页码 篇名 作者 期
1 井筒完整性的定义、功能、应用及进展……………………………………………………………张绍槐 1
9 水平井钻井过程中井底钻压预测及应用……………………………………吴泽兵 郭龙龙 潘玉杰 1
14 基于蒙特卡洛法的井壁稳定可靠度随机变量敏感性分析…胜亚楠 管志川 罗鸣 李文拓 巨然 1
20 杨税务潜山高温油气藏勘探突破的关键井筒技术…………………………………………………张以明 李拥军 崔树清 唐鸿斌 李振选 王东明 1
27 高含硫、大漏、超深水平井钻完井技术——以塔里木油田中古10HC井为例………………………………………………………………邓昌松 张宗谭 冯少波 李兴亭 陈毅 1
33 强抑制水基钻井液在连续管侧钻井中的应用 王晓军 李俊杞 孙云超 鲁政权 蒋立洲 王丽君 1
40 RPN-0085复杂地层高压气井固井技术……刘振通 庄建山 郭文猛 宋元洪 习胜利 和建勇 1
44 深部及复杂地层中PDC钻头综合改进方法…………………王滨 邹德永 李军 杨宏伟 黄涛 1
52 端面密封式旋转阀结构对脉冲压力的影响…………………………………………………魏俊 冯进 1
58 肯基亚克盐下油田小井眼取心技术……………………………………………苏洋 杨立文 刘兴欣 1
63 钻井井下爆炸堵漏技术………………………………………王委 刘亚 许春田 陈小元 邵冬冬 1
147 钻井作业应用井筒完整性标准…………………………………………………………………张绍槐 2
157 东方1-1气田浅层大位移水平井钻井技术………………………田宗强 鹿传世 王成龙 韩成 2
164 哈山101井火成岩地层空气锤钻井技术………………………牛洪波 冯光通 赵洪山 于海叶 2
169 顺北评2H超深小井眼侧钻水平井技术………………李亚南 于占淼 晁文学 孔华 王安广 2
174 功能材料对固井水泥石力学性能的影响……严思明 严圣东 吴亚楠 王绪涛 蔡文睿 张燕 2
179 纳米钻井液提高地层承压能力实验…………………………………任保友 蒲晓林 曹成 马川 2
185 杨税务高温潜山气藏测试射孔联作技术优化……………………………………………………刘述忍 程晓东 赵政嘉 李璐 李金华 陈京原 2
190 膨胀管补贴施工中最大下入深度的确定………黄满良 黄华宁 张飙 袁照永 胡金铜 李民 2
193 压力平衡式尾管悬挂器在川西水平井的应用………………郭朝辉 张瑞 李夯 李振 马兰荣 2
275 完井作业应用井筒完整性标准…………………………………………………………………张绍槐 3
287 周向冲击扭矩作用下PDC钻头的黏滑振动分析…………………李美求 李嘉文 李宁 罗竞波 3
293 渤海油田探井非常规井眼防斜打快组合技术……………………………………………刘宝生 杨进 刘小刚 杨保健 李凡 赵彦琦 杨翔骞 3
297 双套压力体系侧钻井尾管及悬挂器段铣技术…………………………………………………孙振旭 3
301 北部湾盆地勘探井小尺寸隔水导管技术………林四元 郑浩鹏 刘贤玉 徐一龙 代锐 徐超 3
306 MaHW6004井泵送桥塞射孔联作复杂情况处理……许得禄 魏拓 张辞 曾诚 景江 吴殿荣 3
311 聚磺混油钻井液对深层裂缝性致密储层的保护能力评价………………………………………………………朱金智 游利军 张震 康毅力 徐三峰 林冲 3
318 热交变循环次数对水泥石弹性参数的影响……………………………………严攀 李军 柳贡慧 3
405 测试作业之井筒完整性标准……………………………………………………………………张绍槐 4
412 岩石抗钻能力界定新方法——五参数法……李忠慧 方满宗 杨恺 楼一珊 游云武 耿瑞杰 4
417 东海油气田超深大位移气井钻井关键技术………谢中成 付建红 李进 王涛 曹磊 牟哲林 4
425 笼统注水对调整井钻井安全的影响……………………………………………………………霍宏博 4
430 半潜式平台大直径三筒取心技术……………张宝林 闫园园 石利星 李石磊 王雨 王兵爽 4
435 厄瓜多尔TARAPOA区块上部欠压实地层钻井液技术………………… 赵向阳 李宝军 崔贵涛 4
439 顺南5-1井回接双级固井井筒完整性分析…………………………………………………邹传元 李鹏飞 张明辉 代红涛 邹书强 丁玲玲 4
444 海上稠油油藏同井采注热水驱完井设计与应用………………张永涛 张俊斌 张伟国 秦世利 4
448 致密油藏超长水平井固井水泥石力学性能评价…………………………………………………汪杰 4
453 再生老井二次射孔和三次射孔套管强度安全性评价………………………李明飞 徐绯 窦益华 4
460 密闭取心饱和度校正动态模型及影响因素分析…………………………………………涂彬 李杰 4
541 考虑耦合效应的高温高压气井井筒温压分布预测分析…………………石小磊 高德利 王宴滨 5
547 南海西部地区异常高压气井套管防磨技术…………李中 李炎军 张万栋 张超 黄亮 张智 5
553 抑制钻柱黏滑振动和钻头反弹的建模与控制………………………………………张奇志 吴永强 5
559 CQMPD精细控压钻井技术应用与思考………………………………………………………韩烈祥 5
563 空气锤+雾化钻井在低成本开发页岩气中的应用 代锋 文永林 黄贵生 李林 王猛 吴昌军 5
567 南海西部油田常规探井钻井提速配套技术……………韩成 韦龙贵 陈浩东 林四元 许发宾 5
572 定向井坍塌压力上限对钻井安全密度窗口的影响……………………………………………………袁俊亮 周建良 邓金根 吴旭东 王名春 张帆 5
577 聚合物纳米组装微泡沫钻井液体系及其性能评价 …姚金星 万里平 高攀明 刘振东 陈永斌 5
582 微粉加重剂与普通重晶石复配加重油基钻井液性能 …吴若宁 熊汉桥 张光生 苏晓明 朱杰 5
589 一株磺化钻井液降解菌的筛选鉴定及其降解特性……………………………………………………宋淑芬 马立安 胡传炯 张照明 周宏 余维初 5
596 基于RFID技术的井下控制系统在随钻扩眼作业中的应用……………………………………胡亮 5
677 渤海中深层天然气田钻完井关键技术现状及展望…………………………………邓建明 马英文 6
684 钻井辅助决策系统构建及在渤中19-6的工程实践…………………………………………………刘宝生 和鹏飞 杨保健 于忠涛 袁洪水 袁则名 6
690 海上延长测试过程钻井隔水导管力学特性………………………………………………………罗勇 6
695 海上油气井服役过程中隔水导管旋转原因分析…………………………………………………杨进 6
699 控压钻井技术在海上超高温高压井中的应用……黄熠 杨进 施山山 罗鸣 殷启帅 徐东升 6
706 提高渤海中深层机械钻速技术应用…………………………………………………刘小刚 邓建明 6
711 杨武寨牙刷状油藏优快钻井技术……许利辉 胡书宝 蔡军 王秀影 张彬 吴泽舟 王金帅 6
716 绳索取心技术在煤层气DP1井的应用 …孙志和 朱克华 刘超 宁军 孙天宇 邵帅 付君豪 6
720 流固耦合作用下页岩地层液相侵入机理………………李泽 李皋 杨旭 王希勇 刘林 戴成 6
726 抗高温无固相储层保护钻井液体系…………………………………………………马英文 刘小刚 6
730 储气库井弹性自愈合水泥浆体系及其性能评价……………………………………万浩东 杨远光 6
736 基于贝叶斯网络的页岩气井套管变形失效定量风险分析…………………………………………………………………张认认 闫怡飞 王鹏 闫行 闫相祯 6
743 基于不确定性模型的海上钻井投资费用估算方法……………………………宋艺 刘兆年 邱浩 6
749 关停井与报废井的井筒完整性…………………………………………………………………张绍槐 6
84 渤海中深层勘探开发一体化平台位置优选…………霍宏博 李治衡 董平华 林家昱 张羽臣 增刊
87 海上探井一次就位多目标评价模式…………汤柏松 宋瑞 张彬奇 吴义标 谭雨亭 杨林朋 增刊
91 渤中区块井壁稳定机理…………………………胡国金 韩雪银 刘峰 陶林 王兴起 宋晓伟 增刊
94 渤海油田中深部地层井壁稳定对策…………胡成军 陈强 张鹏 宋晓伟 雷志永 刘晓东 增刊
98 隔水管顶张力对水下井口系统稳定性影响……周荣鑫 周波 李磊 王昆剑 王俊翔 杨育铭 增刊
101 深水钻井表层导管喷射下入井口稳定性分析……………………………………………………张建平 庞达 徐佳俊 胡南丁 曹衍国 陈强 增刊
104 赤几深水钻井导管高效下入技术………………蒋凯 李舒展 张亢 宋瑞 赵秋璇 徐东升 增刊
109 渤中19-6构造下部钻具组合动力学特性…………谢涛 邓建明 张磊 袁伟伟 岳明 徐涛 增刊
112 渤海油田丛式井网整体加密钻井防碰技术 …赵少伟 徐东升 王菲菲 罗曼 李振坤 刘杰 增刊
115 渤中凹陷太古界潜山破碎地层取心技术……和鹏飞 李振坤 刘杰 赵秋璇 冯晟 张彬奇 增刊
118 垂直导向工具及高性能马达在渤海中深层钻进提速提效中的应用…………………………………………………………王攀 刘小刚 刘杰 赵立珍 宋瑞 徐鲲 增刊
121 基于神经网络的深层机械钻速预测方法……………………王文 刘小刚 窦蓬 林海 陶林 增刊
125 渤中凹陷19-6构造地层压力随钻精确监测技术……刘阳 邓建明 崔国志 和鹏飞 于忠涛 增刊
129 海上高温高压井套管应力分析…………………………李治衡 刘海龙 王文 张羽臣 张磊 增刊
133 渤中深井套管磨损预测方法…………………………庹海洋 孙连坡 杨保健 刘阳 李庄威 增刊
136 渤中19-6构造潜山花岗片麻岩地层漏失压力分析……韩耀图 马英文 谢涛 岳明 王文 增刊
139 渤海油田大井眼深钻综合钻井液维护技术……董平华 董昆 霍宏博 窦蓬 余涵 胡成军 增刊
143 渤海油田易漏地层固井技术…………………………陈冬毅 耿立军 段冀川 吕广 付常春 增刊
146 渤中19-6尾管固井质量提升措施……………………房恩楼 王晓亮 张利利 刘鹏飞 李进 增刊
150 渤海油田中深层储层射孔参数优化设计………王伟 李进 张启龙 韩耀图 林家昱 刘鹏 增刊
154 渤海油田油套同压井压井方法………………………林家昱 范白涛 孙连坡 霍宏博 李进 增刊
