The Old Hunting Routes of Endangered Indian Tribes
By Liu Yan
There are many tribes of indigenous people in South America. Like many primitive tribes, these native peoples live as they have for a millennium. Every day, the strong young men go out hunting and all come back to the tribe at night and share their game from the hunt for daily sustenance.
However, densely grown rain forests have begun shrinking due to invasion and development,and with them, the availability of game animals. As a result, the Indian population has started to diminish, with only a few tribes surviving after just a few short years.
A scientist, interested in Indian history, ventured to the rain forests to exchange ideas,and do research on their life and history. Gradually he seemed to identify the general patterns of the extinction of these tribes.
Through comparing the history of several populous tribes, he discovered that each tribe had different hunting habits. Some were led by experienced hunters,capable of finding places teeming with fauna. While some other tribes depended totally on luck,essentially, letting the gods decide their hunting routes. Before going out, they would decide their course based on the divinations of their oracle.
Contrary to reason, the former tribes who trusted experienced hunters died out while the latter survived and some of them have even become prosperous.
The scientist was at a loss to explain it. One day, while hunting with them, the answer hit him immediately, though the experienced hunters knew where to find more animals, the animals themselves had caught on,making the hunt more difficult.
From this we learn that,experience can teach us to avoid some detours, but sometimes it can also be the worst teacher in practice.◆
(From Life Times, October 13,2017. Translation: Xu Chaolan)