Analyzed Trust Repair for Different Gender Effect:Non-datingRelationships in Relational Break Down
I will compare differences betweensame gender (non- dating) and different gender relationships in relational break down and the potential for trust repair. To investigate this issue, I surveyed elite Chinese high school students in a summer school program and compare how men and women think about both their relationships to those of the same and different gender friends. Additionally, we experimentally manipulate whether these Chinese students read the survey in English or Chinese. We hypothesize that due to relational orientation, females may be more likely to respond negatively to relational conflict than males, and particularly when faced with same-gender relationships. For the same reasons, we additionally hypothesize that Chinese students answering the same questions in Chinese may be more sensitive to relational conflict than they answer the survey in English due to strong relational orientation in Chinese culture. I discuss the implications for losing trust and repairing trust across gender and cultural differences.
Trust is a very important ability to build and maintain relationships and for effective cooperation. If broken relationships appear it has serious consequences for both individuals and organizations. Therefore, I researched about how relationships break down, and how likely repair might be, and the specific processes by which people try to repair trust. Our research involves two key departures from prior research. First, we consider how gender might affect peoples responses to trust violation. Second, we consider how culture might affect peoples responses to trust violation.
1.Participants people who want to broke the relationship/ people who hold the relationships.
2.Procedure: Get the conclusion from the survey about how frequently the relationship will changed and what cause these problems. Also, to find a solution about how repair trust, and rebuild the broken relationship again. To do so, firstly, I let random people (same age, possible for different gender) to do the survey questions, the questions can be divided in to two parts, the first part is asking the same gender relationship problems, and the second parts is asking the different gender relationships problems.
#1: the graph shows that when they have any problems with their friend, same gender is more likely upset then the opposite gender.
The same gender relationship has higher percentage to succeed to repair trust then the opposite gender.
Same gender is more willing to repair their relationship then opposite gender after they break their relationships.
1.find a solution about how repair trust and rebuild the broken relationship again can decrease the percentage of broken relationships.
2.Find out what the different between culture differences and language effect of peoples sensitive.
3.The survey questions are not multiple- choice questions. Therefore, it is not very easy to answer it. It need spend longer time to answer the questions and it need to organize their language to describe the trust repair action theyve done before.
4.People who did the survey might not be very honesty if they really have some serious problems with their friend, they might not wantto write all the specific details in the survey questions. Therefore, the survey result might not be accurate enough.
5.In the survey result, it does not show obvious culture and language effect on the data, so the second hypothesis could not be shown that when Chinese students are more sensitive when they are reading Chinese, whichmeans that when they are doing Chinese version survey questions they always have more to say compare to they answer English version. However, it did shows the big differences between different gender (non-dating) and same gender (non-dating) effect. That same gender always more sensitive then opposite gender. They are more willing to repair the trust which it means, when woman with woman, man with man has higher percentage to repair trust then woman with man.
The other essay:
Ive read the essay is called “Justifying One's Transgressions: How Rationalizations Based on Equity, Equality, and Need Affect Trust After Its Violation.” From Peter Kims,the essay is investigated how efforts to justify a transgression as an attempt to address matters of equity, equality, or need would affect the implications of an apology for trust after its violation, and how this would depend on the intended beneficiary. The advantages are: there are different methods and data to prove his essay.The disadvantages are: less relevant of trust repair. I need more data and survey to prove my essay, and accurately fit my topic.
How to rebuild the trust (Learn from the survey result data):
1.You should trust yourself, and followyour heart, whenever you have misleading or bad position, your default will always tell you. Think about the time when you had conflict with your friend, what makes you feel betrayal, did you ignore any thing? Before you trust other people, you should first trust yourself. Your default could tell you whether you are correct or wrong. All of these actions need to do when you are calmed down. Then you could distinguish out they are lying or not. This could help you to figure out your real friend who worth your efforts.
2.Broken relationships could be repaired, but it need time, do not think only a sentence could repair the broken relationships. To ensure that broken relationships appear again, it needs lots of experiment and test on it. Both partners should learn how to trust other people, from self-respect and personal integrity aspect.
3.Also, there are some small aspects: a. Coming clean does work—but not completely clean.b. Being defensive, righteous or casual about the problem never works.c. Talk about what made you do it.d. Be an open book.e. Renew your vows.
未来申请专业目标:心理学/ 法学