158 海上分层注水井高效打捞技术…………………郝建刚 李琛 华泽君 侯冠中 张恒 张鹏 增刊
161 海上高产气井测试油气处理工艺………………………张兴华 周宝锁 施洋 余涵 王允海 增刊
164 井下短距无线数据传输系统的研发及应用…………………卢中原 范白涛 冯卫华 刘境玄 增刊
167 测试作业电控紧急关断系统设计…………………陈光峰 范白涛 杨歧年 杜连龙 张彬奇 增刊
68 可燃冰研究现状及商业化开采瓶颈………………………………………………………………付亚荣 1
81 多层次模糊评价模型在低煤阶煤层气区块优选中的应用——以澳大利亚东部A区块为例…………………………………………………………………………淮银超 陈西西 邹威 谭玉涵 1
89 延长气田一点法产能评价模型………………………………………乔向阳 李元生 冯婷婷 冯东 1
94 多因素约束条件下高含水油井抽油机宏观工况图版绘制与应用…………………………………………………张瑞超 王增林 王欣辉 陈德春 鲍丙生 李永强 1
102 大规模压裂注水开发一体化技术在特低渗透油藏的应用……………………………………王洪伟 1
107 裂缝型储层酸液滤失可视化研究与应用…………………………………………………………王洋 1
111 稠油油藏气体辅助蒸汽吞吐研究现状及发展方向………潘一 付洪涛 殷代印 杨二龙 韩颖 1
118 淀粉胶体系调剖性能的影响因素……………刘光普 刘述忍 李翔 徐国瑞 杨劲舟 刘丰钢 1
123 充填密实程度对砾石层挡砂效果及稳定性影响实验……………………………………………………董长银 高凯歌 徐鸿志 邓君宇 胡高伟 陈强 1
131 储气库注采参数与管柱临界屈曲载荷分析…………………练章华 徐帅 丁建东 张强 潘众 1
137 储层油水两相动态毛管力测试方法……………………………………………………………谢志勤 1
141 基于层次分析法的CO2驱注采工程安全风险评价………张绍辉 王帅 潘若生 耿笑然 王玲 1
198 俄罗斯可燃冰开发现状及未来发展…………………………………………杨明清 赵佳伊 王倩 2
205 海上油田分层开采压力膨胀式插入密封技术………高永华 陈钦伟 刘华伟 高宁波 于洪旭 2
210 水平井柱塞气举排液技术在长庆气田的应用……………………………………………………韩强辉 黄志龙 杨焕英 惠艳妮 樊莲莲 李丽 2
215 储气库注采管柱静、动力学安全性评价及软件开发……………………………………………………丁建东 练章华 丁熠然 张强 李华彦 刘靓雯 2
222 抽油杆柔性减磨器的研制与应用………………………刘宇飞 张昊 王亚辉 许晶晶 李晓芳 2
228 稠油油藏反九点井网非活塞水驱平面波及系数计算方法 刘翀 范子菲 许安著 薄兵 田洪瑞 2
234 改进叠加原理求解低渗储层关井阶段压力响应………………………………………………………李友全 黄春霞 王佳 于伟杰 韩凤蕊 阎燕 2
240 空气泡沫驱高稳定性起泡剂的合成及性能评价……………………………杨兴利 郭平 何敏侠 2
247 页岩气水平井段内多簇裂缝同步扩展模型建立与应用…………………………………………………………时贤 程远方 常鑫 许洪星 吴百烈 蒋恕 2
253 页岩气井返排规律及控制参数优化…………………………………韩慧芬 王良 贺秋云 杨建 2
261 一种新型季胺盐类压裂液添加剂的抗菌性能……………………………………………………陈福欣 陈苏英 郑超 侯春友 管保山 杨志远 2
324 超深气井油管气密封检测应力分析及防控措施………练章华 牟易升 张强 施太和 罗泽利 3
330 油页岩原位开采数值模拟研究进展……………高诚 苏建政 王益维 孟祥龙 汪友平 张乐 3
336 套破井卡封可洗井分注工艺管柱………………………………………………………………隋春艳 3
341 SAGD井挤液预处理储层扩容效果预测……………………………林伯韬 金衍 陈森 潘竟军 3
348 基于焖井温降模型的蒸汽吞吐井吸汽剖面解析 …孙新 潘勇 彭威 段胜男 芦志伟 游红娟 3
354 致密储层CO2压裂裂缝扩展规律数值模拟……………张健 张国祥 邹雨时 赵文韬 王金意 3
361 致密砂岩储层CO2压裂裂缝扩展实验研究……叶亮 邹雨时 赵倩云 李四海 丁勇 马新星 3
369 低成本致密油层水平井重复压裂新方法——以吐哈油田马56区块为例……………………………………………………………隋阳 刘德基 刘建伟 蒋明 刘建辉 张宁县 3
375 海安凹陷阜二段致密油藏体积压裂技术…………陈挺 邹清腾 卢伟 刘臣 王治华 牛增前 3
381 水平井套管定位球座分段多簇压裂技术………赵振峰 唐梅荣 杜现飞 安杰 马兵 徐创朝 3
386 表面活性剂修饰SiO2纳米颗粒增强油/水界面活性分子动力学模拟………………………李建荣 3
393 支化预交联凝胶颗粒在油藏中的运移与调剖特性………………………………………………………刘义刚 丁名臣 韩玉贵 王业飞 邹剑 赵鹏 3
400 内外源微生物复合吞吐技术在常规稠油低效井中的研究与应用……………………………………………………………宋永亭 李彩风 曹嫣镔 孙刚正 吴晓玲 3
468 长6致密砂岩油藏储层孔隙结构特征及孔缝组合模式………………………………………………………………张洪 张新春 杨兴利 张建成 李相方 4
477 致密凝析有水气藏断层特征及其对开发效果的影响——以安岳气田须二气藏为例………………………………………………………………………………………罗炫 杨通水 杨曦 4
483 缝洞型油藏不同控因剩余油分布及开发对策………………………………汤妍冰 巫波 周洪涛 4
489 注N2井井筒温度压力耦合下的井底流压计算…………………金永进 林伯韬 王如燕 金衍 4
494 鄂尔多斯盆地致密油应力循环压裂技术………李川 张翔 杜现飞 唐梅荣 王广涛 李昌恒 4
499 大庆油田套损井大规模压裂工艺及配套工具……刘昕 祝绍功 李博睿 王静 于喆 张宏岩 4
503 一种基于返排水的新型滑溜水压裂液体系 …周东魁 李宪文 肖勇军 郭兴午 丁飞 余维初 4
509 压裂作业效果多元线性回归模型及措施技术经济界限……………………梁甲波 卢岩 姚佳杉 4
515 早期注聚油藏残余油类型及影响因素实验…………李金宜 马奎前 朱文森 信召玲 李彦来 4
522 功率法抽油机井平衡分析仪的设计与应用 …李一凡 寿韬 谢玉海 陈伟兰 夏志学 董传文 4
526 干热岩勘探开发现状及前景………付亚荣 李明磊 王树义 郭青群 郭利 王桂林 王秀彦 4
601 采油作业应用井筒完整性标准…………………………………………………………………张绍槐 5
614 三塘湖盆地马中致密油藏注水吞吐探索与实践…………………………………………………陶登海 詹雪函 高敬文 郑翔频 任丽双 周洪涛 5
620 射孔工况下多喷嘴水力喷射工具冲蚀研究 …崔璐 黄少璞 康文泉 窦益华 王治国 冉亚楠 5
626 疏松砂岩油藏压裂裂缝延伸规律数值模拟…………范白涛 邓金根 林海 吴锐 刘伟 谭强 5
633 绒囊暂堵转向压裂裂缝转向能力及其力学机理分析 …薛亚斐 温哲豪 沈云波 王乐 梁凌云 5
641 水溶性无机盐颗粒转向酸的制备与应用……………………王艺之 柯强 陈清 杨旭 李景卫 5
647 轻质溶剂辅助蒸汽驱蒸汽腔扩展特征……………黄世军 陈肖 刘昊 刘会胜 杨李杰 夏赟 5
654 复杂断块油藏高含水期化学剂强化CO2复合驱提高采收率技术……………………………蒋永平 5
659 延长油田典型“三低”油藏空气泡沫驱试验与认识…………………………………………………尚庆华 杨永超 陈龙龙 童长兵 张新春 齐春民 5
665 无阻型高效洗井防污管柱的应用与评价………阚长宾 杨进 于晓聪 方新强 乔宏石 苏建 5
671 俄罗斯地下储气库现状及未来发展………………………………杨明清 吴佼翰 卞玮 李勇剑 5
764 渤中19-6构造复杂储层流体评价及产能预测 …谭忠健 胡云 张国强 李鸿儒 刘坤 杨保健 6
775 基于BWRS状态方程的天然气偏差因子计算方法…………………………………张立侠 郭春秋 6
782 海上射流泵井井筒温度场模型……………………………薛建泉 黄宇轩 王通 赵建 虞欣睿 6
787 确定压裂裂缝部分闭合的现代产量递减分析方法及应用…………………………………………严谨 程时清 郑荣臣 王树平 史文洋 张郁哲 李鼎一 6
794 克拉玛依风城油田稠油低温氧化过程……徐世贵 刘月娥 邬国栋 高连真 付静静 徐向红 6
800 稠油油田空气辅助蒸汽驱现场试验………………刘涛 刘影 郭玲玲 郎成山 蔡玉川 胡绍彬 6
805 宽分子量聚合物/表面活性剂复合驱油体系性能评价………………………………苑光宇 罗焕 6
811 疏松砂岩油藏水平井防砂筛管优选和防砂精度优化………………………………………………………张俊斌 张庆华 张译 魏裕森 楼一珊 高斐 6
818 在渤海湾多层薄互层稠油油藏防砂实践分析………………………王彬 许红林 文敏 范志利 6
823 海上高含蜡油田井筒清蜡周期预测图版建立及应用………………………………………………………方涛 刘义刚 白健华 陈华兴 赵顺超 庞铭 6
829 海上油田毛细管测压电泵井产量在线计量方法与应用…………………………………………………………李勇 龚俊 陈亮 刘均荣 李博宇 罗明良 6
265 水力压力波动注入压裂增产工艺的力学原理………………………………………仝少凯 高德利 2
1 渤中凹陷东南斜坡带大型湖底扇沉积特征及勘探潜力………李俊伟 牛成民 官大勇 岳军培 增刊
4 渤海海域凹陷区油气控藏规律与勘探实践 ——以渤中西洼为例…………………………………………………李龙 薛永安 张新涛 王国强 魏国财 徐春强 增刊
9 渤中西南环中深层油气相态特征及其控制因素……施和生 牛成民 胡安文 李慧勇 于海波 增刊
14 渤中凹陷西次洼断层空间分布的多重分形特征…………赵家琳 李瑾 张震 杨传超 张笑桀 增刊
17 渤中凹陷西南环潜山复杂带断层识别…………………左中航 姜利群 蔡纪琰 吴俊刚 高磊 增刊
20 极值振幅和烃检技术在渤海油气勘探中的应用……………………………………………………乔柱 韩自军 孔栓栓 张德龙 郭轩 史春燕 增刊
24 渤中8-A构造火山岩岩相识别及有利储层预测………张藜 徐长贵 王国强 刘艺萌 郭瑞 增刊
