By Gao Jianying
When my father was 87 he walked with a sluggish gait,could hardly force a morsel of food down, and was very hard of hearing.
His daily routine consisted of the TV, the newspaper and sunning himself, but when not doing that he would space off and fall asleep. After being cared for by my sister and me for a time, he took on a new habit–waiting for me to get home. He got to know exactly when I would get off work.In the wintertime, he would be sitting by his window, in the summertime he would be peering through the doorway in anticipation. One day I got off work late and didn’t come to check on him. The next day my sister told me that he had been laying there by the door staring off into the darkness.I wasn’t sure if it was that my father was worrying about me or just missing me. There were so many times that I would walk through the door and call his name, then sit by his side for a spell and go. When I was leaving I could feel his desperate gaze, like knives stabbing me, pleading for me not to leave, like he wanted me to stay right there by his side forever and ever, keeping him company.
Sometimes he wanted me to listen to his stories about Yan Xishan, one-time warlord of Shanxi Province, or Fu Zuoyi,who was once a Kuomintang general but later became a powerful politician for the People’s Republic of China.He told stories of scorched earth and how the Japanese or bandits came to his village robbing, pillaging, plundering and burning down everything in sight. He couldn’t hear himself speak and thought that I couldn’t either, so while he was telling his stories his voice got so loud I thought his windpipe would burst. There were so many times that he would get confused and keep calling people by the wrong name. I couldn’t help busting a gut, but at the same time my heart twisted into knots. I know it was just that he was getting up there in years and things got all mixed up in his mind.
He would often forget to wear his hearing aids. There were times while listening to me he would just sit there staring bleary-eyed at my mouth, then after finishing speaking he would reply with a guttural “uh-huh.” This was his unique trademark response; it was like his mind was stuck in second gear then it would switch gears and almost get up to speed,then it would zig and then it would zag, and he’d get discombobulated and let out this little “uh-huh”that said he was both cocksure and in doubt. But I had no doubt that he hadn’t heard a word I’d said; then I’d rib him a bit about answering me “mindlessly,” then we’d just have a good laugh. I’d watch him simpering, and the harder I laughed the harder he’d laugh.
There were times when I’d let myself into his house, call his name loudly but he wouldn’t answer, then he’d shoot me a mischievous glance, laugh out loud and fall right to sleep.Looking at his face full of wrinkles and creases as he lay there napping really tickled the funny bone. He looked like an old feline there taking a cat nap, which made me feel like calling out “here kitty kitty kitty,” then tug at his tail or pet his bald head. Suddenly his eyes opened, like he had just come back from some far away land and was totally disoriented.His eyes darted around to every corner of the room then looked me over carefully from head to toe, burst into cackling laughter and fell right back to sleep. Even though it was funny I just couldn’t muster a laugh, I was scared that his eyes would never open again.
More often than not, we would just sit there together in silence.He would stare, at the ceiling, the walls and the flowers, but I didn’t have a clue what he was thinking.Looking at the shadows of old age creeping languidly through the deep crevasses in his face I couldn’t help but think of how his days were numbered, and how small that number was getting.Suddenly my nerves were gripped in a deep panic attack. A person will only ever have one father in this world, I had to spend as much time with him as possible, even if that time was spent without a word between us. Of course,during this quiet time my mind would wonder off, turning to all those experiences, days and people that my father had told me about. All those stories of life and death, of kindness and enmity,of drama and adventure, and of warmth and peace. As I thought, I would grow quietly introspective.When leaving my father’s house,I would feel completely blissful and totally content. At the end of the day, setting my cell phone down and turning my attention to my father was leaving all the hustle and bustle and worldly desires at the door for a time of quiet solitude, with him giving me a chance to sort out the noise of my thoughts and silence my mind, which became a great joy.It wasn’t me keeping my father company, quite the opposite,it was my father keeping me company.
(From Datong Evening News,June 17, 2017. Translation: Chase Coulson)