
丝路艺术 2018年10期

杨本加(西南民族大学,四川 成都 610041)

Abstract:The Tale of the Incomparable Prince has a profound inf l uence on the world’s literature, because it was the fi rst full-lengh novel in Tibetan which is talking about secular’s life aspirations combined with Buddhism.On the loevel of literature, it show a new asthetic style, which used fi gures of speech and rich descriptions of the environment, as well as creative character features.The purpose of this study is to analyze the achievements in literary creation and character features of the novel by focusing on how the new literary creation the author made is developed in Tibetan literature history and extensively used.Because the author’s writings has inf l uenced modern literature and contributed to modern literature in many way, and even the young scholars like his compositions very much, studying this novel is very important.

Key words:Novel; character;ideologie;verse; proverb

2.1 The main character Gzhon nu zla med in The Tale of the Incomparable Prince

In the novel the prince abandoned his parents in order to marry Yid ‘ong ma.He desperately fought the enemy, and fi nally used every means to defeat the enemy to win this love.This point can prove that he opposed the feudal system and hegemony even though he was born into that situation.Also in his personality, we can see if other doesn’t invade, he will not invade others.It can illustrate that he was a pacif i st.In the novel, the prince released a prisoner from Snang ba ‘bum ldan,and it can illustrate that the author incorporated highly humanitarian thought into the character’s actions.Also, we can see that the author wanted a united or peaceful society from Gzhon nu zla med’s action,because this story happened while a coup d’état led to civil war and Tibet was in turmoil.

But from a more negative perspective, Gzhon nu zla med played a weak character at the end of the story, because he promised Yid ‘ong ma many things, sacrif i ced many things for her, and caused people pain from the war.All of those actions were done for his romantic love, but his mind returned to the dharma and duty for people, for family, sense of worth.Also Gzhon nu zla med was cautious and dare not easily believe others especially his lover.Nether Yid ‘ong ma have subsisted on the sorrows to wished for anything other than to be with him, but he seems to be bound in evil doubts about her when they meet during the armistice ceremonies, he desired to test true sentiments of her.So it can illustrate that author’s hesitation between reform and maintaining the statuesque.It was caused by his social status and historical background, and we can analyze that author’s ideologies from character ref l ection.

2.2 Princess Yid ‘ong ma

Yid ‘ong ma is the main female character in the novel, and the author tried to highlight the image of her character.Tshe ring dbang rgyal created her as an elegant, peerlessly beautiful woman.She is innocent yet possesses all the arts of giving pleasure.She is like a nymph among the fl owers of a forest grove.She is the most incredibly beautiful woman in existence:

She is also a brave woman; she can fi ght against the feudal marriage to fi nd her romantic love.She is absorbed by love, but no matter how big the frustration she is still honest and trustworthy.She went into exile and followed after Gzhon nu zla med when he went to the forest.She didn’t complain about that fate despite many setbacks.Her loyalty to love shows the author’s idea of love, and he was in favor of a wife and a husband.Also Yid ‘ong ma is a woman of temperament, opinion and woman dignity.

2.3 Minister Srid pa gzhon nu

Sid pa gzhon nu is the companion of Gzhon nu zla med, and heplays a heroic and sensible role in the novel.He is loyal to leadership and is a sincere partner.In the novel, he plays a positive role.He opposed the feudal ideology; he used his own wisdom and courage to face the enemy,to defeat the enemy.His image is prominently displayed in the novel,and sometimes he has a higher influence on the whole novel than the main character, Gzhon nu zla med.


The novel is designed to entertain and to teach the reader about Buddhism and tell some truths from secular’s life.It has remained one of the most popular works of fi ction in Tibet.This thesis strengthens the people's understanding of The Tale of the Incomparable Prince and helps them to analyze the cultural value of this novel in modern literature.

Therefore, there is a great need to study about the fi gure of speech,especially the dialogues between the characters, traditional proverbs,and the beautiful environment’s descriptions that author write in the different way, those parts show many ideas from author, because he mostly create the character by inner stander.For example, the main character plays an incomparable and wisdom way.Also the proverbs are generally used among the people in daily life and it can express a truth based on common sense or experience, but perishing now.


1.Mdo mkhar zhab sdrung tshe ring dbang rgyalེ་2008.The Tale of the Incomparable Prince,,拉萨市林廓北路20号: 西藏人民出版社

3.Beth Newman.1996.The Tale of the Incomparable Prince,translated with an introduction by Beth Newman , Harper Collines Publishers

4.Mdo mkhar zhabs drung tshe ring dbang rgyal.2002.Mi dbang rtogs brjod,西藏人民出版社


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