28 辽西南洼油气运聚模拟及有利区带预测…………………赵婷婷 牛成民 刘丰 陈保柱 姚佳 增刊
32 Fisher判别分析法在渤中凹陷储层流体解释评价中的应用 …马金鑫 牛成民 姬建飞 袁胜斌 增刊
36 渤海油田复杂砂砾岩储层油气层识别技术………………………李战奎 徐长贵 戴珩 马福罡 增刊
41 渤中构造复杂砂砾岩储层油气藏流体类型识别…………………李鸿儒 胡云 张志虎 胡天玮 增刊
44 基于气测烃组分的储层流体相快速识别评价方法——以渤中19-6构造为例………………………………………………………………胡云 刘宝生 汪芯 刘娟霞 胡天玮 增刊
48 一种适用于不同油质类型的储层流体识别新方法………郭明宇 杨保健 王道伟 刘坤 李瑶 增刊
51 地化录井技术在渤中凹陷东南缘油气勘探中的应用……………………周园园 薛永安 刘丹丹 增刊
55 太古界潜山界面卡取方法及应用………………………………赵彦泽 李战奎 苑仁国 王洪昊 增刊
58 潜山裂缝性储层评价方法…………………………………………刘坤 马英文 张志虎 李鸿儒 增刊
62 渤海潜山复杂岩性储层岩性综合识别技术………………………朱佳音 谭忠健 张国强 李东 增刊
66 渤中凹陷西南部大型变质岩潜山裂缝特征及预测方法…牛成民 王昕 叶涛 李慧勇 于海波 增刊
70 基于多资料的砂砾岩储层有效性精细评价………………张欣 尚锁贵 张国强 李东 吴俊刚 增刊
73 高矿化度钻井液对核磁共振测井的影响及对策…………………穆贵鹏 刘宝生 任宏 刘如明 增刊
77 核磁共振测井对电成像测井的影响………………………许吉俊 王昕 岳明亮 李东 王健 增刊
80 潜山花岗岩裂缝储层测井取样创新与实践……………………张国强 谭忠健 信召玲 苏鹤成 增刊
1 Definition, function, application and progress of wellbore integrity……………………………ZHANG Shaohuai, et al 1
9 Bottom hole WOB prediction in the process of horizontal well drilling and its application……………WU Zebing, et al 1
14 Sensitivity analysis on the random variables of borehole stability reliability based on Monte-Carlo method………………………………………………………………………………………………………SHENG Ya’nan, et al 1
20 Key wellbore technologies for the exploration breakthrough of high-temperature oil and gas reservoirs in Yangshuiwu buried hill…………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Yiming, et al 1
27 Drilling and completion technologies suitable for ultradeep horizontal wells of high sulfur content and serious circulation loss: a case study on Well 10HC of Middle Paleozoic in Tarim Oilfield……………DENG Changsong, et al 1
33 Application of strong-inhibition water based drilling fluid to side tracking of coiled tubing………WANG Xiaojun, et al 1
40 A cementing technology for Gas Well RPN-0085 of high pressure in complex strata………………LIU Zhentong, et al 1
44 A comprehensive method to improve the performance of PDC bits in deep and complex formations …WANG Bin, et al 1
52 The effect of the structure of end-face sealed rotary valve on pulse pressure……………………………WEI Jun, et al 1
58 Slim hole coring technology in Kenkyak sub-salt oilfield…………………………………………………SU Yang, et al 1
63 Downhole explosive plugging technology………………………………………………………………WANG Wei, et al 1
147 Standard on wellbore integrity in drilling operation……………………………………………ZHANG Shaohuai, et al 2
157 The extended reach horizontal well drilling technology suitable for shallow layers in Dongfang 1-1 Gasfield……………………………………………………………………………………………………TIAN Zongqiang, et al 2
164 Application of air hammer drilling technology in the igneous strata of Well Hashan 101……………NIU Hongbo, et al 2
169 Ultra-deep slim horizontal well sidetracking technology applied in Well Shunbeiping 2H………………LI Ya’nan, et al 2
174 Effect of functional materials on mechanical properties of hardened cement paste……………………YAN Siming, et al 2
179 Experimental study on improving the formation pressure-bearing capacity by using nano-drilling Fluid…………………………………………………………………………………………………………REN Baoyou, et al 2
185 Optimization of test and perforation combination technology in Yangshuiwu high-temperature buried hill gas reservoir…………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Shuren, et al 2
190 Determination of the maximum setting depth during the construction of expandable tabular patching…………………………………………………………………………………………………HUANG Manliang, et al 2
193 Application of pressure-balancing liner hanger in horizontal wells in western Sichuan Basin……GUO Zhaohui, et al 2
275 The wellbore integrity standard applied in completion operation……………………………ZHANG Shaohuai, et al 3
287 Analysis on the stick-slip vibration of PDC bit under the effect of circumferential torque impact………LI Meiqiu, et al 3
293 Combination technology of deviation prevention and quick drilling for exploratory wells in Bohai Oilfield………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Baosheng, et al 3
297 Section milling technology of liners and hangers of sidetracking wells under double-sets pressure system…………………………………………………………………………………………………………SUN Zhenxu, et al 3
301 Small-size rise technology and its application in exploration wells in the Beibuwan Basin…………LIN Siyuan, et al 3
306 Complex case processing of pumping bridge plug and clustering perforation for the well MaHW6004……XU Delu, et al 3
311 The protective ability evaluation of polysulfonate mixed drilling fluid for deep fractured tight reservoirs…………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHU Jinzhi, et al 3
