restoration has a lot of the classic methods,such as inverse filter,wiener filter,maximum entropy restoration,etc.,but the traditional method in solving the problem of function approximation exist shortcomings,the BP neural network because of its high-speed parallel computing capacity and adaptive learning ability shows advantages in this respect.BP network is essentially a precise mathematical expression between the input and output,do not need to know the clear relationship between the two,only need to use a known pattern of training,the network will have the input and output mapping ability,for many the change of the point spread function(PSF)is difficult to grasp,so we use neural network to recover.
引言:现已有很多复原图像的数字图像处理技术 ,但其使用的条件苛刻,现实生活中使用过程麻烦,而且效果不理想。题目假设了模糊图像中中的全部景观都以同一个速度运动,我们给出了匀速运动模糊图像复原的模型,利用维纳滤波对其进行復原,为了得到更为良好的图像复原,我们建立了BP神经网络的图像复原模型,利用Sigmoid函数 进行传输,便能得到优秀的复原图像。
[1] 任金凡,运动模糊图像复原算法的研究,电子科技大学,2014-04-23