Hubei Peking Opera Trip in America


Special Focus 2018年3期

By Xu Kuang

迈阿密旅游董事局主席布鲁斯(右)和当地知名人士劳拉体验京剧戏服Bruce Orosz, Chairman of GMCVB and Lauren Marks, a local celebrity in Peking Opera costumes

In recent years, the Hubei Peking Opera Academy(HPOA) has made a series of wonderful performance tours across American, British,Russian, and Japanese cities.Their excellent debuts on the international stage adds glamour to the quintessence of Chinese culture and to the Hubei local culture.

Helping the Audience Understand Peking Opera

On March 2, 2018,the art troupe organized by HPOA presented a Chinese cultural gala, the highlights of classic Zhezi Xi,1to a sell-out crowd in the Mees Auditorium of Capital University in Columbus,Ohio State. The joyous performance attracted about one thousand local audience.

Traditional Peking Opera stage may simply consist of one table and two chairs. However, the performers are likely to lash a whip to denote horse-riding and a paddle to evoke boat-sailing. Their performance and movements invite the attendees to envision the seemly parades of thousands of soldiers and horses marching before them, which leaves the audience with great room for imagination.

国家一级演员江峰为观众勾包拯脸谱Jiang Feng, national first-level actor, drawing the opera make-up of Bao Zheng on an American girl












演出现场座无虚席(左图) 王铭、江峰《壮别》分饰周瑜、黄盖(右图)Audience applauding the performance (left) Actors Wang Ming and Jiang Feng playing Zhou Yu and Huang Gai respectively in Farewell to a Hero (right)

Local audience are fascinated by the art of Peking Opera. Some of them regard Peking Opera as nothing but a combination of beautiful traditional costumes,elaborate make-up, and lively combat scenes. And they are perplexed about some technical terms in singing, recitations,acting, and acrobatics and the synchronization of hand,eye, body, and steps, let alone the appreciation of Chinese aesthetics, of symbolic connotations, and of how to differentiate between different characters.

How could the performers help local audience understand Peking Opera?

“We need to explain again and again in the preparatory stage,”said Mr. Zhou Hu, vice president of HPOA. “The actors need to introduce various schools, roles and other basic knowledge of Peking Opera to the local host before the performance, and the host will explain to the audience in his particular way. Moreover,he will also introduce the background of each opera when it is performed.”

With timely explanation and careful preparation, local audience could finally understand the essence of the story by judging the performers’ enchanting voices, movements, and costumes despite differences in language and culture. As a result, this enriches their understandings of Chinese culture and allows them to savor the glamour of eastern art.

HPOA singled out four traditional Zhezi Xi for the performance tour, including two classic plays of Princess Shuangyang, Sizhou City, and two traditional plays of Fight with Ma Chao and Farewell to a Hero which were adapted from the novel Romance of Three Kingdoms.

“In selecting the plays, we chose Chinese stories which are famous around the world. Take Farewell to a Hero for example,it narrates how General Zhou Yu deliberately whipped Huang Gai, his fellow general, to deceive General Cao Cao’s spies, a story many local audiences know about,that happened to take place in Hubei,” said Mr. Zhou Hu.

科学与工业博物馆馆长伯特利博士与演员杨帆合影Dr. Frederic Bertley, President and CEO of COSI, and actress Yang Fan

Peking Opera emphasizes imagination and performance,while Western opera puts weight on concrete storylines. And the mutual interaction between audiences and performers is another difference between Chinese culture and Western culture. When appreciating an opera performance, Western audiences usually watch it quietly and applaud at the end of one act or when performers bow at the end of a play. “In watching Peking Opera, performers and audiences have intimate and continuous interactions from the beginning to the end. The audience’s applause and cheers will inspire the performers to display their talents to the fullest,” said Mr. Zhou Hu.

Co-hosted bilingually by Mr.Pat McAloon, a famous MC in Columbus, and Ms. Xia Liping,the audience quickly learned how to appreciate Peking Opera and at times extended their thunderous cheers and applause, rising with the climax of the play.

At the end of the performance,all the audience were standing to indicate their respect and love to the performers. Some of them even stepped on stage to take photos with the performers,which lasted for nearly an hour.

Bringing Eastern Art into School

The day beforethe performance,the art troupe went to Columbus School for Girls, Wittenberg University and Ohio State University respectively in three groups to bring Eastern art to the campus.

演出交流合影留念 Group photo after the performance

国家二级演员于巧云在哥伦布女子学校教学生们京剧Yu Qiaoyun, national second-level actress, teaching students Peking Opera at Columbus School for Girls

Mr. Zhou knew that students in Columbus School for Girls had once performed the play, Legend of the White Snake, an English edition conducted by a Chinese teacher in the school. “Since Ms. Wang Ming played a part in the opera of The Tale of Green Snake,2I intended to arrange her to visit this school and hoped that they would have a meaningful exchange.”

The performers tended to interact with the American students in a variety of ways,such as through demonstrations,drawing and guessing the meaning of facial make-ups,allowing them to try on costumes,and teaching them steps, etc. In so doing, all faculties and students could feel the magic power of traditional Chinese art treasure.The whole auditorium was then full of laughter, enjoyment and warm feelings.

Two hours passed when all of them were still in a cheerful mood. Some students who hadn’t got the chance to experience on stage said they still wanted to have a try, while many other students said this was the first time they encounter Peking Opera and would like to learn more if possible.