318 Effects of thermal alternating cycle number on the elastic parameters of set cement……………………YAN Pan, et al 3
405 Well integrity criteria for testing operations……………………………………………………ZHANG Shaohuai, et al 4
412 A new method for defining the rock drilling resistance: five-parameter method………………………LI Zhonghui, et al 4
417 Key drilling technologies for the ultradeep extended reach well in East China Sea Oil and Gas Field……………………………………………………………………………………………………XIE Zhongcheng, et al 4
425 Effect of commingled water injection on the drilling safety of adjustment well……………………HUO Hongbo, et al 4
430 large-diameter three-barrel coring technology on semi-submersible platforms……………………ZHANG Baolin, et al 4
435 Drilling fluid technology for top undercompacted formation in Tarapoa Block of Ecuador……ZHAO Xiangyang, et al 4
439 Analysis on the well integrity of Well Shunnan 5-1 after tie back double-stage cementing……ZOU Chuanyuan, et al 4
444 Design and application of completion string for hot water injection and production in the same well in offshore heavy oil reservoirs………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Yongtao, et al 4
448 Evaluation on the mechanical property of set cement of super long horizontal wells in tight oil reservoirs……………………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Jie, et al 4
453 Safety evaluation on the casing strength of reactivated old wells after secondary and tertiary perforation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Mingfei, et al 4
460 A dynamic model for correcting sealing core saturation and its influencing factors………………………TU Bin, et al 4
541 Predictive analysis on borehole temperature and pressure of HTHP gas wells considering coupling effect…………………………………………………………………………………………………………SHI Xiaolei, et al 5
547 An integrated wear prevention technology for caning of the abnormal-pressure gas well in the western South China Sea……………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Zhong, et al 5
553 Modeling and control of restraining stick slip vibration of drill strings and bounce of drill bits……ZHANG Qizhi, et al 5
559 Application and thinking of CQMPD fine pressure controlling drilling technology………………HAN Liexiang, et al 5
563 Application of air hammer plus mist drilling in low cost development of shale gas……………………DAI Feng, et al 5
567 ROP enhancing technologies applied in conventional exploration wells in western South China Sea oilfield…………………………………………………………………………………………………………HAN Cheng, et al 5
572 Influence of upper limit of directional well collapse pressure on safe drilling density window …YUAN Junliang, et al 5
577 Polymer nano-assembled micro-foam drilling fluid system and its performance evaluation…………YAO Jinxing, et al 5
582 Properties of oil-based drilling fluid weighted by the combination of micronized weighting agent and common barite…………………………………………………………………………………………………………WU Ruoning, et al 5
589 Screening, evaluation and degradation property of the degrading bacteria suitable for sulphonated drilling fluid………………………………………………………………………………………………………SONG Shufen, et al 5
596 Application of downhole control system based on RFID technology in the reaming while drilling……HU Liang, et al 5
677 Status and prospect of key drilling and completion technologies used in middle-deep natural gas fields of the Bohai Sea……………………………………………………………………………………………………DENG Jianming, et al 6
684 Construction of assistant decision-making system for well drilling and its engineering practice in BZ19-6 Block………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Baosheng, et al 6
690 Mechanical characteristics of drilling riser in the process of offshore extended well testing…………LUO Yong, et al 6
695 Cause analysis on the rotation of riser during the operation of offshore oil and gas wells………………YANG Jin, et al 6
699 Applications of MPD technology in offshore ultra-HTHP wells………………………………………HUANG Yi, et al 6
706 Application of ROP improvement technology in middle and deep strata of the Bohai Sea…………LIU Xiaogang, et al 6
711 Optimal and fast drilling technologies applied in the toothbrush-like oil reservoirs in Yangwuzhai structural zone……………………………………………………………………………………………………………XU Lihui, et al 6
716 Application of wireline coring technology in coalbed methane well DP1……………………………SUN Zhihe, et al 6
720 Study on the invasion mechanism of liquid phase into shale formation under the effect of fluid-solid coupling…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Ze, et al 6
