

时代英语·初中 2018年6期


Text 1

W: Is your coffee hot, too?

M: No, mine is rather cold.

Text 2

W: I was expecting sunshine today.

M: Yeah, but its raining heavily outside now.

Text 3

W: Dad, do you know where the basketball is?

M: Its behind the door.

Text 4

W: Please give me that pencil under the red book.

M: Oh, its a pen, not a pencil.

Text 5

W: Oh, here you are. Ive waited over 20 minutes.

M: Im sorry. The bus was really slow. It took longer than usual.

Text 6

W: When does the football match start?

M: At 8:30 after the news report. We still have 30 minutes to do the washes.

Text 7

W: I cant find my watch anywhere. Did you see it?

M: There it is, just behind the clock.

Text 8

W: Im so happy. I just found a new job in Shanghai.

M: Thats wonderful. What will you do there?

W: Ill teach English at a middle school.

Text 9

W: Wow, is this your new shirt? Its so smart.

M: Thank you. I like the color very much. Blue is my favorite.

Text 10

W: I thought we would go running today.

M: Thats not true. I said we would clean the house this afternoon, remember?

Text 11

W: Hello?

M: Hey, Jade. This is Brandon speaking

W: Oh, hi, Brandon. How are you doing?

M: Pretty good. Michael and I are planning to go hiking this Saturday. Are you going with us?

W: Id like to, but I have to meet my dentist. My mom made an appointment for me today.

M: Oh, thats a pity. Do you have a toothache?

W: Yes. Two of my teeth hurt a lot sometimes for a week.

M: Thats too bad. Well, have a good rest and take some medicine. Thatll help.

W: Ill do that, thanks. Have a nice trip.

M: Thank you. Ill call you when Jim and I go hiking again.

W: Sure, take care. Bye-bye.

M: See you.

Text 12

M: Its a little cold today. Dont you think so?

W: Yes, I agree. I cant believe itll be summer time next week.

M: Yeah. Thats crazy. Did you see the weather report last night?

W: No, I didnt. What did the weatherman say?

M: The weatherman said that we would have a sudden drop in temperature tomorrow.

W: He was right. It has dropped five degrees already.

M: And itll be rainy for the rest of the week according to the report.

W: Really? Its not a good thing if it goes that way. You know, the school sports meeting is to be held on Thursday and Friday.

M: Hey, speaking of the sports meeting. I saw Jerry running on the playground before noon. Hes training really hard.

W: Yeah, hes a great runner. Im sure he will win the running race this time.

M: I hope so. Well, Ive got to run. Ill go to the library to borrow some books on American culture.

W: Ill go with you. Im returning some books today.

M: OK, lets go.

Text 13

It was the first day of my summer vacation. I walked over to the park near my home. It was sunny and windy that day, and I took my kite with me, hoping to have a lot of fun there. Even before I stepped into the park gate, I had seen a great many kites flying in the sky already. Maybe there was not enough room for me to fly my kite there, I thought. I walked faster to the central part of the park where there was a large piece of ground. Clearly, many kids were flying kites there. Some were with their parents, and some were playing with classmates or friends. When I was looking for some room to fly my kite, I ran into Tom, my best friend at school. He told me he was making the most of the good weather, and he went with his cousin, Jason, who just came to spend the vacation with him from New York. How wonderful to meet a friend where you didnt expect him to be! As my kite was flying up into the sky, the three of us were planning to spend time together for the rest of the week.


Text 1

W: Will the train leave at eight or a quarter past eight, Miss Turner?

M: Neither. Itll leave at five to eight.

Text 2

W: Its too hot. Would you mind me opening the window?

M: Of course not. Do it as you like, please.

Text 3

W: Excuse me, sir.

M: Yes?

W: Look at the sign on the board. Im afraid youd better not take photos here.

M: Sorry, I wont.

Text 4

W: Shall we go to the cinema after supper, James?

M: Id love to. But Ill give a talk on the environment at the meeting tomorrow.

Text 5

W: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the museum?

M: Sure. Go along this road, and then turn left at the second crossing.Youll find the museum on the right. Its between Xinhua Bookstore and the post office.

