Literature on the law of Miao medicine in treating liver cancer
Huili Shui,Zhu Yang,Fengxi Long,Wenqi Huang,Bing Yang,Zhen Zhang,Dongxin Tang,2*
1GuiyangCollege of Traditional ChineseMedicine,Guizhou,Guiyang,550002;2Tate administration of traditionalChinese medicinekey laboratorymiaomedical Miaomedicine forthetreatmentofchronic pain,Guizhou,Guiyang,550002.
Livercanceris one of thecommon malignant tumorsofthedigestivetract,rankingfourth in the incidence rate in China[1].It has hidden onset,highdegree of malignancy,poor prognosis,and difficult treatment,and is knownas the"king of cancer".Miao medicineis a branch oftraditional medicine in China,with distinctive national characteristics.It hasa long history and a wide variety of drug resources,which are of high researchanddevelopment value and worthfurther explorationsince ancient times.Inorder to find the drug law of Miao medicaltreatmentoflivercancer,thisstudy collectedand analyzedthe literature relatedtoMiao medical treatment of liver cancer,in order toenrichtheliteraturefoundation of Miao medicaltreatmentof liver cancer and promote the development of Miao medicine.
Materials and methods
Data source
Inthis study,the drugnamewas derived from the book"Chinese materiamedica[2]"compiledbythe state administration of traditional Chinese medicine.
Search method
"Drugname"and "tumor","drug name"and"cancer"were searchedforthe firsttime,and then"liver cancer"or"liver tumor"weresearched for the second time in the retrieved literature.
Clinical literature on thetreatmentofliver cancer with concomitant single - taste vaccine;Pharmacologicalexperimental literatures onthe treatment of hepatocellularcarcinomawithsingleherb medicine of guilder;Theresearch literature about thereasonableplanand clearcurative effect of the experiment in gansu.
Exclusion criteria
Summaryandliteratureof experienceintroduction;Only onepaper wascollected fromtheliterature of thesame researchcontent.Chemotherapy isinthe literature in combination.
Research methods Specification for name of seedling and medicine
Accordingto"Chinese materiamedica&seedling medicine volume",the name oftheseedling medicine was uniformly standardized as an academicname.If shaostrange,busabig,nest long bi youngcollectivelyreferred toasa cloud;Biganza,Gabon,the realpartyiscollectively referred to as August melon;Swollen wind,beans you Europe horn,bone tea collectively known as nine tea.
Standard ofseedling medicineThe seedling medicine theory divides the seedling medicine into two kinds:cold and hot.As the medicine recorded in"Chinese materia medica seedling medicine volume"has the property of cold,cold,cool,hot,slightly cold,slightly cold,slightly cold and slightly hot,it is standardized to treat it.Cold,cool,cold,slightly cold,slightly cold and slightly cold are unified as cold.Heat and microheat are unified as heat.
Specificationof drugtasteof seedlingmedicine
According to thetheory of Miaomedicine,the Miao medicine isdivided into eighttastes:bitter,hot,sweet,astringent,sour,flax,salty and weak.Due to the influence oftraditionalChinese medicine(TCM)on"Chinesemateria medica",basedon the aboveeightdrugs,thereare also two flavorsofgan andxin.To standardizeit,xinand wei-xin medicinewillbe unified intohot taste,gan,wei-gan medicineinto sweettaste.The total numberofdrugflavors was takenasthe statistical analysis objectbecause some oftheseedling drugs had various drug flavors.
The regulationofseedling medicineThe seedling medicine theorydividestheseedling medicineinto five meridians:hot longitude,coldlongitude,fast longitude,slow longitude and halflongitude.For example,sevenleaflotus,octagon,anacorn incense,suchas the effect ofventilationandpain,blood dispersingdetumescence,usedinthetreatmentof thebodyof livingcreatures can be weak or external coldevil attackdrugs,classified as cold meridian;Sanzhishan,flying dragon's palm blood,jiujie tea andother functions such asclearing heatand cooling blood,purgingfireanddetoxifying,are used totreat thebody oflivingcreaturescan be hyperactiveoroutside thetoxicinvasion of drugs,which are classified asthermalclassics;The effect oflobelia,polygonummultiflorum and wormseed wormseedwas fast,andit was used totreat sudden onsetofdiseases,andthedrugwas transferred rapidly.Thedrugeffects suchasradix aconiti,trifoliumtrifolium,and cornstarchwerealleviated andsustained,whichwere usedtotreat chronic diseases and weaksyndromes.Wormseed mustard,toad,to leaflotus,such asthetreatment of halfbody numbness, standing and walking inconveniencesuch as drugs,tobeclassified as half of the menstrual.Becausesomeofthe seedling medicineisnotasingle,thetotalnumber of the statistical object.