726 A high-temperature & solid-free drilling fluid system with the property of reservoir protection…………………………………………………………………………………………………………MA Yingwen, et al 6
730 Elastic self-healing slurry system used for gas storage wells and its property evaluation………WANG Haodong, et al 6
736 Quantitative risk analysis on the deformation failure of casing in shale gas wells based on Bayes network……………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Renren, et al 6
743 An estimation method based on uncertainty model for offshore drilling investment……………………SONG Yi, et al 6
749 Well integrity of shut-in well & abandonment well……………………………………………ZHANG Shaohuai, et al 6
84 The platform location optimization technology for the exploration-development integration of middle and deep reservoirs in the Bohai Sea…………………………………………………………………………HUO Hongbo, et al S0
87 Multi-objective evaluation model of 1-N positioning for offshore exploration wells……………TANG Baisong, et al S0
91 The mechanism of borehole stability in Bozhong Block………………………………………………HU Guojin, et al S0
94 Countermeasures for the borehole stability in middle and deep strata of Bohai Oilfield……………HU Chengjun, et al S0
98 Influence of the top tension of riser on the stability of subsea wellhead system…………………ZHOU Rongxin, et al S0
101 Wellhead stability analysis of surface casing running for deepwater drilling…………………ZHANG Jianping, et al S0
104 High efficiency downloading technology for deepwater drilling conductor in the Equatorial Guinea…………………………………………………………………………………………………………JIANG Kai, et al S0
109 Dynamic characteristics of bottom hole assembly in Bozhong 19-6 structure……………………………XIE Tao, et al S0
112 Integral infilling and drilling anti-collision technology of cluster well pattern in Bohai Oilfield……………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Shaowei, et al S0
115 Coring technology of the Archean buried-hill fractured strata in Bozhong sag………………………HE Pengfei, et al S0
118 Application of vertical-guide BHA and high-performance motor to the ROP and efficiency improvement in middle and deep strata of the Bohai Oilfield…………………………………………………………WANG Pan, et al S0
121 A ROP prediction method based on neutral network for the deep layers……………………………WANG Wen, et al S0
125 Precise detection technology of formation pressure while drilling in BZ19-6 structure of Bozhong sag…………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Yang, et al S0
129 Analysis on the casing stress of offshore HTHP wells…………………………………………………LI Zhiheng, et al S0
133 Casing wear prediction for the Bozhong deep wells……………………………………………TUO Haiyang, et al S0
136 Analysis on leakage pressure of buried-hill granite gneiss in BZ19-6 structure………………………HAN Yaotu, et al S0
139 A comprehensive drilling fluid maintenance technology used for large-hole deep drilling in the Bohai Oilfield……………………………………………………………………………………………………DONG Pinghua, et al S0
143 Cementing technology for leaky formation in the Bohai Oilfield………………………………CHEN Dongyi, et al S0
146 Technologies to improve the quality of liner cementing in BZ19-6 Block…………………………FANG Enlou, et al S0
150 Optimal design on the perforation parameters of medium and deep reservoirs in Bohai Oilfield……WANG Wei, et al S0
154 A well killing method for the wells with same pressure of tubing and casing in Bohai Oilfield………LIN Jiayu, et al S0
158 Efficient fishing technology for offshore layered water injection wells…………………………HAO Jiangang, et al S0
161 Oil and gas processing technology for offshore high production gas well testing……………ZHANG Xinghua, et al S0
164 Development and application of downhole short distance wireless data transmission system …LU Zhongyuan, et al S0
167 Design of electronically controlled emergency shutdown system for well test operation……CHEN Guangfeng, et al S0
68 Research status of combustible ice and the bottleneck of its commercial exploitation…………………FU Yarong, et al 1
81 Application of multi-level fuzzy evaluation model to the selection of favorable block for low rank CBM: a case study on Block A in eastern Australia…………………………………………………………………HUAI Yinchao, et al 1
89 Productivity evaluation model based on single point method used for Yanchang Gasfield………QIAO Xiangyang, et al 1
94 Preparation and application of macroscopic behavior chart of pumping unit in high-water-cut oil wells under the constraint of multiple factors………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Ruichao, et al 1