W: Thank you very much.

Text 6

W: Im going to climb the mountain, but Im a little afraid.

M: Why are you afraid?

W: Im afraid I cant walk up to the top. And I dont know what I should do now.

M: Take it easy. I think you can take more exercise. Keeping healthy is necessary.

W: Thats right. Anything else?

M: Oh, you can go with some of your good friends. Maybe they can give you some help.

W: Yeah, thank you.

Text 7

W: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

M: Yes, please. I bought this computer the day before yesterday. But there is something wrong with it. Last night it just couldnt work. I cant use it now.

W: Let me see. It seems that it hasnt been used in the right way. Maybe I have to send it back to the factory and have it repaired.

M: OK. How long do I have to wait before I can get it repaired?

W: At least two weeks, I think.

Text 8

M: Good morning, Mrs Green. You look sleepy and tired. Whats the matter?

W: I have got a bad cold.

M: Let me take your temperature. Er... you have got a fever. Do you have a cough?

W: Yes. In the evening I cough a lot, so I cant fall asleep. Now I feel very tired.

M: I see. I think you have the flu. I advise you to ask for two days leave. Just stay at home and have a good rest. Remember to take the medicine every eight hours.

W: What else should I do?

M: Drink more water.

W: Thank you.

Text 9

M: Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon?

W: Id love to, but I cant. My uncle is leaving and I want to buy him a present.

M: What are you going to buy for him?

W: I was thinking of buying him some books.

M: Books… That can be difficult. Do you know what kind of books he likes?

W: Its hard to say. Maybe he likes books on history or traveling. But Im really not sure.

M: Why dont you buy him a watch?

W: No. He doesnt like the things which cost me too much.

M: What about a tie?

W: Sounds like a perfect present. A tie is useful and personal, and he likes wearing ties. Thank you for your advice.

M: Youre welcome.

Text 10

A young American doctor was sleeping when his doorbell began to ring. It was midnight but he had to get up at once.

When he opened the door, he saw a man standing outside. “Can you come to a place out of town? Its quite far but you have a car and I can show you the way”.

“Certainly.” said the doctor. In a few minutes the car stopped at the front door, the man got in with the doctor, and they drove off.

They drove on for a long time, then the man said “Here we are. This is my home. Now I can pay you and you can go back to town.”

“But where is the patient?” asked the doctor. “There is no patient,” answered the man. “Nobody is ill. I live here, you see, and must get home from town, but there is no taxi at this time of the night. A doctor often makes night calls, yes? Here is your money. Thank you, doctor. Good night!”


Text 1

W: Can I help you, sir?

M: Yes, Id like a beef hamburger, please.

Text 2

W: Hey, look at my new dress. Do you like it?

M: No, not at all. I dont believe you like purple.

Text 3

W: Happy birthday, son. Here is your present.

M: Oh, a toy gun. Thanks, mom. I really like it.

Text 4

W: Whats in your schoolbag? It looks very heavy.

M: Its my volleyball. Im playing volleyball with some of my friends after school.

Text 5

W: What are you doing after work today?

M: Im going to the cinema by bus.

Text 6

W: Whose book is this?

M: Its mine. I just bought it at a bookstore on the next street.

Text 7

W: Oh, no. I forgot to take my pen with me today.

M: No worries. You can use my pen. Ive got a spare one.

Text 8

W: Take your umbrella before going out, Jason.

M: But its sunny outside.

W: The weatherman said its rainy this afternoon.

Text 9

W: Whats for lunch today, dad?

M: Im preparing beef noodles now.

W: Thats nice. Noodles are my favorite.

Text 10

W: Wow, nice photos. Where did you take them?

M: In Mexico. I went traveling there last month.

Text 11

M: Good morning, madam. May I help you?

W: Im looking for a blue skirt to go with my black shirt.

M: What size do you wear?

W: Im wearing small.

M: How about this one? Its in style now.

W: It looks very pretty. Whats the price of it?

M: 90 dollars.

W: Thats expensive. I cant afford it. Do you have anything cheaper?

M:Yes. These skirts on this shelf are on sale now. Its 60 dollars this weekend.

W: Can I try it on?

