曹丽英,杨左文,焦 巍,张玉宝,张跃鹏,张弘玉
曹丽英1,杨左文1,焦 巍2,张玉宝1,张跃鹏1,张弘玉1
(1. 内蒙古科技大学机械工程学院,包头 014010; 2. 中国农业科学院草原研究所,呼和浩特 010010)
为了解决锤片式饲料粉碎机工作过程中噪声大的问题,运用虚拟仪器测试技术和台架试验相结合的方法,对粉碎机的噪声信号进行采集和分析,针对影响噪声的主要因素如锤片、筛网、进料口、出料口和转子转速等进行相应的声压级和频谱测试分析,寻找粉碎机主要噪声源及其与主要影响因素之间的规律,并通过对粉碎机各部件的结构参数进行改进设计,达到降低整机噪声的目的。研究结果表明:粉碎机噪声信号主要包含48、180、200、361、893和1 263 Hz共6种频率成分;筛网、进料口和出料口对主频成分没有影响,只影响噪声频率的幅值;筛网具有降噪作用;进料口和出料口都不同程度地增强了噪声声压级;通过对主轴转速为2 400~2 800 r/min时的空载噪声频谱图分析知,当转速升高时,噪声幅值急剧升高,可见转速对粉碎机的噪声有影响;对不同锤片数量的空载噪声频谱图分析知,锤片数量只影响噪声幅值,对主要频率变化影响较小。此外,对粉碎机进料口、出料口、筛网的结构参数进行改进设计,以出料口的改进设计为例,基于有限元法对改进前后分离装置内的流场湍动能分布情况经行了模拟,将改进前后的结果进行对比分析发现:出料口改进后分离装置内气流的湍动能较小,流动较为稳定。通过台架试验表明:当选用改进后的出料口时,粉碎机整机噪声得到明显改善,噪声总声压级降低了3 dB(A),各测点噪声声压级降低1.9~3.6 dB(A),进一步粉碎试验表明使用改进后的出料口并未影响粉碎机的生产效率以及吨料电耗,研究所采用的降噪措施可行,此法可为控制粉碎机噪声提供理论依据。
0 引 言
1 噪声源识别研究
基于LabVIEW 2013软件平台实现对粉碎机噪声信号的实时采集和频谱测量。将传感器采集到的噪声信号经前置放大器放大,放大后的信号经过NI数据采集卡 输入到PC机上的LabVIEW数据处理分析平台,进行结果分析和显示。信号采集程序包括数据的采集、显示以及保存3部分。信号分析程序包括声压、声压级和频谱分析[27-30]。
1.1 试验条件
试验用的锤片式饲料粉碎机共有4组锤片,每组含 4个锤片,交错对称排列。主轴额定转速2 800 r/min,生产率800 kg/h,以含水率控制在14%的玉米颗粒为试验 原料。
1.2 测点布置
根据GB/T6971-2007饲料粉碎机实验方法中噪声测试标准进行声压级测量[31]。试验共布置5个测点,在与转轴同一水平面布置4个测点,第5个测点位于粉碎机的正上方,测点距粉碎机表面50 cm。采用声压法测量噪声信号。测点分布如图1所示,图中测点3的位置在与测点2相对的粉碎机的另一侧面,距离粉碎机和地面的间距与测点2一致。
1. 回料管 2. 出料口 3. 筛片 4. 分离装置 5. 锤片 6. 进料口
1.3 试验内容
1.3.1 空载和负载工况下整机测试分析
分别对空载、负载2种工况下的粉碎机进行整机声压级测试。待粉碎机运转平稳后,记录各测点的噪声声压级。对于每个测点,每隔5 s记录1个值,1 min内共记录12个值,求其平均值作为该点的噪声总声压级。5个测点的声压级统计值如表1所示。
表1 额定转速下空载和负载工况下噪声统计
从表1知,噪声最高值出现在测点1而不是距电机最近的测点4和或距粉碎机主轴最近的测点2或3。通过进一步分析,测点1的噪声是由于锤片旋转引起的空气动力性噪声通过出料口向外辐射造成;测点4噪声最低是因为此点远离出料口,受到的辐射较小;测点5的噪声较高是由于壳体的辐射噪声引起的。整体上空载时声压级大于负载时声压级,最大差值为2.6 dB(A),可见空气动力性噪声为主要噪声;
图2 空载和负载工况下测点5的噪声频谱
表2 空载和负载时的主频值
式中为主轴转速,r/min;为锤片数,为谐波数(=1, 2, 3, …)
表3 旋转噪声的基频
1.3.2 噪声信号分离试验
图3 单转子基础噪声频谱图
由图3试验结果统计知,单转子基础噪声声压级 的最大值是87.8 dB(A),最小值是87.2 dB,平均值是 87.5 dB(A)。与图2结果对比知,单转子运转时,噪声声压级总体上很小,说明锤片对噪声影响很大;频谱图中有突出的3个峰值,48、893和1 263 Hz,对比图2a可知,48 Hz是转子基频噪声,其余2个峰值对应的离散噪声是结构振动引起的。
由表4知,在额定工况下,锤片通过周期性拍打空气产生的噪声最大。单筛网时噪声最小,比转子基础噪声小3.6 dB(A),说明筛网阻碍了空气动力性噪声通过出料口向外辐射,因此,筛网具有降低噪声的作用。
表4 不同结构噪声声压级(dB(A))及对应主频值
通过不同结构组合时的整机噪声声压级进行噪声识别,可以发现锤片与出料口组合时,粉碎机噪声较其余组合大;筛网具有降噪作用;在进、出料口处噪声较大;无锤片时,最大声压级是87.8 dB(A),平均声压级只有87.5 dB(A),与其余状态的相同指标对比声压级最低,气动噪声有所降低,此时振动噪声占了主要地位,有2个主要噪声的频率峰值,即旋转噪声基频47 Hz和振动噪声主频1263 Hz。
1.3.3 转速与锤片数量对粉碎机噪声的影响
转子的转速直接影响粉碎机的工作效率,转子的工作转速在2 400~2 800 r/min。分别选取2 400、2 500、 2 600、2 700和2 800 r/min作为试验因素进行粉碎机噪声测量,表5为不同转速下噪声声压级和旋转噪声频率测试结果。
表5 不同转速时噪声声压级和旋转噪声频率
图4 2 400~2 700 r/min噪声频谱图
由表5知,转速越大各测点噪声声压越大。在2 400~2 800 r/min转速内,粉碎机噪声会随着转速增加而加剧。结合图2a和图4知,在转速为2 400~2 800 r/min时,主要噪声源与粉碎机的噪声基频、二次谐波频率有很好的吻合,说明转速在2 400~2 800 r/min内变化时,粉碎机的主要噪声源是空气动力性噪声。转速2 600 r/min以前,粉碎机的噪声频率信号中宽频信号能量较大,说明粉碎机噪声在低速时涡流噪声占优势;转速2 600 r/min以后,粉碎机的噪声频率信号中离散信号能量较大,说明高速时旋转噪声占优势。
