

艺术交流 2018年3期

文焦俞萍 图金钢

梵净山Mount Fanjing





蘑菇石之秋Autumn of Mushroom-shaped Stone



梵净山之冬Winter of Mount Fanjing

"Straight up to the sky with Buddha's scenery,beautiful waters amid smoke.High rocks lead to diverse turns.Looking back to the mortal land,turning immortal in reaching the heights." At the junction of Jiangkou,Yinjiang and Songtao in Tongren City,Guizhou Province,the Mount Fanjing named after the "Pure Land" is located here.Featuring steep and rough rocks,and lush trees,it is both an ecological kingdom and a holy land of Buddhism.LIAO Yunpeng,a poet of the Qing Dynasty,once praised the Mount "Sentiment of Mount Fanjing Summit".In July of this year,Mount Fanjing has been successfully included in the World Natural Heritage List at the 42ndWorld Heritage Conference,becoming China's 53rdWorld Heritage site and the 13thsite of World Natural Heritage.

JIN Gang,a member of the Chinese Photographic Association,is a native of Guizhou.For more than a decade,he insisted on climbing Mount Fanjing every spring,summer,autumn and winter,and shooting different views of the four seasons concerning the Red Cloud Golden Summit,Mushroom Stone,and Waterfall Cloud.He used cameras to record the magnificent scenery of Mount Fanjing and expressed his love for hometown and praise for nature via video materials.JIN said that Mount Fanjing has triple unique realm,one of which is"quiet",the second is "pure",and the third is "state",which is the reason for his decade-long endeavors in shooting.

Talking about the Mount Fanjing,people often think of its sea of clouds.In the early spring,the floating clouds,fog and winds made the land full of holy state and spirituality.Jinsteel used the lens to record this rare scenery.The morning fog rises from the valley as if waterfalls from sky,and the waterfall cloud is also the famous scenery of the mountain.According to JIN Gang,"Waterfalls are easily formed in Fanjing due to unique mountainlike landform,with low latitude,high altitude,numerous valleys,dense forest and abundant rainfalls.'Waterfall Cloud' is an imposing rapid clouds flowing like seawater,as quiet as a virgin and as lively as a rabbit.There will be waterfall clouds in spring,summer,autumn and winter every year." When the clouds and waterfalls appear,the Mount Fanjing is like a quiet "castle of the sky",stunningly beautiful.

梵净山云海Cloud Sea of Mount Fanjing

In addition to the sea clouds,Mount Fanjing has a unique geographical location,in addition to the fluctuating terrain,it often forms a strange landscape of"four seasons exist in one mountain at the same time".JIN Gang said that the purpose of recording these beautiful natural landscapes is a possible thinking about the relationship between human being and nature.He said: "The Mount Fanjing preserves the world's rare subtropical native ecosystem with nearly 3,000 species,many are most rare,such as the golden monkey and the phoenix tree,the natural offspring of the pure land.Under the blessing of 'Buddhist Pure Land',we survive and multiply.I have been shooting scenery,but such photography is not just about wind and snow,but more importantly reaching beyond light and shadow and cherishing the relationship between human being and the nature."

As a famous mountain in Guizhou,the Mount Fanjing is not only a national nature reserve,but also one of the five famous Buddhist mountains in China.The profound Buddhist cultural heritage of the renowned Maitreya Bodhisattva rite is self-evident.The famous poet WANG Xinjian has a poem "Climbing Mount Fanjing": "Mortal thoughts fade in approaching the mountain,merely holding the tranquility.The pure land pushes me up to the mountain sky,witnessing Zen fog and light from Buddha.All people come for holy connection."which echoes the fact that Mount Fanjing is a paradise on earth for thorough leisure.JIN Gang said: "For the Mount Fanjing,helping it winning the laurel of 'Pure Land' and being considered a resting place for hearts." He introduced that the red cloud golden top is the core of the holy mountain,and the two ancient temples on the golden top are most worshipped.Built at summit of the mountain,people always refer them to as the "Temple in the air".The light from Buddha is one of the most peculiar celestial wonders of the Mount Fanjing.When the sun rises or sets,people can often witness the huge aura of seven brilliant colors.Inside sits the solemn Buddha,forming extremely strange scenery.

For the success of Mount Fanjing's application for World Heritage,JIN Gang's joy is beyond words.He said: "The reasons of Mount Fanjing's successful application are because it meets the requirements of the standards and integrity of the world's natural heritage biodiversity,marking the mountain has successfully entered into international arena.As a photographer,we should use the cameras in hand to record the most beautiful scenery of the Mount Fanjing and convey the arts from your inner hearts."

蘑菇石之秋Autumn of Mushroom-shaped Stone

梵净山金顶的春天Spring of Mount Fanjing's Gold Top

梵净山云海Cloud Sea of Mount Fanjing

