

生态文明新时代 2018年4期




习近平主席致生态文明贵阳国际论坛 2018年年会的贺信,表达了中国推动生态文明建设的坚定决心,发出了共同建设清洁美丽世界的倡议,引发各界热烈反响,成为本届论坛的最大亮点。

生态文明贵阳国际论坛的十年历史,写满了习近平主席对论坛的关心关注。2013年 7月,习近平主席专门发来贺信,发出建设美丽中国、走向生态文明新时代的号召;2015年 6月,指示贵州要继续办好这个论坛,深化同国际社会在生态环境保护、应对气候变化等领域的交流合作;2018年7月,再次发来贺信,为把论坛打造成为生态文明领域的“知名品牌、著名平台”指明了方向、奠定了基调。


过去五年多,从习近平生态文明思想光耀神州,到 40多项与生态文明有关的具体改革方案出台,再到中国国内生产总值实际增长41%,但主要污染物排放下降10%以上,单位GDP能耗、水耗均下降20%以上,中国用实际行动积极引导应对气候变化国际合作,成为全球生态文明建设的重要参与者、贡献者、引领者。



Work Together for a Clean and Beautiful World

"Construction of ecological civilization is very relevant to the future of mankind and building of a green home is the shared dreams of people all over the world";

"The international community shall work together to construct a nature and green development-oriented ecological system with strengthened efforts and advance sustainable development across the world";

"We are committed to partnering with the international community for the full implementation of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and for the building of a clean and beautiful world"......President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the Eco Forum Global Annual Conference 2018.The letter voices China's commitment to the construction of ecological civilization and advocates the building of a clean and beautiful world. As strongly echoed by people from all walks of life, the letter is the biggest highlight at the event.

As shown in the path of Eco Forum Global over the past decade, President Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the forum. In July 2013, he sent a congratulatory letter calling for the building of a beautiful China and stepping forward to a new era of ecological civilization; in June 2015, he requested Guizhou to continue its efforts in the development of the forum and deepen exchanges and cooperation in conserving ecological system and addressing climate change; in July this year,he again sent a congratulatory letter showing the direction and laying the foundation for developing the forum into "a famous brand and a well-known platform" of ecological civilization.

Congratulatory letters and instructions made by President Xi Jinping indicate the forum's state-level status with international influence and also the strategic significance of ecological construction to China. The report to the 19th CPC National Congress makes “Follow the principle of harmonious coexistence between man and nature” one of the basic policies in following and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, highlights “Building an ecological civilization is of fundamental importance for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation” and comes up with “Building a beautiful China" and "Playing our part in ensuring global ecological security", and makes a strategic planning of reform for promoting ecological progress and for building a beautiful China. Obviously, China's ecological civilization construction will benefit generations to come.

Over the past five years, China has worked to guide the international cooperation in addressing climate. Those efforts include Xi Jinping's ecological civilization idea that illuminates China in the way ahead, more than 40 specific reform plans related to ecological civilization were introduced,more than 10% emission reduction of major pollutants, more than 20% cut of energy consumption and water consumption per unit of GDP against China’s actual GDP growth of 41%. That is how China has become an important participant, contributor and leader in the development of Global ecological civilization.

The world now clearly sees China's steadfast commitment to the path of green and sustainable development, the accelerated pace in building a beautiful China, and the ever-stronger aspiration of people for jointly building a clean and beautiful world, through a host of efforts of China including the topic of ecological civilization written into the constitution, the establishment of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment through deepened institutional reforms and the holding of the national ecological conservation conference, the highest level of the same kind since the start of the reform and opening-up policy.

All human beings are living in a community of shared future and ecological conservation is a challenge and responsibility that all the people in the world are faced with. We human beings must work together to protect the globe we live in. Let us pilot ecological civilization from Guizhou and continue the role of Eco Forum Global as an international platform to explore a better method of building a clean and beautiful world and let us take actions and come up with our ideas to advance the development of global ecological civilization.

