UFI人力资源委员会主席Cecilia Henningsson表示,“新达新加坡展览中心的人力资源部门和其他部门包括公司领导层之间的联系十分紧密,这是会展中心获奖的重要原因。而且,会展中心还推出了一项设立了可量化目标的符合实际的人力资源项目。”
Suntec Singapore wins the 2018 UFI Human Resources Award
On 17 July 2018, UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, has named Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre as winner of the 2018 UFI Human Resources Award, presenting the project on Successful changes in the exhibition industry: the strategic role of HR as business partners.
“We are honoured to have won the 2018 UFI HR Award!” commented the CEO of Suntec Singapore, Arun Madhok. “Suntec HRBP, my team of HR Business Partners, have redefined the meaning of human resources in our company. They work seamlessly with each department ensuring that our employees are future-ready while encouraging a healthy work-life balance and championing the retention of our matured workforce. Our Suntec HRBP will continue their efforts to make Suntec Singapore the preferred place to work for all our employees”.
在今年6月举办的Cebit展会期间,汉诺威展览公司与Technopark Skolkovo公司签订了合作协议。俄罗斯子展的内容将是基于在汉诺威举办的母展的主题,并涵盖丰富的内容,包括:物联网、人工智能、区块链、移动解决方案、未来移动、初创企业、安保解决方案、无人驾驶系统和无人机等。
Cebit goes to Russia
Cebit is going east: the computer fair will take place March 19 to 21, 2019 at the Skolkovo Technopark, Moscow, Europes largest technology park. An agreement to that end was signed during Cebit Hannover (June 11 to 15, 2018) between OOO Deutsche Messe RUS and OOO Technopark Skolkovo. The exhibit programme of Cebit Russia is based on the top themes of the Cebit Hannover event and covers a wide range of topics from Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Mobile Solutions, Future Mobility, Startups, Security Solutions to Unmanned Systems & Drones. The new event has been launched in response to the strong interest expressed by foreign IT companies for the Russian market.
博闻收购两大医疗展 继续扩展拉美市场领军份额
近日,博闻公司拉丁美洲分公司连续收购了当地领先的医疗展墨西哥医疗展ExpoMed和巴西医疗展Live Healthcare,进一步强化了在拉丁美洲医疗展领域的领先地位。博闻美洲首席执行官Scott Schulman表示,医疗领域对博闻美洲分公司具有战略性的意义。尤其是当前,在墨西哥和巴西,人们在医疗领域的预算持续上升,市场增长很快。ExpoMed是墨西哥领先的医疗展会,而Live Healthcare则是博闻公司在巴西市场的有力补充。ExpoMed每年一次,最近一届展会于6月6-8日举行。而Live Healthcare则在展会同期举办高层行业论坛。
Healthcare acquisitions for UBM
UBMs Latin America businesses have acquired ExpoMed (Mexico) and Live Healthcare (Brazil). Through these acquisitions, UBM continues to grow its portfolio of healthcare events and expands its position as a leader in the Latin America healthcare sector. ExpoMed is Mexicos leading, annual healthcare exhibition. The 2018 edition took place June 6 to 8. Live Healthcare brings with it the Saude Business Forum (SBF), which focuses on executive networking and oneon-one meetings for healthcare CEOs and innovative vendors, as well as Healthcare Innovation Show (HIS), a technology and innovation exhibition attended by senior healthcare executives. HIS will take place September 19 to 20, 2018 at the S?o Paulo Expo, S?o Paulo, and SBF will run in the first half of 2019.