102 Application of integrated large-scale fracturing and water flooding development technology in extra low permeability oil reservoirs………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Hongwei, et al 1
107 Research on the visualization of acidizing fluid filtration in fractured reservoirs and its application………WANG Yang, et al 1
111 Research status and development direction of gas assisted cyclic steam stimulation in heavy oil reservoirs………………………………………………………………………………………………………………PAN Yi, et al 1
118 Factors influencing the profile control performance of starch gel…………………………………LIU Guangpu, et al 1
123 Experimental study on the influence of filling density on the sand blocking effect and stability of gravel……………………………………………………………………………………………………DONG Changyin, et al 1
131 Analysis on the injection and production parameters of underground gas storage and the critical buckling load of pipe string………………………………………………………………………………………LIAN Zhanghua, et al 1
137 A test method for oil-water two-phase dynamic capillary force of reservoir…………………………XIE Zhiqin, et al 1
141 Evaluation on the safety risk in the injection and production engineering of CO2flooding based on analytical hierarchy process…………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Shaohui, et al 1
198 The development status and prospect of combustible ice in Russia………………………………YANG Mingqing, et al 2
205 Pressure expansion insert seal technology for separate zone production in offshore oilfield………GAO Yonghua, et al 2
210 Application of horizontal well plunger gas-lift drainage technology in Changqing Gasfield………HAN Qianghui, et al 2
215 Statics/dynamics safety evaluation on UGS injection/production string and its software development……………………………………………………………………………………………………DING Jiandong, et al 2
222 Development and application of flexible sucker rod anti-attrition unit…………………………………LIU Yufei, et al 2
228 A calculation method for the areal sweep efficiency of heavy oil reservoirs by non-piston like waterflood in inverted nine-spot pattern………………………………………………………………………………LIU Chong, et al 2
234 Pressure responses in shut-in period by modified pressure superposition principle for low permeability reservoirs…………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Youquan, et al 2
240 Synthesis and performance evaluation of high stability foaming agent for air foam flooding…………YANG Xingli, et al 2
247 Establishment and application of the model for the synchronous propagation of multi-cluster fractures in the horizontal section of shale-gas horizontal well………………………………………………………SHI Xian, et al 2
253 Flowback laws and control parameter optimization of shale gas wells………………………………HAN Huifen, et al 2
261 The antibacterial performance of a new type of fracturing fluid additive of quaternary amine salt …CHEN Fuxin, et al 2
324 Analysis and control measures on the air tightness detecting pressure of tubing in ultra-deep gas wells……………………………………………………………………………………………………LIAN Zhanghua, et al 3
330 Research progress of numerical simulation on oil shale in-situ production……………………………GAO Cheng, et al 3
336 Separate injection pipe string with the ability of well-flushing and pack setting for casing damaged wells………………………………………………………………………………………………………SUI Chunyan, et al 3
341 Prediction on the reservoir dilatation results by squeeze preprocessing in SAGD wells…………………LIN Botao, et al 3
348 Analysis on the steam absorption profile of steam huff and puff well based on soaking temperature drop model……………………………………………………………………………………………………………SUN Xin, et al 3
354 Numerical simulation on the fracture propagation laws of CO2fracturing in tight reservoirs………ZHANG Jian, et al 3
361 Experiment research on the CO2fracturing fracture propagation laws of tight sandstone………………YE Liang, et al 3
369 A new low-cost refracturing method of horizontal well suitable for tight oil reservoirs: A case study on Ma 56 Block in Tuha Oilfield……………………………………………………………………………………SUI Yang, et al 3
375 Volumetric fracturing technology for the tight oil reservoir in Fu 2 formation of the Haian sag………CHEN Ting, et al 3
381 Multi-cluster staged fracturing technology of horizontal well with casing ball seat……………ZHAO Zhenfeng, et al 3
386 Molecular dynamics simulation for oil/water interfacial activity enhancement of surfactant modified SiO2nano-particles…………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Jianrong, et al 3
