

风景园林 2018年12期


1 军庄生态小镇区位关系Junzhuang Eco-town location


通过生态、经济和社会要素的平衡互动来实现可持续的社区发展是设计的重要策略 (图2)。我们将浅山区视为一个生命系统,通过构建区域生态基础设施来引导和约束城区发展,构建安全的浅山生态格局,强调对生态环境和自然空间的保护,并且从设计上加强林相修复和生物栖息地的复建,逐步提升生物多样性,使这个生命系统更健康,更具韧性。

人与自然的长期互相塑造,成就了军庄小镇的特色风貌,也造成了水土流失、植被群落单一和生物品种不断减少的脆弱生态环境(图3)。设计团队在对160hm2的军庄文旅休闲特色小镇进行景观规划设计的同时,也同步展开针对全镇3 000多hm2的生态环境的综合评估和保护规划,在“生态优先”的理念下因地制宜地制定了林地修复、栖息地重建、水资源与水生态综合管理等6个生态环境修复策略和20个具体措施。其中,水资源管理,林地和栖息地复育是可持续环境保育的核心策略。




整个镇域现状林业用地面积为1 889.35hm2,其中可实施修复林地的面积为2 150.89hm2。规划考虑10年的中长期林地修复计划,逐步形成约64.5%以上的浅山特色林地区域。针对目前浅山区以次生林为主的树种单一、群落结构简单等问题,采用局部疏伐、逐步更新等方式,以形成生物多样性更丰富的混交林(图6)。


2 可持续社会发展示意图Social sustainable development diagram

3 区域生态适宜性分析Analysis of regional ecological suitability

4 区域干塘调蓄设施规划及分区图Planning and zoning of regional dry pond storage facilities

表1 区域干塘调蓄设施规划及分区表Tab. 1 Regional dry pond planning and chart




设计中保留了所有的果园,并提出了土壤的生态优化措施,停用化肥,改传统的井水灌溉为滴灌、喷灌结合。建议原本的单一梨树种植改为四季套种、种植——养殖结合等复合式种植。这不仅能够显著节水,还能改良土壤,提高土地生产效率,改善微气候并促进自然资源的良性循环和动态平衡,也让梨园呈现出更丰富的季节性景观 (图9)。

基于综合环境敏感度评估确定适宜的开发强度和场地的可承载力,利用本土资源和农业相关知识,建立生态、农业和旅游相结合的系统,推行“朴门农业”和“绿色旅游Green Globe”可持续旅游标准,以保护环境、维护生态平衡为前提,鼓励社区参与和体验式的旅游。


5 林地修复过程示意Forestry restoration process

6 区域林地修复类型Regional forestry restoration zoning plan

7 林地栖息地复建示意图Forest habitat restoration diagram

9季相综合管理示意图Quarterly integrated management diagram






设计团队:沈同生,David Gallacher,黄剑,罗志坚,王福龙,赵星,李露曦,李琦,鲍艾艾,陆瑶,杨宁婧,江丹




8 场地景观剖面Landscape long section

10 民间工艺荆编的设计与应用Design and application of folk craftsmanship vitex weaving

60 kilometres from Beijing, Junzhuang Town is a traditional tourist destination due to its natural beauty and pear orchard. In the Beijing Masterplan it is defined as part of the low mountain ecoconservation area, which is not only an ecological buffer of Beijing, but a radial influence on the developed plain area. Highly sensitive, valuable and fragile, Junzhuang is an important stepping stone in the Beijing eco-corridor.

Hillside areas are a living system. We are looking to a sustainable social development of hillside area based on ecological restoration, local engagement and integrated design. Our ecological planning provides guidelines to limit urban development, build safe landscapes, and nurture the protection of natural public spaces and still grow economically. By strengthening the forest and habitat restoration through design, biodiversity can be improved and the eco-system can be more healthy and resilient.

11 当地居民参与建造荆编凉亭Local residents engaged in the construction of vitex woven pavilion.

12 荆编凉亭建成实景Photo of vitex woven pavilion

13 贡梨园入口序列长剖面Long section of entrance sequence of Royal Pear Orchard

14 贡梨园入口实景Build photo of Royal Pear Orchard entrance

On the site, the gate of the orchard is renovated to be a friendly exhibition center, and a “living room”for local community. Surrounded by preserved pear trees, a modern and sculptural chaste-weaving pavilion is created by the collaborative effort of landscape designers and local villagers, linking the new landscape with the local traditional craftsmanship. A copper embossed screen wall describes the traditional pear producing process. Through the landscape, culture,ecology and economy can be integrated smoothly.