表6 不同锤片数量时噪声声压级
图5 不同锤片数量时测点5频谱图
2 粉碎机降噪方法分析
图6 出料口改进后的粉碎机
图7 改进前后分离装置湍动能分布
表7 出料口改进后粉碎机各测点空载噪声
从表1和表7对比知,出料口改进后,总声压级降幅为3.0 dB(A),各测点的平均声压级降幅为1.9~3.6 dB(A),说明出料口改进后粉碎机噪声得到一定程度的改善。
3 粉碎机改进前后生产力试验
根据GB/T6971-2007《饲料粉碎机试验方法》,以含水率为14%的玉米颗粒为试验原料,粉碎机功率7.5 kW,工作转速为2 800 r/min,喂料量为13.3 kg/min,进行粉碎试验。对出料口改进后粉碎机的生产力进行评价。由表8知,改进后样机的生产率相对误差为1.4%,吨料电耗相对误差为3.6%。出料口改进前后生产率及吨料电耗相当,即出料口改进设计后,整机生产力无显著变化。
表8 改进前后样机生产率统计
4 结 论
3)从频谱图可知,当转速在2 400~2 800 r/min范围内变化时,粉碎机噪声幅值会随着转速增加而加剧,说明转速对粉碎机的噪声影响显著;锤片数量只影响噪声幅值,对主要频率变化影响较小;低转速时涡流噪声占优势,高转速时旋转噪声占优势。
4)改进粉碎机出料口等结构的参数可以有效降低粉碎机噪声,改进前后粉碎机生产率分别为790.08和789.24 kg/h,吨料电耗分别为9.94和9.75 kW×h/t,因此改进前后生产力无显著变化。
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Noise sources identification and noise reduction methods of hammer mill
Cao Liying1, Yang Zuowen1, Jiao Wei2, Zhang Yubao1, Zhang Yuepeng1, Zhang Hongyu1
(1.014010,; 2.010010,)
In order to solve the problem of big noise during the working process of the hammer mill, and search for the main noise source and noise reduction method of hammer mill, the noise signals were collected and analyzed by the virtual instrument software LabVIEW and bench test on the hammer mill. The sound pressure level of the hammer mill was tested and analyzed in no-load and load conditions, and the spectrum of the hammer mill was tested. The result of this test shows the no-load sound pressure level of the hammer mill is bigger than the load sound pressure level. The material loading or not only changes the size of the peak of the noise. Thus it can be seen the key of absorbing the noise is to reduce the no-load aeromechanic noise. The noise sources of hammer mill were superimposed, bringing about the multivariate source coupling problem. The distribution operation method was used to test the noise of the hammer, screen, feeding inlet and feeding outlet. Sound pressure level and frequency spectrum were analyzed to find the main noise sources of the hammer mill, according to the main factors of noise such as the hammers, screen, feeding inlet and feeding outlet. Noise pressure level was tested and spectrum was analyzed in the state of noise with a single factor and combination of multiple factors. The results are as follows: The noise signals contain 47, 180, 200, 361, 893 and 1263 Hz. The screen, feeding inlet and outlet have no effect on the main frequency component. The screen has the noise reduction function; the feeding inlet and outlet enhance the noise pressure in different degrees. The sound pressure level of the single rotor is very small, which reveals that the hammer has a great influence on the