M: Sure, the fitting room is over there beside the mirror.

W: I like the style very much, but its a little small. Do you have a middle one?

M: Yes, we do. Here it is.

W: Good. Ill take it.

Text 12

M: What are you doing this weekend, Sally?

W: Not much. Im just staying home and helping my mom clean the house.

M: Cleaning doesnt take a whole weekend, right? Do you want to go on a picnic on Sunday?

W: Thats cool. Whore going?

M: Jim, Jack, Lily and I.

W: Count me in. When and where do we meet?

M: Weve decided to meet at the school gate at seven oclock in the morning.

W: Thats fine. Where do we go picnicking?

M: Well. Well take the subway to the final stop. There is a big park nearby.

W: Sure. What food are you going to take that day?

M: Ill bring hamburgers, cookies and some bottled water. How about you?

W: Ill ask my mom to teach me how to make beef sandwiches. Its always delicious. We can share our food and see whos a good cook.

M: Right. Thatll be great fun! Oh, here comes my bus. Bye, and see you on Sunday.

W: See you.

Text 13

I take a look at my watch, and it says its 12 oclock now. It has been two hours since I came into this cafe. I dont have a date here or have a special interest in this coffeehouse. Ive stayed here for a long time because a man, a total stranger, was staring at me all the time. I felt very scared. The man followed me into the cafe and took a seat against the wall, just to the right of my table. He is about 30 years old, very strong and having a serious expression. Every time I raised my head, he was staring at me. I dont know what to do about it. I thought of walking away, but what if he would follow me out? I just keep reaching my coffee cup which is nearly empty. I have to do something about it. I stand up and walk over to his table. I ask him politely, “Sir, why are you always staring at me?” The man looks surprised and says, “Im not. I was just looking out of the window behind you. You see, I was waiting for my friend.”


Text 1

W: What is the boy doing?

M: Hes drawing a picture.

Text 2

W: Which do you prefer, strawberries or apples?

M: Neither. I like bananas best.

Text 3

W: What time is the match?

M: It starts at 4 oclock. There is only ten minutes left. Be quick.

Text 4

W: Tomorrow is my birthday. Can you come to my party, Jason?

M: Id love to. But Im afraid I will be a little late. I must have a guitar lesson first.

Text 5

M: Hey, Kate! You rode to school today? Didnt your father bring you to school in his car as usual?

W: No, he went to London on business. And there is no bus stop near my home.

Text 6

W: Did you get to school this morning by bus or on foot?

M: On foot. That could make me healthy.

Text 7

M: How about my noodles? Ive been sitting here for half an hour.

W: Sorry, sir. It must be ready now.

Text 8

W: What do you want to be when you grow up, Bob?

M: My parents want me to be a businessman, but I want to be a singer.

Text 9

M: Lucy, I heard Sam won the first prize in the music competition.

W: So he did. And Betty won the second prize.

M: Wow. They are excellent.

Text 10

W: Which restaurant would you like to go, Jerry?

M: Id rather go to Peters because I like to listen to loud music while eating. What about you, Amy?

W: I prefer to go to the CSC where there is soft music.

Text 11

W: Whats the date today?

M: May 10. Why, Jenny?

W: No, today is May 11, and tomorrow is mothers birthday.

M: I nearly forgot it. So what present shall we get for her?

W: What about a coat?

M: No. We bought a blue coat for her last year.

W: What about a new handbag then?

M: Not bad. Lets go shopping together after class, shall we?

W: OK. And dont forget a delicious cake for the party as usual. When shall we meet then?

M: At the school gate or on the playground at 4:30.

W: Well, wed better meet just outside of the school. Ill come to you after class. See you then.

Text 12

W: What do you usually do for exercise, Mike?

M: I go running or ride my bike every morning. I play badminton three times a week. What about you, Mary?

W: Well, I used to go jogging, but now I cant find enough time to do any sport.

M: That is really too bad. Doing exercise often is really very important.

W: I see. I just have to work long hours every day. By the way, where do you usually do your sport?

M: In the City Sports Center.

W: Are the tickets expensive?

M: No. I will play badminton there at 7:30 tonight. Would you like to go with me?