For flood control, varies methods of river restoration, dredging and ditching are suggested.Drainage channels, dry ponds, rain gardens, and bio-swales are arranged based on water flow survey data and terrain and runoff analysis. Eco-friendly embankment methods e.g. gentle slope and gabion wall are used in the upstream areas where flow rate are low.

Following the original contours and a natural gulch on site, the layout of town center is integrated with storm water management design.Seasonal water features are designed with dry ponds and rain gardens, bringing the memory of site into its modern life.

The design team developed a hierarchically recovery strategy in which soil, vegetation and biological will be improved simultaneously for varies terrain types and slopes. The design can promote positive forest succession by making longterm ecological conservation plan and planting appropriate native tree species and pioneer species.Through natural restoration of degraded forest land, the site’s ecological service function will be improved gradually, and eventually forms diverse mixed forests.

Set up target pioneer species and communities based on native biological resources. Create diversified nesting and breeding environments which shall attract regional small mammals, forest birds, insects and etc. by planting appropriate vegetation communities, and ecologically friendly low mountain habitats will be restored.

Beijing White Pear is a special local product from Junzhuang Town, especially the ones from “Royal Pear Orchard” with over 400 years history. All pear orchards are well protected in the planning. Permaculture measurements are proposed - previous underground-water irrigation and chemical fertilizer are replaced by dripping irrigation and community participated bio-farming,more energy saving and productive.

It is suggested that the original single pear tree planting to be changed to composite planting model in four seasons, conserving more and improve soil quality, land production efficiency, and microclimate.

Not only more effective agriculture production and management, but also better interactive green tourism programs are proposed, such as nature school and camping, bird watching, eco-sightseeing and organic farming. All programs are based on the local natural resources, and involved with local communities, to reduce the disturbance of the site,and improve the long time economic benefit to the communities.

“Good baskets from folks in Longjia Village,man works on the frame and woman on the detail.”

The folk song tells the long history and reputation of chastetree weaving in this area.Western Beijing mountainous area abounds in chastetree, so the villagers uses the local material to make plates, baskets, fences, and roof tops.This is a simple technology with countless rich patterns created by villagers’ imagination and interest. Chastetree weaving was a popular handicraft for every household, but in modern life, it has gradually fading out from the everyday life of the villagers until it meets our landscape design team.

The construction started from the entry area of the Royal Pear Orchard which has over 400 year’s history. The entrance of the Royal Pear Orchard is an important connection of public open space with production area, and is a place for people to meet and talk. A few steps up along the main axis of Royal Pear Orchard through the renovated modern gate, guest will meet with a copper embossed screen wall telling the story of traditional pear production process. The design follows the topography and retains existing trees and the rough walls which outlined the site. The existing building is transformed into an eco-display center. A green island is added on the plaza to provide rest area, also form the view and helps“sponge” function of the site. The original rough stone wall and the pear trees remains on site, to keep the memory of the place. From the platform looking west on the sunset, the silhouette of west mountain is stunning.

15 小镇客厅建成实景Photo of town living room

Pass through the exhibition center towards the terrace garden, a path is dropped 1 meter to bow to the existing big, old verdant tree, as a salute to the history. A few rain gardens are created among terraces to guide the water flow. A modern and sculptural chaste weaving pavilion on the terrace garden becomes the focal point; this is a creative art by the collaboration of villagers and landscape designers, using traditional local material and technique, linking the new landscape with the local traditional craftsmanship.

The entry area then becomes not only a welcoming and exhibition center, but also the favorite gathering place that local villagers are proud of, a place where people join and see the contrast of before and after, experiencing the new lifestyle in an old village. It transforms an old culture into a new one, and then becomes a modern vision of an eco-village celebrating its unique tradition.

The cross line corporation from landscape,environment, forestry, water utility, geotechnical engineer, tourism and economic planning brings a multi-benefit perspectives. The strategy of long term social sustainable development implements from planning to construction. This is still an ongoing process and experiment for “eco-planning of renovation based on protection, landscape design integrated with programming” for hillside area.

Location: Mentougou Junzhuang Town, Beijing

Design Firm: AECOM

Design Team: Stone Shen, David Gallacher, Jane Huang,Oliver Luo, Fulong Wang, Smile Zhao,Heather Li, Lizzie Li, Aiai Bao, Yao Lu,Ningjing Yang, Lotus Jiang

Construction: 2017

Site Area: 160hm2

Photo and Image: AECOM