Specifications ofseedling and drug efficacy
According to the classificationstandards of drug efficacyof"miao pharmacology"[3],themiao drugsweredivided into six categories:anti-drug,complement,ventilation and blood dispersing drugs,anti-injury drugs,stomach-strengthening and anticirculation drugs,and other six categories.For example,kiwifruit,toad,realgar and so on drive body poison evil class medicine to call cure poison;The complements of eucommia ulmoides,asparagus officinalis,and dendrobium were used to treat weak syndromes.The drugs such as radix aconiti,carborundum,tea oil,etc.An arrow,nine parts of tea and other treatment of various types of traumatic drugs known as the treatment of injury drugs;Poria cocos,jujube,and other drugs that have a healthy spleen and stomach and regulate body functions are called as jianwei and acyclic drugs.Other drugs that are not easy to classify,such as relieving cough,reducing phlegm and relieving asthma,and calming one's mind.
The dataprocessing
Microsoft Excel2016 software was used to sort and input the collected vaccines,establish a database of drugs for treating liver cancer in the Miao medicine,and then conduct frequency and frequency statistics on their family items,drug properties,drug flavor items,regression items and efficacy items.
Results ofmedicationforlivercancer in miao nationality
As is shown in table 1.After repeated review and screening,132 taste of seedling medicine was finally met.Most of them were derived from plant medicine of 119 tastes,accounting for 90.2%.Animal and mineral drugs were relatively few,accounting for 9.8%.
Table 1 Drug records of Miao medicinein treating liver cancer
Medicaltreatmentof livercancer ofMiao medicine belongs to the departmentofstatistics
As is shown in figure 1.A total of 30 times,accounting for 22.8 percent of the total frequency,were recorded in thehigh frequency family:compositae,liliaceae,and rosaceae.
Drugpropertystatisticsfortreatment ofliver cancerinMiaomedicine
As isshown in figure 2.The drugproperty of132 tasteof livercancer treated by Miaomedicinewas classified,amongwhichcoldmedicinewas more than100taste,accountingfor 75.8%of thetotal frequency.
Pharmacology statistics ofdrugs for treating livercancer in miao nationality
As is shown in figure 3.A total of 199 times were conducted for the treatment of 132 flavors of liver cancer in Miao medicine.Thetopthreedrugs were bitter,spicyandsweet,accountingfor 75.5%of the total frequency.
Medical treatmentofliver cancerinthe Miao medicine:statistical analysis.
As shownin figure 4.Thetotal frequencyof 132 drugsinthe treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma in the Miao medicine was147times,mainly in the hot and coldchanneldrugs,accounting for 90.5%of the total frequency.
Drugefficacy statisticsof Miaomedicine in treatingliver cancer
Asshowninfigure5.The results showed that the first three drugs were poison,complement,ventilation and bloodcirculation,accounting for 80.4%of the total frequency.