W: I would love to.

M: Then I will pick you up at 7 oclock. OK?

Text 13

One day a little boy came into a fruit shop. He had five dollars and wanted to buy some apples. He said to the shop assistant, “Give me apples for five dollars, please.”

When the shop assistant gave him the apples, the boy counted them and felt very surprised. Then he said, “Last Friday, my mother bought apples here for five dollars, too. Why did you give me fewer apples?” “Dont ask questions, boy. I have no time for questions.”

“Excuse me, sir,” said the little boy, “but…”

“Its all right, my boy,” said the shop assistant. “Dont you know? The fewer apples you get, the less fruit you will carry.”

“All right,” said the boy and he gave four dollars to the shop assistant. He was just going to leave the shop when he heard the words, “Come back! You must pay me five dollars.”

“Thats OK!” said the boy. “Dont you know? The fewer dollars you get, the less money you will have to count.”


Text 1

W: Tom, I cant find my pen. Did you see it?

M: Yes, Linda. I saw Jack take it this morning.

W: Oh, yes. He asked me for it when I got to school.

Text 2

W: Where will you spend this holiday?

M: Id like to go to Shanghai, but my parents prefer going to Beijing.

Text 3

W: May I help you, sir?

M: Yes, Im looking for a brown skirt for my daughter.

Text 4

W: Excuse me, officer. Could you tell me how to get to Garden Park?

M: Thats easy. Go along the street, and then turn left at the first crossing. Walk on for about two minutes, and youll see it on the right side of the street.

W: Thanks.

M: Youre welcome.

Text 5

W: Did you watch the basketball match last night?

M: Yes, of course. Im a big basketball fan.

W: Cool. I got really excited when Curry finished the last shot and won the game.

Text 6

M: Hello, Mandy, this is Jim speaking.

W: Hi, Jim. Hows it going?

M: Pretty good. Listen, Tim and I are going to the zoo tomorrow afternoon. Do you want to join us?

W: Sure, I really love seeing animals. When and where do we meet?

M: How about 11 oclock at the City Square? We can have lunch there and then well take the subway to the zoo.

W: Thats wonderful. See you then.

M: See you.

Text 7

W: Come in, please.

M: Ms Smith, Jessie told me that you wanted to see me at your office.

W: Well, yes. I remember that youre good at French, right?

M: Ah, yes, Im really into French culture, and I have some friends from France here in New York.

W: Thats perfect. Our company is planning to set up an office in Paris. Do you think its OK for you to work on it for one year in Paris?

M: Really? Thatll be wonderful. I promise I will do my best to it.

W: Then youre supposed to leave for Paris next month. Make sure your work here is done before going. You can have a week free to arrange your trip.

M: Many thanks, Ms Smith. This is an excellent chance for me.

Text 8

W: Good afternoon, sir. How can I help you?

M: Yes, I need two tickets for the play tonight.

W: Im sorry, theyre sold out.

M: Oh, no. I should have come yesterday. Do you have tickets available for the rest of the week?

W: Well, let me see. We still have many for this Friday and Sunday.

M: Thats good. Ill have two for Friday. Wait a minute, does the play still begin at 8:00 pm on Friday?

W: No, the Fridays play begins 30 minutes later.

M: Thats nice. Then we can arrive on time after work. The traffic is usually heavy on Friday nights.

W: Thats true. Well, its 70 dollars in total. How do you like to pay?

M: Can I pay by card?

W: Sure.

M: Heres my card.

W: Right. Please sign your name here.

Text 9

M: Lets take a break and drink some water. Im so tired.

W: OK. Youre a great tennis player. You are really good at it.

M: Thanks. Tennis is my favorite. I often watch matches on TV and play it here in the park.

W: You know. I play tennis sometimes. But I love soccer more. I watches soccer games a lot on weekends.

M: Thats great. Whos your favorite soccer player?

W: Messi. And how about you? Do you like soccer, too?

M: Yes, I do. My favorite soccer players are Diego Costa and David Beckham.

W: Beckham is a great player, but its a pity that he plays soccer no more.

M: Yeah, I feel the same way.

