辽宁省25 300名劳动者职业卫生知情权认知情况调查结果分析与强化对策


中国医学创新 2018年6期

方立志 宁康

【摘要】 目的:分析2017年遼宁省25 300名劳动者职业卫生知情权具体情况,了解近1年辽宁省劳动者职业卫生知情权特征和规律,探讨进一步提高劳动者职业卫生知情权的关键措施。方法:对2017年辽宁省国有企业、中外合资企业、民营企业、乡镇企业劳动者进行职业卫生知情权问卷调查,以企业经济性质进行分类,对数据进行整理和统计分析。结果:2017年辽宁省25 300名劳动者中,(1)关于参加岗前培训、在岗期间培训,国有企业劳动者知晓率达92.47%,中外合资企业劳动者知晓率达90.56%,民营企业劳动者知晓率达80.36%,乡镇企业劳动者知晓率达63.32%;(2)关于职业健康,国有企业、中外合资企业知晓率均达100%,民营企业知晓率达78.29%,乡镇企业知晓率达68.23%;(3)关于本岗位职业危害因素种类,国有企业知晓率达56.50%,中外合资企业知晓率达46.50%,民营企业知晓率达36.05%,乡镇企业知晓率达36.25%;(4)关于职业病防治法中企业的职责,国有企业知晓率达32.68%,中外合资企业知晓率达30.58%,民营企业知晓率达22.48%,乡镇企业知晓率达22.18%;(5)关于劳动合同职业卫生,国有企业知晓率达96.36%,中外合资企业知晓率达93.16%,民营企业知晓率达84.26%,乡镇企业知晓率达56.16%;(6)关于建立健康档案,国有企业知晓率达78.95%,中外合资企业知晓率达70.05%,民营企业知晓率达68.35%,乡镇企业知晓率达48.35%;(7)关于个人防护措施,国有企业知晓率达50.06%,中外合资企业知晓率达48.96%,民营企业知晓率达39.36%,乡镇企业知晓率达22.36%。结论:企业应真正将保护劳动者的合法权益落到实处。

【关键词】 职业卫生知情权; 认知情况; 强化对策

Investigation Results Analysis and Strengthening Countermeasures of Cognitive Situation of Occupational Health Rights to Be Informed of 25 300 Laborers in Liaoning Province/FANG Lizhi,NING Kang.//Medical Innovation of China,2018,15(06):072-075

【Abstract】 Objective:To analyze the specific situation of the right to know about the occupational health of 25 300 workers in Liaoning Province in 2017,to understand the characteristics and laws of workers right to know about occupational health in Liaoning Province in the last year,to explore the key measures to further improve the workers right to know about occupational health.Method:In 2017,the workers of state-owned enterprises,sino-foreign joint ventures,private enterprises and township enterprises in Liaoning province were investigated with questionnaires on their right to know about occupational health,the data were sorted out and analyzed statistically according to the economic nature of enterprises.Result:In 2017,of the 25 300 workers in Liaoning Province,(1)regarding pre-job training,training during the post-duty period,the awareness rate of workers in state-owned enterprises was 92.47%,that of workers in sino-foreign joint ventures was 90.56%,that of workers in private enterprises was 80.36%,and that of workers in township enterprises was 63.32%;(2)on occupational health,the awareness rate of state-owned enterprises and sino-foreign joint ventures reached 100%,the awareness rate of private enterprises was 78.29%,and the awareness rate of township enterprises was 68.23%;(3)concerning the types of occupational hazards in this post,the awareness rate of state-owned enterprises was 56.50%,that of sino-foreign joint ventures was 46.50%,that of private enterprises was 36.05%,and that of township enterprises was 36.25%;(4)with regard to the duties of enterprises in the law on the prevention and control of occupational diseases,the awareness rate of state-owned enterprises was 32.68%,that of sino-foreign joint ventures was 30.58%,that of private enterprises was 22.48% and that of township enterprises was 22.18%;(5)in connection with that occupational health of the labor contract,the awareness rates of state-owned enterprises,Sino-foreign joint ventures,private enterprises and township enterprises were 96.36%,93.16%,84.26% and 56.16%,respectively;(6)regarding the establishment of health records,the awareness rate of state-owned enterprises was 78.95%,that of Sino-foreign joint ventures was 70.05%,that of private enterprises was 68.35%,and that of township enterprises was 48.35%;(7)with regard to personal protective measures,the awareness rate of state-owned enterprises reached 50.06%,Sino foreign joint venture enterprise awareness rate was 48.96%,the awareness rate of 39.36% private enterprises,township enterprises awareness rate of 22.36%.Conclusion:Enterprises should truly protect the legitimate rights and interests of laborers.

