

中国东盟报道 2018年5期


Alleviating Poverty

Since China introduced the policy of reform and opening up in the late 1970s, great economic and social progress has been made, leading to significant improvement in the overall standards of living. As a result, several hundred million people have been lifted out of poverty, accounting for more than 70 percent of poverty reduction worldwide during the period. Much remains to be done, however, to eliminate still substantial pockets of poverty, given the fact that China, a country with a large population, is still in the primary stage of socialism, and its diverse regions show varying levels of development.

At the end of 2015, some 55.75 million of Chinas rural residents still lived below the national poverty line, with an annual net income of less than RMB 2,300 per capita. Chinas poverty alleviation initiatives are now facing some of their most daunting challenges. Against such a backdrop, in 2014 China launched its first National Poverty Alleviation Day, which is now marked on October 17 each year. China will allocate greater resources to poverty relief and mobilize all sectors of society to join the fight against poverty. Development efforts aimed specifically at reducing poverty will be increased to put an early end to poverty. Effective measures will be implemented to steadily improve access to adequate food and daily necessities, compulsory education, basic medical services and housing.



Targeted Poverty-alleviation Approach

At the close of the Central Economic Work Meeting on December 11, 2014, central leadership floated the idea of a targeted approach to alleviating poverty. On June 18, 2015, during a visit to Guizhou Province, Chinese President Xi Jinping once again brought up the subject, declaring that it would determine the success of the poverty alleviation drive. It has subsequently become a hot topic with the general public. In its Proposal for Formulating the 13th Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development released in November 2015, the 18th CPC Central Committee specified targeted measures for the coming five years. Targeted efforts are designed to ensure that average income statistics do not eclipse the true living conditions of many in hardship. Such efforts require attention to detail. Greater emphasis will be placed on identifying low-income groups in need of assistance, so that they receive proper attention and their basic standard of living is guaranteed. Central leadership proposed such a targeted approach as China faces the daunting challenge of eliminating the final pockets of poverty across the country. To ensure that poverty reduction efforts are optimally effective, Xi Jinping called for policies and programs of assistance to be tailored to the needs of individual families in conjunction with targeted funding and village-specific expert support, and to be pursued with results-oriented focus.


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