Figure 1 Distribution of the genus of Miao medicine for the treatment of liver cancer
Figure 2Distribution of drugproperties of livercancerdrugs by Miaomedicine
Figure 3 Distribution of drugs in treating liver cancer in Miao medicine
Figure 4 Distribution of drugs for treating liver cancer in Miao medicine
Figure 5 Distribution ofdrug efficacyintreating liver cancer in Miaomedicine
In the literature of traditional Chinese medicine,liver cancer is closely related to such diseases as"fatty gas,liver accumulation,syndromes and lupus",such as"difficultmenstruation"."All pathogeny"contains:"liveraccumulation,fine veins,pain under two flanks...Body without GaoZe,xi twitch,onyx withered black,spring Chai autumn,color green also"[137].In Miao medical records,liver cancer is closely related to"public turtle",its long in abdomen,shaped like a turtle,round and horns,even more fierce,can be a rapid transition by the slow to fast,hot,that hurts the body gas,let the body gradually angular,up to a certain degree after hifu and adjacent parts will produce severe pain,sideburnsvellusmatte,complexion,diet,and dismounted vein and finger vein were quick to or subtle[138-139].It is very similar to advanced liver cancer in modern medicine.Miao medicine believes that liver cancer is a malignant disease,which is formed by damage to liver shelf qi by chemical substances such as primary liver disease,nitrobenzene,aflatoxin,nitrite,etc,and malignant mutation of liver and gallbladder cells.Miao medicine calls it"good flea expensive"[140].At present,the curative effectof hepatocellular carcinoma treatment is unsatisfactory.Therefore,it isveryimportantto seekomnidirectional and multitarget drugsto treat livercancer from the pure naturalmedicinewithlittle toxic and side effects.The purpose of thisstudy is to exploreand analyze the drug applicationlaw ofMiaomedicine in treating livercancerso asto providesome referencefor theclinicalapplication of Miao medicine in treating liver cancer and the development of new drugs.
Analysis ofthepharmacologyforthe treatment of livercancer inMiao medicine:
Genera statistical results according to the distribution,the Miao medicine treatment for liver cancer drug variety,plant drugs in compositae,rosaceae,blanc genera,for high frequency has the inhibitory effect of liver cancer drugs is more,some drug ingredients significant anti-tumor activity,such as compositae thistle,ghost needle grass,einar incense,such as flavonoids,liliaceous plants dwarf lilyturf,steroidal saponins ingredients such as lily,rhizoma polygonati, fructus rosae laevigatae rosaceae plantsin zonetie elm,and Chinese cinquefoil herb of triterpene compounds,have obvious inhibition activity of liver cancer[141-143].Thiscan provide the research direction and literature basis for the screening of clinical drugs forthetreatmentoflivercancerin modern medicine and the development of new drugs.
Drugresistanceanalysisfor treating livercancer in Miaomedicine
According to the distribution ofdrug property statistics,coldandhot drugs wereinvolved inthe treatmentof livercancerin bothsexes of Miao medicine,butcold drugsweremainly used,accountingfor75.8%.Underthe guidanceofthe theoryof twoclasses,Miao medicine takes"cold diseaseheat treatment,fevercold treatment"as the therapeutic principle.Cold medicineis mostly used totreatfever,such as the use of thecold medicine such asrhubarb,sophora flavescens,honeycomb andsoon to treatdysphoricfever,drystools,short of urine,red tongue,yellow moss,pulsehongda and other hot diseases.Therefore,in the Miao medicine,liver cancer isoftenseenas fever.The useofthemedicinal property of the Miao medicine tendstobe consistentwith thatof traditional Chinese medicine,which is to correct the pathological state ofthebody'sexcessive,partial anddecayingbymeansofcoldandhot drugs.Relevant studieshaveshownthatcolddrugs can resist pathogenicmicroorganisms,resist endotoxin,improvethe body'simmunity,removeheatand fire poison,and effectively treat malignant tumors[144].
Analysisofdrug tasteof Miaomedicine in treatinglivercancer
From thedistribution of thestatistical results of drugtaste,the eightmedicinalflavorsofthe Miao medicine for liver cancer wereinvolved,which reflected the emphasisof theMiao medicineon holistic treatment,butalso focusedon syndrome differentiation for treatment.The firstoneis the bitter medicine,which hasthe function of removing hot poison,dryingwet fireand releasing heat.For example,jiujie tea,sanpifeng,sanzhishan,which accounts for 39.8%,is usedin accordance withthe pathogenesis of livercancerdampness-heat and stasis,as stated inthenote of shen zhai death.In the second place is thespicymedicine,whichhasthe effectofdispersing qi,such astiannanxing,yuanbao grass,pine and soon,accounting for 21.2%.Itsusemeetstheconditions forthe formationof liver cancer,that is,qi,blood,water and malignancy.In the third place was the sweet medicine,whichcanhelpthe weak to fill up deficiencyandquench thirsttoproducezins,such as poria cocos,hook vine and eucommia,accounting for 15.2%.