393 Migration and profile control properties of B-PPG in oil reservoirs…………………………………LIU Yigang, et al 3
400 Research and application of indigenous and exogenous microbial compound huff & puff technique in conventional heavy oil low-efficiency wells……………………………………………………………………SONG Yongting, et al 3
468 Pore structural characteristics and pore-fracture combination modes of reservoirs in Chang 6 tight sandstone oil reservoirs…………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Hong, et al 4
477 Fault characteristics of water-bearing tight condensate gas reservoirs and their effects on development effectiveness:a case study on the Xu 2 gas reservoir in Anyue Gasfield……………………………………………LUO Xuan, et al 4
483 Distribution and development strategies of remaining oil controlled by different factors in fractured-vuggy oil reservoirs………………………………………………………………………………………………………TANG Yanbing, et al 4
489 A calculation model for the bottom hole flowing pressure of nitrogen injector with coupled well temperature and pressure……………………………………………………………………………………………JIN Yongjin, et al 4
494 Stress-cycle fracturing technology suitable for tight oil reservoirs in the Ordos Basin…………………LI Chuan, et al 4
499 Large-scale fracturing technology suitable for casing damaged wells in Daqing Oilfield and its supporting tools……………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Xin, et al 4
503 A new type of slick water fracturing fluid system based on back drainage………………………ZHOU Dongkui, et al 4
509 Multivariate linear regression model for evaluating fracturing effects and technical and economic limits of fracturing stimulation………………………………………………………………………………LIANG Jiabo, et al 4
515 Experimental study on the types and influential factors of residual oil in oil reservoirs after early polymer flooding………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Jinyi, et al 4
522 Design and application of power method oil well balance analyzer………………………………………LI Yifan, et al 4
526 Present situation and prospect of hot dry rock exploration and development…………………………FU Yarong, et al 4
601 The standard of well integrity in production operation………………………………………ZHANG Shaohuai, et al 5
614 Study and practice of cyclic water injection in Mazhong tight oil reservoir in the Santanghu Basin……TAO Denghai, et al 5
620 Study on erosion of multi-nozzle hydraulic jet tools under perforation condition…………………………CUI Lu, et al 5
626 Numerical simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation characteristics in weakly consolidated sandstone reservoir…………………………………………………………………………………………………………FAN Baitao, et al 5
633 Analysis on the fracture diverting capacity and mechanical mechanisms of fuzzy-ball temporary plugging,diverting and fracturing technology………………………………………………………………………XUE Yafei, et al 5
641 Preparation and application of the diverting acid of water soluble inorganic salt particle……………WANG Yizhi, et al 5
647 The extension characteristics of steam chamber during light solvent assisted steam flooding …HUANG Shijun, et al 5
654 Enhanced oil recovery technology of chemicals & carbon-dioxide combined flooding in high water cut stage of complex fault block reservoir……………………………………………………………………JIANG Yongping, et al 5
659 Experimental study and cognition on air foam flooding in the typical “three-low” oil reservoirs in Yanchang Oilfield……………………………………………………………………………………………………SHANG Qinghua, et al 5
665 Application and evaluation of unimpeded anti-fouling efficient flushing string……………………KAN Changbin, et al 5
671 Present situation and future development of underground gas storage reservoirs in Russia……YANG Mingqing, et al 5
764 Fluid evaluation and productivity prediction on complex reservoirs in Bozhong 19-6 structure …TAN Zhongjian, et al 6
775 A calculation method for Z-factor of natural gas based on BWRS equation………………………ZHANG Lixia, et al 6
782 A borehole temperature field model for offshore wells equipped with jet pump……………………XUE Jianquan, et al 6
787 Development and application of the modern production decline analysis method in consideration of partial closure of hydraulic fracture………………………………………………………………………………YAN Jin, et al 6
794 Low temperature oxidation process of heavy oil in Fengcheng Oilfield, Karamay………………………XU Shigui, et al 6
800 Field test on air-assisted steam flooding of heavy oil field………………………………………………LIU Tao, et al 6