W: Well. I guess Im ready to play now.

M: Right, ten minutes is enough. Come on.

Text 10

It was a rainy day last Sunday. I spent several hours mending my bike the day before. I was so tired that I couldnt get up until noon. As I made myself a sandwich for lunch, my friend, Jerry, called me and told me that he was coming over to my house. He had just received an iPad as his fifteenth birthday present from his cousin in America. He wanted to learn how to draw pictures on iPad. To be honest, Im a famous painter in the school. Ive been drawing since I was seven years old. Jerry arrived half an hour later. It was raining heavily outside. His shoes were wet although he was wearing a raincoat. To my surprise, he brought two iPads with him. He said that one of them was the prize I won in the school painting competition. What a nice day!


Text 1

W: Have you finished reading Super Hero?

M: Yes. I enjoyed every page of it. Its so exciting.

Text 2

W: Excuse me. Is there a hospital near here?

M: No, there isnt. The nearest one is about 15 kilometers away.

Text 3

W: What are you doing, George?

M: Im doing my English homework. But I cant find the answer to this question. Can you give me a hand?

Text 4

W: Do you like sports, Casey?

M: Yes, of course.

W: What sport do you like best?

M: I like swimming and tennis a lot. But I like basketball best.

Text 5

M: Shall we take a bus or the subway?

W: The stop is a little far and Im too tired to walk. I want to get a taxi home.

M: All right.

Text 6

M: Alice, lets go and see our new house.

W: Which house is it, dad?

M: This one. Here we are.

W: Wow! Its great and the garden is beautiful.

M: Ive got the key. Lets go in.

W: This is nice. The living room is very big.

M: Yes, but the kitchen is quite small. Lets go upstairs.

W: Which is my bedroom?

M: This one here. Its your favorite color—pink.

W: Its great. Thank you, dad.

Text 7

M: You must be really excited about leaving for South Korea, Li Yue.

W: Yes, but Im a little nervous because I know little about South Korea.

M: Dont worry. I have been to South Korea twice. Maybe I can help you.

W: Thanks. What are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time?

M: They are supposed to bow.

W: What am I supposed to wear if Im invited to a party?

M: You should dress up.

W: Thank you, James.

Text 8

M: I have a cold and I…

W: Youd better stay at home and have a good rest.

M: I cant do that. I have to attend the important meeting today.

W: Then take some medicine.

M: The medicine makes me sleepy. I have to give a report at the meeting.

W: Then Ill make some chicken soup for you.

M: Chicken soup for breakfast?

W: Why not? Its the only thing youll take for your cold.

M: Well, all right. But I want my coffee, too.

Text 9

W: I have a problem. Im getting fatter and fatter. And I feel very tired every day.

M: Lots of women at your age have this problem. Do you eat too much?

W: No. In fact, I eat less and less every day.

M: I think thats why you feel tired because you have not much energy if you eat too little.

W: What should I do? Can you give me some advice?

M: I think you should do more exercise every day, such as running, swimming, riding and so on.

W: But I have no time to do some exercise. I have too much work to do.

M: I think you can get up earlier and do some running every morning. Running every morning is good for you.

W: How long should I run every day?

M: About 20 minutes. Thats enough. If you are free at the weekend, you can go swimming.

W: OK, Ill try. Thanks for your advice.

Text 10

Not all the thieves are lucky enough to get what they want. Sometimes they will be unhappy if they are caught by other people. Most thieves will save themselves by making up stories when they are in trouble.

A small shop sold a lot of nice jewellery, and the owner was always careful to look after the things. One day when a thief came and tried to take a beautiful necklace, the owner of the shop caught him at once and went to call the police to come. “Please dont do that!” the thief said. “I have a wife and three children at home. And I will pay for the necklace.” The owner of the shop felt sorry for the man and he didnt want to have trouble with the police, so he agreed that the man should pay for the necklace.

But when he gave the necklace to the thief and asked him to pay the money, the man looked surprised and said, “I dont want to get anything as expensive as that. Do you have anything cheaper?”


Units 1—2 听力练习
Units 3—4 听力练习
Units 5—6 听力练习
Units 7—8 听力练习