noise. The noise is strengthened when the hammer and the outlet work together; the noise of hammer mill is greatly reduced when it has no hammer piece. Based on the analysis of no-load noise spectrum of 2400-2800 r/min, when the speed increases, the noise amplitude increases dramatically, indicating that the effect of noise on high-speed grinder is evident.When the speed is 2400-2800 r/min, the main noise source is in good agreement with the noise base frequency and the second-harmonic frequency of the hammer mill; when the speed is lower than 2600 r/min, the broadband signal energy to noise frequency signal of grinder is larger, indicating mill noise of vortex at low speed is dominant; when the speed is higher than 2600 r/min, the discrete signal energy to noise frequency signal of hammer mill is larger, that is to say the rotating noise is dominant at high speed. In the working condition of no load and rated speed, the noise sound pressure level of the hammer mill was tested with no hammer, single row hammer, 2 row hammers, 3 row hammers and 4 row hammers respectively. It is known that the number of hammers only affects the amplitude of the noise and has little influence on the change of the main frequency by analyzing the spectrum diagram of the no-load noise with different numbers of hammer pieces. Besides, the structure of feeding inlet, outlet and screen was improved in design. Taking the outlet improvement design as an example, turbulent kinetic energy of original and improved separation device was simulated. The comparison results show that the kinetic energy of the improved outlet is less. It is proved that the improvement of the outlet is beneficial to the noise reduction in the experiment, the total sound pressure level was reduced by 3 dB(A), the sound pressure levels of test points were reduced by 1.9-3.6 dB(A), and the hammer mill production was not greatly affected. Some other methods of noise reduction were proposed. This research provides theoretical evidence for the noise reduction design of the hammer mill.
agricultural machinery; processing; mechanization; hammer mill; noise; noise reduction; frequency
曹丽英,杨左文,焦 巍,张玉宝,张跃鹏,张弘玉. 锤片式粉碎机噪声源识别及降噪方法[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(7):59-65. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.07.008 http://www.tcsae.org
Cao Liying, Yang Zuowen, Jiao Wei, Zhang Yubao, Zhang Yuepeng, Zhang Hongyu. Noise sources identification and noise reduction methods of hammer mill[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(7): 59-65. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.07.008 http://www.tcsae.org