In Wittenberg University,Mr. Jiang Feng, a top actor in China, drew a facial make-up of Bao Zheng3for an American girl and told her the meanings of each make-up design in details.“Foreign audiences could learn about Chinese stories through our performance. They need to understand why Guan Yu was red-faced, Bao Zheng was black-faced and Cao Cao was white faced. Because red means loyalty, black means upright and justice, and white means cunning in China. There are over one thousand facial make-ups, and you can’t make any mistake. This is a distinctive feature of Chinese traditional culture.”

Strengthening Friendship through Opera

在当地金牌主持派特·麦卡龙(Pat McAloon)和夏莉萍中英文特色主持和带动下,现场观众很快学会看京剧,每到精彩片段和唱段,都响起震耳欲聋的掌声和叫好声。









湖北省和俄亥俄州是中美建交后第一对友好省州,迄今已39年。得知湖北省京剧艺术团来访, 该州州长专门写来贺信,将3月2日命名为“2018湖北京剧之夜”。

州长代表凯西·布拉德(Kacy Bullard)和大卫·沃德(David Ward)到首府大学剧场观看演出。凯西说:“演出非常美妙,非常优秀,谢谢你们。很高兴有亲身体验京剧之美的机会,希望能更多地了解友好省湖北。”



一位20年前移民到当地的观众,走上台激动地与演员握手合影。她满含热泪地说道:“我的家乡是湖北,当看到湖北省京剧院在此演出的宣传时,非常高兴。看完演出后,更是感动不已。 离开家乡这么久,在新春佳节之际,能在异国他乡以这种形式感受来自祖国的新春祝福,让我倍感温暖。”

京剧乐队表演现场 The HPOA orchestra performing on stage

39 years ago,Hubei and Ohio became the first pair of sister provinces/states since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States in 1979. On hearing about the arrival of the HPOA art troupe, the Governor of Ohio wrote a letter of congratulation and named March 2 as “2018 Hubei Peking Opera Night.”

On behalf of the governor, Ms.Kacy Bullard and Mr. David Ward came to the Mees Auditorium of Capital University to watch the performance. Kacy said, “It was amazing. Awesome! Thank you. I’m very glad to have the opportunity to experience the beauty of Peking Opera. We hope to learn more about our sister province Hubei.”

Mr. Tang Nianfa, chairman of 2018 Ohio Chinese Festival Organizing Committee, drove more than two hours from Cleveland to the theater. After watching the performance, he warmly invited the troupe to perform in Cleveland.

Ms. Liao Qihong, honorary president of the Chinese School Association in the United States, also came here for the performance from Cincinnati.She said, “It’s my first time to watch such wonderful Peking Opera performances in America.I brought my daughter with me to let her know how great Chinese culture is.”

Actress Yang fan playing Shuimu (the Old Mother of the Waters) in Sizhou City杨帆《泗州城》饰水母

Actors Wang Ming playing Zhou Yu in Farewell to a Hero王铭《壮别》饰周瑜

Tang Kai playing Ma Chao in Fight with Ma Chao唐恺《战马超》饰马超

An overseas Chinese person who immigrated to the U.S.20 years ago came on stage to shake hands with the performers excitedly and took photos with them. She said with tears, “Hubei is my hometown. I am very happy when I see the advertisement of your performance and I am deeply touched after watching it. I feel warm to receive Spring Festival blessings from my motherland in such a unique way after leaving there so many years ago.”


1. Zhezi Xi, a one-act performance of a play that originally included multiple acts.

2. Green snake, a figure in Legend of the White Snake. Both white snake and green snake transformed into two young women. Green snake treated white snake as her sister because white snake once saved her life and decided to help white snake to find Mr. Xu Xian, a man who once saved the life of white snake.

3. Bao Zheng (999-1062), an upright government officer in Song Dynasty. He is often portrayed with a black face and a white crescent shaped birthmark on his forehead.

On the morning of March 2,2018, the art troupe was invited to be special guests in live studio of Fox 6 and received interview in the program of Good Day Columbus. They performed a classic episode of Divergence in the program and received positive feedbacks.

3月2日早上,演出团还应邀走进福克斯电视台新闻6频道(FOX 6 )直播室,接受“早安哥伦布”节目采访,现场表演《三岔口》经典片段,引起热烈反响。




观众与刘备扮演者沈红合影An overseas Chinese woman took her kid to the stage and took a photo with actress Shen Hong

“Excellent art work is a medium of cultural confidence. Peking Opera also needs to go with the tide and tell good Chinese stories in an artistic way. The original modern Peking Opera On the Way made by us last year was on the list of 2018 New Year Opera Gala,which was a great achievement.But there is still a long way to go to promote traditional Chinese culture.” said Mr. Ren Jun, head of the art troupe and consultant of International Cultural Liaison Division, Hubei Provincial Department of Culture.

With colorful make-up,exquisite costumes, sonorous music, unique and beautiful singing styles, intriguing plots,and elegant performances, Peking Opera is attracting more and more fans in the world for its glamour.

The HPOA art troupe displayed on international stages the quintessence of Chinese art and promoted Hubei culture to the world, which not only facilitated the exchanges between Eastern and Western artists, strengthened bonds between Hubei and Ohio,but also showed the influence of excellent traditional Chinese culture, making Chinese people overseas feel excited and proud of the place from which they came.◆

(Translation: Li Li)