Analysisof Miaomedicine treatment of liver cancer
Accordingto the distribution ofthestatistical resultsoftheregressionanalysis,themajority of thepatientswith HCC treated by the Miao medicine were hot meridians,accounting for 68.7%.In the medicine of miao medicine,it is classified according to the nature and tendency of drug action,and mainly refers to the trend and mode of drug action.And hot classics medicine has the function of clearing heat and detoxification,soft and solid dispersal,purging fire and blood,et al,mainly used for treating a kind of hot diseases that the living things of the body can be hyperactive or the external heat and toxin invade the body.The results of the analysis of hepatic carcinoma with fever were consistent with the statistical results.At the same time,it is also consistent with the heat syndrome where the frequency of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)is the highest in TCM[145],and related studies have shown that the increase of total bilirubin is closely related to the pathologic"heat"[146].In addition,31.3%of the drugs were cold menstruation,slow menstruation,fast meridians and half meridians,showing that the medicine for treating liver cancer in Miao medicine could be applied flexibly with different properties,different speeds and different types of drugs according to the patients'conditions and potential diseases.
Analysis ofthe efficacy of Miaomedicine in treatingliver cancer
Accordingto thedistributionof efficacy statistics,thefirst one waspoisontreatment,accountingfor 44.0%.Miaomedicine believes that"poison is the cause of chaos,non-toxic and non-pathogenic",and malignancyis therootcauseoflivercancer[147].Andpoisonslantsex is heavy,effectisstrong,and can undertake effective attack to "vicious".According to the nature,origin and degreeof poison,the Miao doctor choosesdifferent poison to treat,such asattackpoison,gram poison,defeat poison,drivepoison etc.Among them,the most commonly used andmostrepresentativeMiao medicineis to attackpoison,for example,toads have beentakeninternallywith toadstablets,and the hmongfolkhave toad(toad)detoxification methodfor external use.Thelivingtoad is opened toremove internalorgans and appliedto the affectedarea to absorbandremovetoxins[148].The understanding andtreatmentof"malignancy"in Miao medicine issimilar tothatof"cancer toxicity"intraditionalChinese medicine,bothof which usethe method of poison toattack toxins in thebody.Relevantstudies haveshownthat thedrug has cytotoxic effect,which can inhibitthe growth of tumorcells and inducetheapoptosis of tumor cells[149].According toMiaomedicine,the deficiency ofvital energy inthebodyisthe basisof the onsetandprogression ofliver cancer.The treatment USESsuchdrugs as ganoderma lucidum,dendrobium and radixophiopogonisto restore the livingorganism to gooutwithdetoxification,which is echoed before and after the use of sweet drugs.The theory of"reinforcing weakness"in Miao medicine is similar to the theory of"inner deficiency"in traditional Chinese medicine,and all of them are treated with fuzheng peiben.Relevant studieshaveshown thatfuzheng peiben can regulate and enhance the body's immunity,induce tumor cell differentiation,promote apoptosis of tumor cells,and fight against tumor invasion and metastasis[150].In third place was ventilation and blood clots,accounting for 15.2 percent.Miao medicine believes that"the place where the poison gathers is the place where the disease is formed",the virulence and the pathological product produced by the qi,blood and hydrological knot is the key to the generation of liver cancer.According to the study found that bee venom,pinellia,radix aconiti top drug for Miao medicine crossbow solution is an important part of[139],to be able to play a"cure disease,chronic"effect,and pharmacodynamics has been proved that these liquids have analgesic function,inhibiting inflammatory factor[151],and middle-late exist more pain of liver cancer,the application prospect of the treatment of cancerous pain should be considerable.The use of drugs for ventilation and dispersing blood tendsto be consistent with the understanding of"non-general rule pain"in traditional Chinese medicine.Relevant studies have shown that drugs for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis and phlegm and dehumidification have effects of improving inflammatory microenvironmentand inhibiting tumor angiogenesis.
To sum up,it has been confirmed that the theory of Miao medicine, medicinal property and"toxicity"of Miao medicine are scientific in the treatment of liver cancer.At the same time,it also reveals the cold and heat differentiation of the Miao medical treatment of liver cancer,and the rational use of complement medicine,ventilation and blood dispersing medicine and other specimens on the basis of poison treatment.
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