805 Evaluation on the properties of broad-molecular-weight polymer/surfactant flooding system …YUAN Guangyu, et al 6
811 Selection and sand control precision optimization of sand control screen for horizontal wells in unconsolidated sandstone oil reservoirs……………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Junbin, et al 6
818 Analysis on the practical sand control of heavy oil reservoirs with multiple thin interbeds in the Bohai Bay Oilfield…………………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Bin, et al 6
823 Establishment and application of paraffin removal cycle prediction chart in offshore highly waxy oil fields……………………………………………………………………………………………………………FANG Tao, et al 6
829 Application of on-line production metering method for electric pump wells with capillary piezometry in offshore oilfields…………………………………………………………………………………………LI Yong, et al 6
265 Mechanical principles of hydraulic pressure fluctuation injection based on fracturing technology………………………………………………………………………………………………………TONG Shaokai, et al 2
1 Sedimentary characteristics and exploration potential of large-scale sublacustrine fan in the southeast slope belt of Bozhong Sag……………………………………………………………………………………………LI Junwei, et al S0
4 Hydrocarbon accumulation law and exploration practice in the sag areas of Bohai Sea: a case study on west subsag of Bozhong Sag………………………………………………………………………………………LI Long, et al S0
9 Phase characteristic of middle and deep hydrocarbon in the southwest zone of Bozhong sag and its controlling factors…………………………………………………………………………………………………………SHI Hesheng, et al S0
14 Multifractal characteristics of spatial distribution of the faults in west subsag of Bozhong Sag…………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Jialin, et al S0
17 A new fault identification method for complex zones around the buried hill in Southwestern Bozhong Sag………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZUO Zhonghang,et al S0
20 Application of extremal amplitude and hydrocarbon detection technique to the oil and gas exploration in the Bohai Sea……………………………………………………………………………………………………………QIAO Zhu, et al S0
24 Lithofacies identification and favorable reservoir prediction of volcanic rocks in BZ8-A structure……ZHANG Li, et al S0
28 The simulation of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation and the prediction of favorable zone in south subsag of Liaoxi Sag………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Tingting, et al S0
32 Application of Fisher discriminant analysis method in identification of reservoir fluids in Bozhong sag……………………………………………………………………………………………………………MA Jinxin, et al S0
36 Identification of oil and gas reservoirs in complex conglomerate reservoirs in Bohai Oilfield…………LI Zhankui, et al S0
41 Reservoir fluid type identification in the complex glutenite reservoir in BZ structure…………………LI Hongru, et al S0
44 Rapid identification and evaluation method of fluid phase in reservoir based on hydrocarbon component by gas logging-case study of Bozhong 19-6 structure……………………………………………………………HU Yun, et al S0
48 A new method for reservoir fluid type identification for different oil types…………………………GUO Mingyu, et al S0
51 Application of geochemical logging technology in oil and gas exploration in the southeastern margin of Bozhong sag……………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Yuanyuan, et al S0
55 Method and application of Archaean buried hill interface identification……………………………ZHAO Yanze, et al S0
58 Evaluation method for fractured reservoir in buried hill…………………………………………………LIU Kun, et al S0
62 A comprehensive lithology identification technology for the buried-hill reservoirs with complex lithology in the Bohai Sea…………………………………………………………………………………………ZHU Jiayin, et al S0
66 Characteristics and prediction of fractures in large-scale metamorphic buried hills in southwestern Bozhong sag………………………………………………………………………………………………………NIU Chengmin, et al S0
70 Fine evaluation on the effectiveness of glutenite reservoirs based on diverse data…………………ZHANG Xin, et al S0
73 Effect of high-salinity drilling fluids on nuclear magnetic resonance logging and its countermeasures…………………………………………………………………………………………………………MU Guipeng, et al S0
77 Influence of nuclear magnetic resonance logging on electrical imaging logging…………………………XU Jijun, et al S0
80 Innovation and practice of logging sampling in buried-hill fractured ganite reservoirs…………ZHANG Guoqiang, et al S0